1.62 Teamleader Reports



The Cleric 1.61 report is good and notes our inability for self defense because of no quickcast, i hope our smite line is brought upto the ability that the healers have but not at the cost that healers have of not being able to melee.

The wizard 1.62 report i agree with completely they're useless except when ice spec'ed and then even when they're ice spec'ed chanters can often be better, if you're not going to fix the wizard lines to make them more powerful then give them a pet similar to the enchanters pet.

The Shadowblade report is to be expected and i agree they should be given a full respec as it wasn't there fault they were nerfed or that they were overpowered in the first place.

Unfortunately i also agree with the hunter TL, he's right with everything he says, hunters are purely useless at level 50, 3 times i have walked from Pennines into Hadrian's Wall and have being attacked by a hunter, his bow did very low damage and his pet was interfering with my spells but still i was able to beat the hunters each time, this is not possible against scouts. Hunters need their strength increasing as at the moment all they are is a nuisance because of their pet.

The Valkewalker TL report is erm, funny:
Valewalkers are at a severe disadvantage when rezzed by the lowest tier Ressurection spells. Because we have no power to rebuff ourself, we are effectively useless afte this rez, unless we rest and rebuff.
Doesn't he know that's the same for every single class? No class after a minor rezz is strong they are all at a severe disadvantage, that's the point and why i went and got the 100% rezz. After that funny statement i stopped reading his report :)

Indiana Jones

from the new infil report

- I think the hidden CS styles need to be upped in effectiveness. Armour quality has risen greatly since this style was last changed at all. With spellcrafting and such we are finding our front loaded damage system becoming ineffective. I propose all hidden style attacks ignore the armour absorb factor of the target (Backstab and Perforate)… this will given us a bit of an increase against heaver targets, but will not effect the weaker pure caster classes. Since the removal of IP when have become even more dependant on our initial front loaded attack, any it really seems not to live up as much as it used to. I am finding my average Perforate has dropped around 50 points against well armored targets. This style just doesn’t seem to have the “oompf” it used to have.. it is nothing really to be feared… at least from a thrust Inf point of view that does not have access to a Buff bot.

oh yeah.... :)


Re: Re: 1.62 Teamleader Reports

Originally posted by old.Hellskor
SB got PA and CD in on an infil, then plain simply got outdamaged and lost.

Kinda like my fully sc:ed and buffed rr6 inf that got in PA and CD on a SB, then simply got outdamaged and lost in this patch.


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
melee hybrid with speed 5 + end regen?


sounds good to me, just dont make it possible to do both at the same time (like mincer ablative + speed)


Re: Re: Re: 1.62 Teamleader Reports

Originally posted by lissandra
Kinda like my fully sc:ed and buffed rr6 inf that got in PA and CD on a SB, then simply got outdamaged and lost in this patch.

<cough> Str/Con Debuff poison <cough>

...ever tried it on a SB ?


Re: Re: Re: 1.62 Teamleader Reports

Originally posted by lissandra
Kinda like my fully sc:ed and buffed rr6 inf that got in PA and CD on a SB, then simply got outdamaged and lost in this patch.

that was why SB's got nerfed?:p So uhm are you saying your infil must be nerfed?:p


Unfortunately i also agree with the hunter TL, he's right with everything he says, hunters are purely useless at level 50, 3 times i have walked from Pennines into Hadrian's Wall and have being attacked by a hunter, his bow did very low damage and his pet was interfering with my spells but still i was able to beat the hunters each time, this is not possible against scouts. Hunters need their strength increasing as at the moment all they are is a nuisance because of their pet.
Hunters should do better against mages than scouts, as a ranger we have access to the slow and damaging scout bows and the fast and annoying hunter bows, whenever I'm targetting a mage I go for my fast bow because I know I stand a hell of a lot more chance hitting rapidly against mages, not only that but with hunters getting a pet to a hunter stands more chance against a mage than any of the archers currently due to it being the only archer that can continue to interrupt the mage after it's had it's bow fire countered by quickcast and bladeturn. This isn't to say that I think hunters aren't underpowered, just that I think mages if anything are the one set of classes that hunters should be able to kill better than the other two archers.

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