1.61a notes are up




We have a new system in place for stat, hit point, and power caps. Now, a player's realm rank level will affect the amount of stat bonuses a player can receive. Players who have no realm levels will see no change; players who have gained Realm levels and ranks will notice that their character is affected by buffs from items and spells more than before.
Omg! I will have to redo my SC suit again, and no more capping all of my stats, resists, and skills, I guess. :uhoh: I don't want to come across Tankster (or any other RR10) when this goes in, who needs a buffbot if you can get 300 strength, dex, con, etc? ;)


Vague as usual.

'Starting with Realm Level one, the increased caps make dropped items with bonuses more useful by increasing the amount of bonus the item affects your character.'

By how much? What exactly is the formula? Is there still some kind of hardcap? Bonuses, what kind of bonuses? How do buffs come into play exactly?


Originally posted by -nicolas-
Vague as usual.

'Starting with Realm Level one, the increased caps make dropped items with bonuses more useful by increasing the amount of bonus the item affects your character.'

By how much? What exactly is the formula? Is there still some kind of hardcap? Bonuses, what kind of bonuses? How do buffs come into play exactly?

I belive that will be answered in the grab bag of may 2005


Originally posted by -nicolas-
Vague as usual.

'Starting with Realm Level one, the increased caps make dropped items with bonuses more useful by increasing the amount of bonus the item affects your character.'

By how much? What exactly is the formula? Is there still some kind of hardcap? Bonuses, what kind of bonuses? How do buffs come into play exactly?

Starting with Realm Level one, the increased caps make dropped items with bonuses more useful by increasing the amount of bonus the item affects your character. As you go through the Battlegrounds and/or RvR, your caps will be greater than the bonus values on the items you find on monsters, making using dropped items worth much more consideration than before, when caps made it easy to max all primary stats, especially when using epic armor and buff spells.

Max all primary stats with epic armour and buff spells. Does that mean they are raising the cap of 300? Or the amount of +stat you can get from equipment/cap limit of buffs? :confused:


sigh, still no scouts and archer changes :[


makes us all clambering to make our SC suits completely useless/waste of money as if our caps are raised by RR and we only wear +75, we effectively wasted multiplatina on SCing and Alchemy.

(I say "WE" but I assume there are multitudes of the "I wont SC anything blah blah I am too good for it, SCing is gimpage, spoils the game blah blah..." and so on and so forth)

The one good thing is they are making the RoG much better so we wont be limited to the rare good fixed stat items and we will see lots of variations on equipment setuos as people find different random stat items.

Well its a long way off, so lets keep an eye on TCH LD


Originally posted by Solid
makes us all clambering to make our SC suits completely useless/waste of money as if our caps are raised by RR and we only wear +75, we effectively wasted multiplatina on SCing and Alchemy.

(I say "WE" but I assume there are multitudes of the "I wont SC anything blah blah I am too good for it, SCing is gimpage, spoils the game blah blah..." and so on and so forth)

The one good thing is they are making the RoG much better so we wont be limited to the rare good fixed stat items and we will see lots of variations on equipment setuos as people find different random stat items.

Well its a long way off, so lets keep an eye on TCH LD

Make a functional "cheaper" 99% SC suit until the dust settles on this one.


Oh, will be fun for anyone below 50 to try to kill a level 50 after this wonderful patch :rolleyes:


Originally posted by the_chimera
Oh, will be fun for anyone below 50 to try to kill a level 50 after this wonderful patch :rolleyes:

Why? Are you talking a RR1 level 50 or a RR10 level 50?

Because a RR10 level 50 could have 5-10% more HP than they did before?

Because the RR10 level 50 could hit for 1 damage more (except they couldn't, because the weaponskill softcaps aren't changing)?

And quite frankly, I wouldn't think someone <50 can very easily kill a RR10 level 50 guy now (or _should_ easily be able to)

We don't have numbers yet, but I sincerely doubt there's going to be a huge difference from before to after.


Update on the new patch after reading on vnboards:

RR4 cleric recieved +78(he didnt have more on him) from items, but item bonuses are bugged atm, they are working on it.

RR4 cleric recieved +65 from BASELINE str and con, both capped since the con is +44 base while the str is +50.

RR4l5 friar recieved +86 from self dex/qui

All in all the buffs are working perfect afaik.

Items DO NOT give any + to anything atm but as i said its a bug and they are working on it, its currently causing horror stories such as +0,5 to archer drawtimes and 400 hp nerfs.

There is also currently a diminishing returns system on having high stats, basics not found out yet but there is one.


Not even the TLs know how this is supposed to work. The only thing they know is that it's bugged on Pendragon now. Great work :).


Well, friend, that's why they have Pendragon. To test potentially buggy things.


OMG a bug on the test server!

that's it I'm off to SWG!

These toys are leaving the pram!


well, i actually tested it myself on pend :D

Kobold Runemaster at RR4 and level 50

i hit 300dex and 280piety (only managed to find enough items to get +81 of my equipment)

spec and base buffs are giving something like 155 extra

basically its around +7stat points per RR (think i got 6.75 or something without being able to find enough from items)

imo its a bit stupid unless they raise the hard cap on stats since at only RR3 or 4 you will be hitting 300 in your important stats...

also its crap because it makes using the red buffs essential (basically meaning a buffbot is actually MORE desirable)


The should sack all those accounting mongs they have in the dev team.

Would would benefit from this?

* "Strong" guilds and their players (thinking of LA,NP and the likes) making the strong stronger
* Buffbotted assasins (any noob with a buffbot and some time has a nifty title above his/her head in relatively short time)

Once again Mythic proves that in a way they endorse buffbottage and/or multpile accounts (moneyyyyyy) and don't give a fuck about the casual player.

And as if they didnt fuck the game over enough with RA's let's add a capchange...



I am just biding my time till WoW comes out, Blizzard whilst having made mistakes in the past have never done stuff this outrageous.

This ptch if it goes in as current will be the downfall of DAoC completely, only silly powerlevelling hardcore nuts will remain.

Hell urs truly crowned king of statzor ubergeekdom doesnt like this direction Mythic are taking.


Oh Solid m8 btw... I wont SC anything blah blah I am too good for it, SCing is gimpage, spoils the game blah blah...



Originally posted by Belomar
Well, friend, that's why they have Pendragon. To test potentially buggy things.

Well, the thing was that it's not "potentially bugged" It's hardly working at all. That was what I was refering to with my "great work". They can't have missed the bugs that are in atm, and I just think that it's rather stupid to even make a sub-patch with these big bugs in.

As the previous poster mentioned:
Items DO NOT give any + to anything atm but as i said its a bug and they are working on it, its currently causing horror stories such as +0,5 to archer drawtimes and 400 hp nerfs.

I just thought it was weird that they let a patch with such big bugs even go live on a test server, because bugs like that I really hope don't go unnoticed even at that stadium.


Hey, you dont think you overreact a bit? I dont think 50 extra more in one stat would change game more then spellcrafting and alchemy etc. and we still run around in emain and odins ganking eachother and having fun.


Originally posted by cougar-
Hey, you dont think you overreact a bit? I dont think 50 extra more in one stat would change game more then spellcrafting and alchemy etc. and we still run around in emain and odins ganking eachother and having fun.

Yes but you don't need RR10 to go and spell craft a set of armour. The point here is that it widens the gap that already exists betwen the casual player at level 50 and (say) RR3 and the hardcore power player at (say) RR10.

The first stage of this was with Realm abilities. This meant that the RR10 guy has all the lovely extras to take down the RR3. Now they are going to make it even harder for the RR3 guy.

I can see they want the drops system to keep it's interest for the higher level players. I understand the basic premise that the RR10 puts more time in hence 'ought' to be able to get more and kill the RR3, but for my money that should be the disadvantage people have before they reach 50. IMHO it would be better to have a more even playing field once players reach 50 so that the casual players can also enjoy 1 on 1s in RvR.

Jeez... can you imagine poor old Jup meeting Azal after this change?

- Pathfinder -

Damn socialists :p Gifv overpowered high RA people allready ;)


Its still Dark Zerg of Camelot anyway.

Config Report:

Account runs out soon.

Stop playing.

Have fun.

Tesla Monkor

The 0.5s drawtime isn't a nerf. Quickness items aren't working either, that's where it comes from. Give them a few days to work on stuff.

Who knows, maybe they'll scratch the whole idea. :>


Some clarifications, stats above the normal caps will NOT be as effective as the ones below the current caps, so an rr10 char will maybe only gain max half(speculation) of the stats that he/she chooses to overcap.

Additionally its VERY hard to cap all stats and still have decent resists if you are rr6+ since +stat on SC items start getting *very* expensive(imbue point wise) around 19-22 ish. So getting +125 from items aint going to come without some major sacrifice.

Believe me, it wont skew the balance as much as some people think, current SC templates will still be just as viable since i have yet to find someone who has points over after capping all resists(which seems to be the prime goal with SCing items anyway).

Oh and some info i have gathered:

New item +hits cap = [level]*4 + [Realm leve]*2 <-- Yes that means that tankster can have +380 to hits from items, but i assure you that wont be cheap ;)
New baseline buff cap = [level] *1 + [realm level]*1(however this is unconfirmed atm but seems to hold true, a rr8 ranger gained +90 str from his baseline str buff)
New item stat cap = [level]*1,5 + [realm level]*1(unconfirmed

Edit: One last thing, +125 to strength from items instead of the old +75 from items will not only be more expensive to imbue, but will also be less effective(seems to be some form of diminishing returns system, but no specifics about that found yet).


I'm not flaming the stat lovers, seriously...but am I the only one who doesn't care about Items, stats, SC etc? :(

I just play to talk to new ppl and have fun. Never check the latest updates or anything tbh (to the amazement of some ppl I group with). Like I said not flaming, each to their own.

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