


What is this fantasy about bufs staying up when buffer dies? Since when did that ever happen?

Also interresting that someone suggested that a shaman could join a group and cast group endregen buf and then leave group and it stays active on all players in that group. Its a LOL at whoever said that. (check patch notes for 53G if you dont believe me)

Ofcourse its also bs that one shaman can stand in pk and buf everyone in emain. Last i checked the hardlimit is set to 16 bufs or until the conc runs out.

I guess shammy endregen will be kinda like PoX except it runs out after 10 minutes. Right?

Also note that normal singletarget bufs dont stack so i guess atleast the single target shammy endregen wont stack either. (altho i dont like to speculate, i like facts). But someone said that if they stick multiple bards in a group their separate endregen stack so they can sprint forever. Am i right? Thats a disadvantage about shammy end regen.

Yeah, alright, those of us midgardians lucky enuf to get the end regen buf from some kind shammy can sprint abit more and our tanks can use bit more styles than before. But i dont really need to tell you what impact end regen has do i? Both hibs and albs have had it all along.....

omgomgomgomgomgomg. Stay real ppl.

And check vnboards for comments from ppl who have actually tried it before starting flamewars based on speculations.


Originally posted by Freia
What is this fantasy about bufs staying up when buffer dies? Since when did that ever happen?

Also interresting that someone suggested that a shaman could join a group and cast group endregen buf and then leave group and it stays active on all players in that group. Its a LOL at whoever said that. (check patch notes for 53G if you dont believe me)

Ofcourse its also bs that one shaman can stand in pk and buf everyone in emain. Last i checked the hardlimit is set to 16 bufs or until the conc runs out.

I guess shammy endregen will be kinda like PoX except it runs out after 10 minutes. Right?

Also note that normal singletarget bufs dont stack so i guess atleast the single target shammy endregen wont stack either. (altho i dont like to speculate, i like facts). But someone said that if they stick multiple bards in a group their separate endregen stack so they can sprint forever. Am i right? Thats a disadvantage about shammy end regen.

Yeah, alright, those of us midgardians lucky enuf to get the end regen buf from some kind shammy can sprint abit more and our tanks can use bit more styles than before. But i dont really need to tell you what impact end regen has do i? Both hibs and albs have had it all along.....

omgomgomgomgomgomg. Stay real ppl.

And check vnboards for comments from ppl who have actually tried it before starting flamewars based on speculations.

actually, u just made a small fool of yourself ;)

if this is a power-buff, ie. not conc-buff, it can be cast on everyone around you, regardless of being in grp or not, the grp-version just saves 7 casts and alot of power for the shammys grp ;)

p-buffs sticks on u even if u leave grp, zone or whatever, until its timer is out or u die :p

aaaaand no, the bards dont and cant stack their end songs, they have one bard playing speed song, and another bard playing end song, cause 1 bard cant play both at once for obvious reasons :p, so they can hit sprint and run at speed 5 + sprint forever :)


Hehe Riddler you naughty boy - I was gonna refrain from comment on Freia's post but what the hell...

Yup as averse as you are to speculation Freia you managed to be 100 percent factually incorrect (you get 20 buffs limit as a shaman :)

Really if you took out the speculation there wouldnt be any posts since nobody here is speaking 'the word of god' facts wise.

And really if you think the VNU boards are a source of the truth...

Good Luck :)


Originally posted by Freia

Both hibs and albs have had it all along.....

actually albion doesn't get it until 1.53 (individual friars got a low level version of it ... but that's a whole different kettle of fish)


Errm. Bummer.

I am sorry.

Thanx for the facts. Where on earth (on the net) did you find them? Patch notes only sais it's a "regen buf" and it sounded very much like the current mana regen buf to me. So where is the secret place that you ppl are reading about this that nobody told me about?

Also, disregarding the fact that i was totally misguided in this matter, am i the only one who thinks its a waste of bandwidth to whine about something before it has even been tried for a whole day?


tis the same as the hibernian mana regen buff. which is also 10 mins and power based. but i'm sure the mentalist would love a group buff version. since they only have single cast for alot of power!

as to your other post.... end regen hasn't ben had by albs all along, and it DOES make an impact not just on rvr but also on lvling. a tank with unlimited end which is basically what the last buff gives, is very scary. a skald travelling at speed song 5 and running is so fast its untrue. He can kill casters in 1-2 hits before they know whats happening and run off before u have the chance to stop him. And a group with end buff can keep on leveling pretty much non stop. only stopping for healers who went oom.

I also once heard that hibernia was given the end regen at the start to off balance the fact that most of there tanks don't hit as hard as the other realms, and as such need to style more to acheive the same effect. but seems all realms are arguing for the same things....

in which case when do us shades get 2 handed bloody weapons and more hp or 2.5 spec and a crossbow rather then a silly poxy spell that is bugged as a spec 1 skill and does bugger all damage?

no wait.... does sound balenced when i put it like that

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