1.59C More love for thanes!



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Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.59c Test Release Notes

Monday, January 20, 2003



- Previously, when you /assisted someone, you would target them but your targeting/summary window would not immediately update to reflect it. This has been fixed and it will now update as soon as you target them.

- Clicking on the pet's name in the pet window will now target it again. This fixes a Pendragon only bug introduced in 1.59a that would issue the "Come Here" command if you clicked on the name.

- There was a problem where, when moving stacks of objects, sometimes the quantity designated was not calculated, and only one object in the stack was moved. We fixed, this and now, if you drop a stack on the icon square, it will bring up the stack splitter dialog. Also, if you drop a stack on the text area (next to the icon, where the item name is displayed) it moves the whole stack without asking you. This will allow you to move stacks without any extra clicks.

- Previously, when you make a macro with %T, and have yourself targeted, the macro always returned , for your own name. This has been fixed.

- There was a bug where the command window would not function after you selected someone's name on the looking for group window. This has been fixed.


You may now buy multiple items at once

With the merchant dialog open, select an item and Shift-LeftClick on the "BUY" button. It will open a window that allows you to select how many of the item you would like to purchase. LeftClicking the left and right arrows on this dialog increases/decreases the amount by 1, Shift-LeftClicking on the left and right arrows increases/decreases the amount by 10.

If you click on an item's icon in the merchant window, so that the icon of the item you want to purchase is attached to your mouse cursor, you can use the slash command "/mbuy #" where # is the number (from 1 to 100) that you would like to purchase.

This will allow you to macro exact quantities onto your quickbar: eg: /macro BUY50 /mbuy 50

NOTE: Buying multiple items is the same as if you selected the item and clicked "buy" X times. This means that if you are buy 10 of an item that is already stacked in stacks of 10, you are buying 100 total items.


Thane Changes

- Removed recast timer from Thor's Minor Bolt line. This is consistent with the Call Mjolnir line, which also doesn't have a recast timer.

- Changed Thor's Vigor line from a Strength only to Strength/Constitution buff.


Hibernia Quests

- The "Famine" one-time drop is now do-able by necromancers.

Realm v. Realm - Frontier Keeps

- We have modified the spawn of the guard patrols as well as modified the area these patrols cover. The patrols closest to enemy portal keeps have been reduced in number and the area they patrol has been reduced as well. Patrols closest to the border keeps have been increased in number.

Midgard Monsters

- The monsters that have taken control of Grallarhorn Faste on Gaheris have become stronger.


- We have added additional camps of higher level mobs for players to hunt at each keep so they can take advantage of the keep experience bonus for claiming a keep.



- Albion: Ariach's Purged Staff is now correctly set as a two-handed weapon.

Unique Item Generator

In the expansion areas and certain dungeons the Unique Item generator is used. Areas that use these see more treasure drops on average than old areas of the game. We had not altered the salvage on the objects to compensate for that fact. The base objects for the Random Item Generator now have a consistent salvage value and are now broken down by size.

Small items - small weapons, small shields, boots and gauntlets.

Medium items - medium sized weapons, medium shields sleeves and helms.

Large items - large weapons, large shields, leggings and chestpieces.

Metal / Strips / Ore Wood / Leather Cloth
S 5 12 18
M 10 24 36
L 15 36 54

Epic Dungeon Item Notes

The second pass through the epic dungeons is done. The following changes were made to improve the risk vs. reward in Caer Sidi, Tuscarian caves, and Galadoria.

- The class set armor pieces are now all level 51.

- The reactive procs on those pieces were upgraded.

- Many items received increased bonuses.

- Salvage was heavily reduced in these dungeons.


PIGS CAN FLY!!, and allah, I think I also saw a camel with wings.. :eek6:

And now for the Price for staying the most gimped class for the longest period of time: And ze winner is, THANES!

and the price is:

- Removed recast timer from Thor's Minor Bolt line. This is consistent with the Call Mjolnir line, which also doesn't have a recast timer.

- Changed Thor's Vigor line from a Strength only to Strength/Constitution buff.

and now waiting for the comment - "hah, and this we'll see in 20XX or when hell freezes over on these servers"


hah, and this we'll see in 20XX or when hell freezes over on these servers

i dont know what most thanes think but this actually looks pretty nice


now I don't know what to do...

My final template was
42 shield
44 hammer
46 SC

Thats 2 points short of the final DD in SC, think it's worth taking my hammer skill to 41 for 48 in SC and the final dd?



/em gets a vision of a future ae-spamming, mez-breaking, lag-making, triggerhappy thane gank squad. :)

I actually feel happy for you thanes. You deserve this one. Grats :)


Originally posted by kain_pravus
think it's worth taking my hammer skill to 41 for 48 in SC and the final dd?

definitely. with a SCd hammer and a couple of RRs you will be at 50+ hammer with no probs.. and you will need that last DD :)


Tremble albs and Hibs, the THANE TRAIN is upon us


Screw my hammer!

Bolt! Bolt! Bolt! Bolt! Bolt! Bolt! Bolt! Bolt! Bolt! Bolt! Bolt!


Originally posted by Arnor2
Midgard Monsters

- The monsters that have taken control of Grallarhorn Faste on Gaheris have become stronger.

Correct me if i'm wrong but isn't Grall where our magic relics are?

so what does this mean? we Middies can't have the magic relic once these monsers get introduced or that the hibs/albis will have an easy time getting them with only mobs guarding the relic :?


- The monsters that have taken control of Grallarhorn Faste on Gaheris have become stronger.

Thats on the new co-op server, where monsters/npc's are controlling the keeps, so fear not my good healer ;)



I wonder how many HP they have with str/con buff and if it will stack with Shaman str/con buffs.

Fear the Smite Tanks!11!1!!111


Thanes needed a con buff?
Where's my no-power/end-using body resist debuff shout Mythic...
:clap: at removal of recast timer on the DD though...


nah I'm sure the shammy con/str will over write it... but the shammy str won't.... See I told you I was a rune master DD DD DD DD DD :)


loads up on dex for super cast time and blocking muhahaha

so poor enemy has to get past chain nukes, insta DD's then meet the slam and hammer?

oh wait we're still gimps (keep saying it, we might get more)


and if it will stack with Shaman str/con buffs.

well, DUH no it wont, just like any other self buff that covers 2 stats, not sure but think that goes for single stat self buffs too.

There was actually an ELDRICHT on vn who bitched and whone(whine is past right? :p ) about how thanes would nuke harder than him :D


Originally posted by kain_pravus
loads up on dex for super cast time and blocking muhahaha

so poor enemy has to get past chain nukes, insta DD's then meet the slam and hammer?

oh wait we're still gimps (keep saying it, we might get more)

Muhahahaha indeed!!



Originally posted by Eliz

/em gets a vision of a future ae-spamming, mez-breaking, lag-making, triggerhappy thane gank squad. :)

I actually feel happy for you thanes. You deserve this one. Grats :)

And what you fail to realize here is that this is EXACTLY what thanes need to not be the general mezbreakers they are known to be atm. You see the only damage spell they had that wasn't on a timer was the mjolnir. With this patch they can finally use something more than once in a fight that doesn't break mezzes....


Now Mythic are dumb, but they aint Insane enuff to let it stack. It WILL not stack with a shammy buff.

Also a Thane needs 50 SC spec to have access to the last Str/Con buff at Delve value 62.

all buffs cap at 1.25x Delve (as is seen with current 41 Str buff that hits +50 easily) and so the last Str/Con will be worth 75 when actually cast.l aka equivalent to the best Shaman Str/Con buff and also the same as the best Champion Str/Con buff.

HOWEVER to spec 50 stormcalling you WILL have to give up eitehr 42 SLAM Shield style or will have to drop Weaponspec to 39.

Eitehr way Thanes wont be ble to have it all, one key area will suffer.

Now the logical idea is 50 SC 42 Shield 39 Weapon and a smidge of parry, but this pushes thanes Melee damage way down the ladder.

So Thanes will usually decide between a full on 50 Weapon 50 SC 8 Shield rest parry spec, or possible the 48 SC 42 Shield 42 Weapon spec or the 50 SC 42 Shield 39 Weapon spec.

Just for your info the top end Str/Con enables a dwarf Thane with Aug Con 1 and Toughness2 with capped +hp and +Con to hit 1800hp exactly SELF BUFFED. :rolleyes:

As well as that ncie stat, Troll Thanes with the last Str buff can hit 300 Str exactly with +5 str at creation and the last Str/Con buff SELF BUFFED :D

IMO well deserved love, means Thanes get a great Str/Con buff that only buffbots can match and we have casting power.

Time for me to start farmign cash for my Super Duper MP SC suit as my Thane will soon be out of retirement and back in service

Woop yay for us all :D


Originally posted by Eliz
/em gets a vision of a future ae-spamming, mez-breaking, lag-making, triggerhappy thane gank squad. :)

That "joke" is old, and not funny anymore. It was 7 months ago maybe, but not anymore.
Dunno, but in my whole RvR "career" (sounds cool eh :)) wish is a very long time.. since April or something I have seen a Thane break mez with Mjollnir maybe 3-5 times.



Originally posted by -ElemenT-

That "joke" is old, and not funny anymore. It was 7 months ago maybe, but not anymore.
Dunno, but in my whole RvR "career" (sounds cool eh :)) wish is a very long time.. since April or something I have seen a Thane break mez with Mjollnir maybe 3-5 times.


Do you HAVE to interpret a friendly joke as something negative? Didnt mean to step on someones toes and Im surprised you even had to make a comment like this. Well, they dont call this the whine board for nothing I guess. :(


Originally posted by Eliz

Do you HAVE to interpret a friendly joke as something negative? Didnt mean to step on someones toes and Im surprised you even had to make a comment like this. Well, they dont call this the whine board for nothing I guess. :(

Well you can grow pretty tired of hearing it everyday. And some people seems to still think this is the case. And blame the thanes when some shaman dot or runie/sm ae breaks mezz.


Hehe I spoke too pematurely.

The Thane self buff on Pendragon atm is not the same as the Champion buff.

Champs get a 62/62 delve buff at 50 Valor, thanes have been given a 51/51 Delve buff at 50 Stormcalling.

The 41 SC self buff (currently what all thanes have) delves for 41/41.

The 26 Aug spec Shaman buff delves for 45/45.

Mythic have made no sign of giving thanes a respec and so we will all to bein with have this 41/41 self buff, basically any shaman that has 32 End regen can out buff our self one.

Tis a shame, but its only patched to Pendragon as yet so there is yet hope.

On a bright note the timer removal is excellent.

I specced my Thane in anticipation of the timer removal and with 48 Stormcalling I now will be able to chain cast the top end Nuke. Spellcrafting will enable me to cap my +Pie and +Dex so I will cast faster than currently and hit for more damage and have a slightly better mana pool. I can finally live the Thane role of back line caster protector.

Now lets hope to balance the changes they give us access to some decent caster orienated RA's (currently Thanes have the least RA choices of any class in the game)

I hope to see MCL added soon and the RA that enables your spells to crit would be nice, but is not an essential fix.

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