1.62 Teamleader Reports


Roo Stercogburn

I read the SM TL 1.62 report on VN
and found myself agreeing with pretty much everything I read and noted a few things that many of us have predicted about things like pet mez resist, pet ranged attacks, Gift of the Fallen, etc. having various problems and limitations. Was interesting to note his comments on mez which the few Dark SMs which are about will know all about (or anyone thats seen me ranting ;)).

The SB TL is quite obviously not a happy puppy. Actually, I felt he was quite restrained and had some good points to make about things like the single line respec since many SBs base their overall spec on several different specialisations, each interdependant on the other, something us casters don't really suffer from or really think about.

I wondered if the zerk TL was too depressed to post his yet or maybe they are having a hard time editing out all the swearing.

I was wondering what other players thought of their TL 1.62 reports so far?


I usually don't bother reading them, most of them get ignored. :rolleyes:

Indiana Jones

do you really wanna know? :p

infil report (not from 1.62 tough, but its the latest he made)

- Pet continue to chase you forever, even when you have stealthed. They should have a range limit.

- Vanish is not dropping attackers target.This is making the ability useless!

:) :)

ok maybe something more useful

Allow groups to see stealthed characters who are grouped with them them as if all in the group had truesight. This would improve the stealth classes’ ability to work with a group tremendously.


The Chanter TL report just went up on catacombs - the replies were not too happy as a couple of the things he suggested were reduce damage on focus damage shield and cap that evil resist RA at 50%.

Makes a nice change seeing a TL asking for slight downwards adjustments (oh all right nerfs - but I don't like that word) instead of asking for lots of uber new stuff ;)


Reaver report was ok, i agree with uncapping hte DPS buff and reducing lifetap timers, hell i like all his suggestions.
I do hope they give us our AoE disease chant though :D



Personally I have issues with the new report format - though i can see why they did it - and ill be patient and see if it works in the long run.

On the whole the shaman report is ok - but i dont like the particular emphasis - I would prefer more about the mend line being lacking and shaman still having no escape spell.

I hate to say this cos a year ago Id have considered it elitist but the fact the shaman TL still doesnt have a lvl50 shaman bugs me.

I pretty much agree with Roo on this one, the reports pretty much on target.

Not read it yet - TL doesnt seem to like posting it on the ign boards and the BD ones hes setup are blocked from work:(


Its a pretty sad indictment on the game that a lot of the classes that have problems have been in the same state for up to a year or so.

There are a number of major problems in the game at the moment - one is the current state of resists - except for a couple of casters who can debuff their own damage most casters are in trouble doing pathetic damage that would take 10+ casts to kill a tank where he only needs 2 or 3 hits to kill a caster.

With all the nerfs to resists/CC and no collision avoidance plus the state of interrupts theres not much a caster can do v a tank especially if hes mid to high realm rank.

Thirdly the changes to resists some patches ago that factored in the level of the spell rather than the level of the caster have damaged every class in the game that uses spells or spell like effects - I can see no justification for this change in the first place - it urgently needs removing!!!


Originally posted by rynnor
Thirdly the changes to resists some patches ago that factored in the level of the spell rather than the level of the caster have damaged every class in the game that uses spells or spell like effects - I can see no justification for this change in the first place - it urgently needs removing!!!

that wasn't a change - it's always been like that.

Just before they removed the to-hit for level bonuses in RvR people didn't notice it.


Originally posted by dozigden
On the whole the shaman report is ok - but i dont like the particular emphasis - I would prefer more about the mend line being lacking and shaman still having no escape spell.

I hate to say this cos a year ago Id have considered it elitist but the fact the shaman TL still doesnt have a lvl50 shaman bugs me.

I find that slightly worrying myself, I get the impression that he doesnt play his shaman much =/

They need to sort our the End Regen thing though... Like he says, casting end on everyone in a full group will use 40% of your buffs you can cast..... :wall:

Would be nice to have some real reason as well to go mend spec...

Some sort of instant cast root would be nice, if you get jumped as a shammy, your only choice is to leg it...


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
The SB TL is quite obviously not a happy puppy. Actually, I felt he was quite restrained and had some good points to make about things like the single line respec since many SBs base their overall spec on several different specialisations, each interdependant on the other, something us casters don't really suffer from or really think about.

Guess if you've had collected as many logs as the SB community from Pendragon testing as soon as it gone live there to the last day, just to get it completly ignored by Mythic ...
Threads about LA damage (plus Logs etc.) on the Dev's board got locked by the mods, after the patch went live it got a 'official' thread, pretty much a slap in the face.

Why pick a SB over and Infil or NS after 1.62 ?

Don't think anyone found an answer to that ... atleast none that's not along the lines of 'You don't have to be an Alb or Hib'

If you read the Mid Rogue board now, it's pretty much only Hunter Threads, SBs seem to have disappeared.
A few 'How are you doing now ?' threads, but usually go down pretty fast.
The last one I read with an actual log of a fight : SB got PA and CD in on an infil, then plain simply got outdamaged and lost.


Originally posted by Stonebits
Like he says, casting end on everyone in a full group will use 40% of your buffs you can cast..... :wall:

Well don't cast it on everyone in your group then? Surely it's designed for endurance-using tanks to have not for casters too? If you're running 7-tank groups then I'd suggest making them 6-tank groups with 2 buffers ;)


And you think thats fair granny ?

A char does too much damage = damage reduction = ok

cleric 20 buffs
Druid 20 buffs
Shaman 12 buffs

Fair ? Nope !

And dont give the crap about casters or healers dont needing end. They need it to run away and you albs and hibs can have it, so us too !


Mids End regen has been a cock-up all along really - it should have gone as a song on Skalds - this would have been a plus for a class lacking much else than speed song - would have avoided the problem of range etc. etc.

Instead we get it on Shammies who didnt need it (they need inst cc thats not a 14 point RA really) - it eventually gets nerfed heavily into a song on a non-song class that also costs conc.

Can anyone see any logic in this???

Mythic have some bad ideas these days...

Old Nicodemus

Originally posted by rynnor

Mythic have some bad ideas these days...

It's because the monkies are running the game while the proper Devs sort out the new game.


Originally posted by rynnor
Mids End regen has been a cock-up all along really - it should have gone as a song on Skalds - this would have been a plus for a class lacking much else than speed song - would have avoided the problem of range etc. etc.

melee hybrid with speed 5 + end regen?



Just read the Eldtrich TL report, and I have to take my hat off to him, hes got it spot on imo, best eld tl repot I have read.


awww Roo, I looked at this post expecting some humour filled post about 'what if person x was a teamleader'...and i find something serious :(

<sighs> Im so easily disappointed :(

Kharok Svark

Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
I was wondering what other players thought of their TL 1.62 reports so far?

The Zerker TL went AWOL 10 weeks ago :(


One problem i find with TL reports is that there is a lot of focus on issues that lots for classes suffer from. Mainly caster damage vs higher resists and weapon style promblems (appart from maybe those classes with Unique weapons). For example many of the Thanks stormcalling issues are the same as a cleircs Smite issues.


Originally posted by dozigden
I hate to say this cos a year ago Id have considered it elitist but the fact the shaman TL still doesnt have a lvl50 shaman bugs me.

hell yea, in the same time i have made 3 level 50 shamans, all of them with high cave and low mending thou (dont ask me why).

Edit: I've read the report now.....
FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!! he is complaining about problems in BG1

He wants to put all consentration buffs on range... which in his theory will mean more groups for active RvR players instead of buffbots.. and which in reality more likely will make groups /stick a buffbot, making less room for active players.

he had me with him for the first 2 concerns.. but then he shows obviously lack of RvR experience.


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
I wondered if the zerk TL was too depressed to post his yet or maybe they are having a hard time editing out all the swearing.

hahaha =))


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
melee hybrid with speed 5 + end regen?


a skald melees as good ( or as bad ) as a mincer, so melee hybrid, hmmm
and its end or spd if its a song, isnt it ?

What about pally, shield 2x lvl spec pts + rez + end regen and a bunch of other chants... 0_0


i read through all the 1.62 ones found it quit sad that theris stil lso many bugs that i seem to remember from last year

alot of the problems seem to have streith forward answers suplied in the tl reports surly mythic could make a list an just fix them all


Originally posted by Stonebits
Some sort of instant cast root would be nice, if you get jumped as a shammy, your only choice is to leg it...

Try using pbaoe disease?

Aule Valar

has the shaman tl not heard of ichor?
it may sound elitist but tls need to be lvl 50, or how can they possibly understand how balanced their class is in rvr


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
melee hybrid with speed 5 + end regen?


Heh - trust me - it would be hard to over-power the Skald short of giving him an enchanter on a stick weapon :)

The skald would use speed until encountering enemy then switch to end - I cant see how this is overpowered if both other realms have end regen songs (one on a full tank!)?

Edit - Doh! cant spell speed - need caffeine!!!


Yeah, ichor is ok, but you have to admit that shamans really havent got what other primary buffers have...
Cleric has best buffs, best heals, insta cc ( limited, i know ), a smite line which isnt great but damage nonetheless and a ubar BoF group ra.
Druid has best buffs, best heals, insta cc and a damage line with dot etc, also uber group ra GP.( I know you cant really spec into all three but you have the choice )
Shamans have best buffs, suck heals, dot and disease, and insta cc as an 14pt ra...
They used to have end as a plus but now it has become something for which you sacrifice other buffs so an alternative instead of a real plus.

Honestly, doe sthat sound fair ? Do you choose shaman as an active rvr character ?


Ranger TL stepped down a week or so ago, but seeing as he's done exactly 0 work for about 6+ months now then having no TL is about the same as having a TL was, only difference is there's now hope that something may get done when the new TL steps in, whereas before all our hope was drained by a useless retard who held onto the TL title for his own egoistical purposes. and was clearly never going to do an ounce of equal work. Oh hold on I lie, he helped hunters get their love, cos that was really a great help with ranger issues.

The Animist TL seems like a pretty decent guy, thank god he's not one of those stupid yanks who just can't play their class and think the Animist is the most underpowered thing ever (The truth is it's not, it's verging on overpowered).

Don't read the chanter TL report so dunno about that, same with druid ;)


do they even bother doing Pally TL reports? or are they happy we are now just end regen bots with slam.

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