1.62d patch notes...


Sharp Thing

Originally posted by krait
Very interesting patch for quite a few classes...


the archer changes suck tbh, and 50mana here i come :D

Tafaya Anathas

At least they are trying to do something about archers, that is a good thing. And it is look like they are starting to trust in TLs and players too.


Gifv respec! I want 50 Longbow. ;)

Pleased that they are at last looking at archers, still no mention of reducing miss/fumble rates though.


Nearsight immunity, woot.

Charm anything for mentalists, woot.

Mentalism line still crap, not woot. :(

Sharp Thing

Originally posted by Tafaya Anathas
At least they are trying to do something about archers, that is a good thing. And it is look like they are starting to trust in TLs and players too.
yeah, they are trying, doesnt mean its good. they give no info on the reuse of the piercing shot and it doesnt penetrate the bt of the one who casted it (99% of the archers targets ;>). the agro reducing on crit shot is a joke really and this rapid fire seems very dodgy


rapidfire sounds mean :)

and yay they fixed the bladeturn thing.

/em ponders cold DD for zerkers :) nasty


It's a start for Archers although see hidden/misses are still the main points that need to be looked at.

<ponders about dodger4 and rapidfire lev50 LB>



Rather dissapointing imo. Archer fixes arent particularly impressive who cares about aggro gained when pulling with a crit shot in pve. A nd the full LA nerf has gone ahead except for the rear style LA chain (berserkers only) SB's still get the full LA dmg nerf from this chain.

Rapid fire sounds unusual, never seen any requests for this sort of feature from the community, the result might be an effectual nerf depending on how its implemented. Currently we hit the bow icon twice to load and release when its ready. It sounds like with rapid fire we hit the bow icon once and then wait till its either rdy to fire or we choose to shoot. resulting in either an often reduced damage when we shoot to soon, or a longer draw time when we react to slow to the 'ready to fire' message.

The ability to penetrate blade turns sounds nice, and actually might make volley worthwhile now just to be a keep defence RP farmer.

Couldnt be bothered reading all the caster boosts to albs and hibs as I'm sure they are :p


Originally posted by thorungla

The ability to penetrate blade turns sounds nice, and actually might make volley worthwhile now just to be a keep defence RP farmer.

Did'nt notice that the first time.........volley will always penetrate Bt....shame the miss rates are still too high ,but definitely worth looking at now.


My guess would be that pierce bladeturn ability would be passive if you have high enough bow skill, and will always pierce the bladeturn for level 50 bow, will always pierce it but do less damaging hit at 40, and same again but with less damage again for 35 bow skill.

Unless rapidfire 2 makes you use up a LOT less end, it will be rather hard to use, although i must say it would be interesting to fire 10 bow shots in 2 seconds, perhaps even possible to use your bow in melee combat? (10 bow shots for 50 damage each over 1-2 seconds is a good damage, and would replace the need for high melee spec, AND would help the solo archer stand a chance against see hidden assassins, although if it doesnt, then more changes are needed)

and GIFV RESPEC, ffs, who ever thought of this and not giving a respec is a total dumbass, although they probably just forgot as usual.


dont think a pet speedbuff is going to make many cabalists respec to spirit :eek:

Nearsight changes are sensible, and long-needed.


they really should fix LA haste, rework how quickness affect dmg/spd and THEN see how LA performs.


Forgot, IF it works, rapid fire crit shots, it could be great in some situations. 400 dmg crit every 1-1.5 seconds. damn wed be as good as casters (stops dreaming)


There will be no respec.

There has been a lot of discussion and debate here over the respec issue. As we suspected when we initially implemented the whole concept of respec, the line between a major change to a class and a minor one was very blurry, and often depended on where you stood. So we've made a change to our policy, and hopefully made it one where there was less gray area.

If a specialization line is weaker than it should be, and we tune it up/add spells or styles, there will be no "free" respec granted. If a specialization line is stronger than it should be, and we tune it down/remove anything, we will assign "free" respecs.

This is different than what was said before. I apologize for past inconsistency, and hope that this new policy leaves less room for doubt and confusion. Feedback requesting more alternate means of getting respec stones in game has been passed on, just FYI

It's a boost so no respec.


Well, everyone knows how bad archers are, and they need a major change, so if this is the only change mythic are going to make, and they look upon it as a minor change, then they are just prooving that they have not fixed archers problems.


Surely they owe us a respec from when we got <cough> toned down then. ;)


thats it? changes so archers have more fun? lmao?

scouts=still very weak melee, slam still no to hit bonus (not saying tanks should have tohit bonus on slam)

see hidden issue

miss and fumble issue

penetrating arrow, ye right, will still miss first arrow always against a caster, and what will the timer be on this "fun" skill?
specc 50 LB for last PA, uhm so u want ous to gimp our allready gimpy melee even more? giving up stealth wont help ous get into grps easier...

lmao at rapid fire, lets say u do 300-400 with the best/slowest bow in daily rvr. now instead of that skill we can just switch to fastest bow and do around 250+ dmg, and it will still do better dmg then lets say 50% RF. i dont get it.. they made a button for ous so we dont need to switch bow and do more dmg then we will with this skill?

longshot still useless

volley seems good, penetrates all bt, tobad its aoe and on a timer, so pretty much still uselss in daily rvr. very good in keep def/take, still thats a very small part of RvR.

hunters did get real lovin, what about rangers and scouts? now, im not saying that hunters are fine, cause they are not. they dont even mention our major problems. see hidden/fumblerates/missrates. mythic, make up ur mind, are we soloers or a grp class. cause we still DONT bring anything to a grp, and we are still rps cows for assassins solo.

i really, REALLY hope there is more love coming. cause if this is it, well a big fecking joke...


Originally posted by mid-sinister
Well, everyone knows how bad archers are, and they need a major change, so if this is the only change mythic are going to make, and they look upon it as a minor change, then they are just prooving that they have not fixed archers problems.

I don't know how bad archers are...

They seem "ok" now and will be "good" once bt isn't in their way...

Archers whine for the sake of archer-whine imho.


Originally posted by decline
I don't know how bad archers are...

They seem "ok" now and will be "good" once bt isn't in their way...

Archers whine for the sake of archer-whine imho.

exactly u dont know how bad archers are. why did u keep going on? u have no idea yet u whine about our whine :)


Well theres some truly superb Archer changes. Not. Some good ideas there, the new penetrate BT and rapid fire seem ok, sadly seeing as theres no mention of fumble/miss rate changes its just gonna be a faster way to throw arrows away :\

Also hunters melee styles seem to have been semi-nerfed - razors edge the rear style has now a reduced angle it can be used from. But then how am i gonna spec that high to spear if i want the new bow styles? oh but no matter i cant as no respec granted anyway

Someone at mythic thought this through carefully. not


In other news, hell just froze over

btw, stop fucking whining about archer love being crap and that its too little etc, its still on pendragon, and its still alot of letters left in the alphabet. stfu whiners.

Zerker changes will be appreciated, ALOT, lets just see how it pans out.

edit: spiritmaster changes look good too, weird way to compensate for lack of ranged pet though :p, my new runemaster WILL be rc spec now :>


Originally posted by decline
I don't know how bad archers are...

They seem "ok" now and will be "good" once bt isn't in their way...

Archers whine for the sake of archer-whine imho.

BT will still be in the way.......self-cast BT will not be penetrated by PA....that counts out casters with BT.....shield users are still unaffected.
That leaves light tanks/assassins and other archers........exactly the same as it is now.

Roo Stercogburn

Nearly fainted when I saw that SMs were getting some attention, and that some of the changes directly relate to Darkness SMs.

Initial thoughts:

Added a L50 DD, Obsidian Strike, in the Darkness base list to make it more consistent with the base lists in other Realms.

Nice... but would rather have seen the lifetap adjusted as this is the main damage dealing spell of a Darkness SM even if the % healing was reduced to compensate. However this is a generic fix not an attempt to fix Darkness SMs directly so fair enough.

One thing thats not explained: since Bonedancers use the same baseline, do they also then get access to this spell? If so, Darkness bonies just got something they badly need and I'm really pleased for them.

Changed the Gift of the Fallen line to be realm castable with a 60 second duration. This means you can now cast it on friendly Realm members.

Nice idea but duration is probably a bit on the short side unless it stacks with other damage shields. I'm afraid this is really bad news for the SM himself, as previously it was a reasonable duration self buff for when he got in a fight and its helped me out loads of times in RvR. Don't think they've completely thought this one through. Up the damage output from it then MAYBE its worth it but even at that, for the SM himself... it blows chunks big style.

Reduced casting time of the Dampen Lifeforce line to 2.5 seconds to make it consistent with other casters.

Getting there, evening up cast speed on lifetap. Danger of slight smile on Roo's face. Still waiting.

Jury's out on the pet related enhancements. Not sure Sum spec is viable based on these for RvR, but will take an experienced Summoning SM to say.

Still not convinced SM pet is on an even par with pets from other realms as you have to spec VERY highly to get the benefits of things like the mez reduction, whereas other caster pet classes have ranged attacks without having to spec so highly and I'm afraid all the mez resist etc in the world isn't anywhere near as useful as a ranged attack since you don't set pets on other pets, you set them on casters and healers to interupt and harass them.

The one thing that seems really nice about the pet enhancements is the chance for a spirit pet to intercept attacks on the SM if they are standing close enough. Can't see this making it through though in any useful form: bet it generates a shedload of whines.

One of the major issues for pet classes and especially SMs has so far been completely ignored though: appallingly bad RA's. Words fail me when it comes to describing what I think of SM class RAs.
EDIT: missed a section, there is indeed changes to 2 RAs... erm, I don't know if they are any good though, and I would fear to take them without having a respec available if they still suck :/

I also note that certain spell lines aren't going to be available at all to SMs that take summoning as second spell line. Again, I don't think they've completely thought this through. The max level you are likely to get summoning to is 26 and the pet snare proc only comes in at 28 and the pet mez resist is off the scale starting at a spec of 35. Given that the SM pet has no ranged attacks these should be a LOT further down. Tweaking required testers please.

Main reason I'm not wildly excited about the changes as for Spirit Masters they still don't address the issues of a seriously messed up mez line and I'm sorry, rez should be baseline for SMs. Period.
(I cast a mez on a group of Albs recently: I think it lasted about 10 seconds. Thats outrageous for a line you spec to 47).

Nice to see non-suppression SMs finally getting some attention, but still waiting to see if Darkness SMs are addressed properly.
As I said before, this is a pet class fix, not directly an SM series of fixes, so I'll wait and see.

Good start though :)


- Side Positional combat styles now will work an extra 15 degrees towards the rear of an opponent, and rear position styles work in a 60 degree arc rather than the original 90 degree standard. This change should even out the difficulty between side and rear positional combat styles, which have the same damage bonus. Please note that front positional styles are not affected by this change.



Wonder if Full Sup RMs will get a respec beens tho they nerfed the only good spells in that line PBT and nearsight :rolleyes: , Guess ill just use mine has a pbt bot :puke: .


They scaled down nearsight and now you want to quit?




What? You're not going to? You're just whining and making empty threats at mythic who aren't even listening?



Originally posted by decline
They scaled down nearsight and now you want to quit?




What? You're not going to? You're just whining and making empty threats at mythic who aren't even listening?


I havnt played my RM since i dinged it rr6 fyi but i know alot of other Sup RMs that wont be happy if you look at my sig you'll see I have a savage one of the most overpowered melee class's in the game why would I quit?.


only good thing for archers that i see this patch is the nearsight nerf :D

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