



Dark Age of Camelot

version 1.53f Test Release Notes

Wednesday, September 18, 2002



- Using a charge on a magic item now correctly brings a stealthed player out of hiding.

- You can no longer interact with shopkeepers who are away from their home (spawn) location.

- Realm Guards now drop cash when killed.


- The damage of Thane Toothgrinder line spells has been increased.

- The recast timers on Thane Thor's Minor Bolt and Thunder Shout lines have been decreased from 30 to 20 seconds - you can now cast them more often.

- Shaman "Fungal" bolt spells and "Fungal" direct damage lines now have separate timers so they can be cast independently of each other.

- Added a new endurance regen buff to the Shaman Augmentation spec:
2 Minor Earth Invigoration (single target)
12 Lesser Earth Invigoration (single target)
22 Earth Invigoration (single target)
32 Greater Earth Invigoration (group target)
42 Superior Earth Invigoration (group target)

- Fixed bug with damages on Spiritmaster Spirit's Revenge line - it has been increased to be on par with the damage of other casters.

- Fixed cast times and damage/costs on Bard Major Resurgence and Tones of Health lines. There was a problem where some Bard spells took too much power to cast and/or didn't do enough damage.

- Druid pets have been changed so that the trees do crushing damage, the cats do thrust damage, and the wolves do slashing damage. Previously, all pets did slashing damage - this gives them some variety.

- Snare should no longer work backwards - previously, it snared your target a little at the beginning of the effect, then ramped up to 100%. Now it correctly snares for full effect at the beginning of the spell, and slowly wears off.

- The icon for Paladin chants are now displayed in the concentration window, and can be canceled from there. The text reads "Pulse: " for the chant.

- Haste on pets should now work.

- Fixed some errors in the Healer healing spells. Several had higher costs than intended; these have been reduced in cost.

- Spiritmasters can now learn the realm ability "Wild Power".


Pendragon Only: Alchemy and Spellcrafting merchants/trainers/vendors/tools have been turned back on.

Albion Quests: Lady Nimue's spell effects were getting in the way of players turning in objects to her. This effect has been fixed and she should now accept any items passed to her

Monsters: Midgard: Many of the merchants and NPCs in Jordheim now have a richer backstory.


- The Arcing Bludgeoner (Alb) should now be restricted to mercenaries only.

- The Rod of Souls (Alb) should now actually increase intelligence properly.

- The Valhalla Touched Gloves were mistakenly left off the list of +pac items that were changed in the last patch.

- Pendragon only: Slashing weapons in Albion that are generated by the new loot system should no longer be dropping with +thrust.


Originally posted by 1234Taz
- The damage of Thane Toothgrinder line spells has been increased.

- The recast timers on Thane Thor's Minor Bolt and Thunder Shout lines have been decreased from 30 to 20 seconds - you can now cast them more often.
Wow, I'm finally gettin' a chance to say 'need power' or 'OOP';)

- Shaman "Fungal" bolt spells and "Fungal" direct damage lines now have separate timers so they can be cast independently of each other.

- Added a new endurance regen buff to the Shaman Augmentation spec:
2 Minor Earth Invigoration (single target)
12 Lesser Earth Invigoration (single target)
22 Earth Invigoration (single target)
32 Greater Earth Invigoration (group target)
42 Superior Earth Invigoration (group target)
Even my alt gets some love:) now he will be getting into groups even easier than before! About time we got an endurance regen buff:D


oh good, now i can't solo thanes any more ;)
good to see them throw the shammies that bone, bolt and DD being on same timer was ludicrous. Tbh the DD being on a timer at all is ludicrous anyway, but hey...


Anyone else think that end regen 5 on a 10min buff is just that little bit sick?

paladins can run end regen for about 3 minutes (little bit more for higher piety)

no idea how long a bard can run it for before running out of power...

shaman can cast it on everyone for 10m at a time... and then sit in the portal keep. can't mezz him to stop it either...

nasty nasty - I don't see it going live (or at least I hope it doesn't).


AFAIK bards can run it forever, don't think it takes power to maintain (like any of the instrument clases' songs).


If you have 2 bards in a grp 1 with speed song 5 another playing end song 5 then sprint, you can go at stupid speed forever.


Well bolt and DD on seperate timer is nice but should have been there from the beginning. As for end regan most shaman's DONT want it, we want our cave line fixed and they dont do that by giving us more buffs... And grp end regan is spec 32... why do bard and paladin get them at lower spec.


Shamans may be so ignorant as to not wanting it but the rest of your realm does want it.


Gentry you get it as a buff though, not a chant/song. That means you can cast your single target buff on all members of your group and be sorted for 10 mins. Bard/pala has to leave it running meaning they can't use a different chant/song at the same time.


Originally posted by FredaOfAxiom
If you have 2 bards in a grp 1 with speed song 5 another playing end song 5 then sprint, you can go at stupid speed forever.


Get a group of 8 with one skald, disband one person and invite a shaman. Shaman buffs, disbands, groups with the other person who disbanded, buffs him/her, then that person rejoins the original group.

So now you have top end buff and speed song 5, WITHOUT the shaman needing to be in the group.

PoS if you ask me really.

Glad to see the timers have been seperated, maybe more platers will play Shamans now though.


Paladins get range 1000 endurance chant, lasts 3.5 minutes, can't use anything else whilst using it (they can style or whatever, but lose all their chants).

Bards get range ? endurance chant ... no idea how long it'll last them and I assume they can't chant anything else whilst doing it... (can still heal though?)

Shamans get infinite range endurance buff (just need to be close when it's cast) which lasts ten minutes, and doesn't impinge on the shaman's ability to cast at all.


how meny shamans that aint buffbots have 32+ aug... well aint meny, those of us that dont we gotta throw 8 end buffs maybe dmg add and resist buffs every 10 mins... buffing aint fun.
As for what my realm m8's want, that doesnt help a shaman, all i got from this is more buffs... make it a chant just as the other 2 realm's have.


Originally posted by mid-gentry
how meny shamans that aint buffbots have 32+ aug... well aint meny, those of us that dont we gotta throw 8 end buffs maybe dmg add and resist buffs every 10 mins... buffing aint fun.
As for what my realm m8's want, that doesnt help a shaman, all i got from this is more buffs... make it a chant just as the other 2 realm's have.

Yeah I hope the power cost is not too high.

I play a wizzie on Prydwen and the constant rebuffing or earth damage add along with self buffs chews up about 40% of my power pool every 10 mins. Nice :(


I agree, most shamans won't be overjoyed by it :) what do they use endurance for anyway...

however it makes everyone else that much sicker...


lol, Mythic throws you 2 bones and you still complain? Cave line IS fixed, stop whining. Out of curiosity, what would make it fixed? I mean, if we compare it to cabalist matter spec or mentalist mana spec?


Mythic would prolly change it, coz it´s as sick as giving ae stun to wizards (which they addressed by adding pb to SMs and change ae stun to ae root... they must be on crack tbh)

End buff like a mana buff, it´s more likely to a PoT, soon u´ll hear Sub ask all the time: "EoT here plz, doublefrost eats end" :p

As stated in other posts, now bard from the only 1 no self end provider with worst end regen dropped to be the 1 with worst end regen full stop :/


Mythic would prolly change it, coz it´s as sick as giving ae stun to wizards (which they addressed by adding pb to SMs and change ae stun to ae root... they must be on crack tbh)

End buff like a mana buff, it´s more likely to a PoT, soon u´ll hear Sub ask all the time: "EoT here plz, doublefrost eats end" :p

As stated in other posts, now bard from the only 1 no self end provider with worst end regen dropped to be the 1 with worst end regen full stop :/

And 4 those sorcs whining, insta every 10 min < quickcast every 30- sec with 2 form of CC (aka double inmunity purge won´t solve) so bards got some bad shaft now (this should be considered a nerf tbh)


Originally posted by 1234Taz
Monsters: Midgard: Many of the merchants and NPCs in Jordheim now have a richer backstory.

I'm happy, hurray for Mythic!.. Even though they so painfully slow at sorting the things that shoulda been fixed before original release :clap: Yay!


What a great patch for Midgard- SM's have been lobbying for wild power like all their equivalents for some time now!

My shammie gets some love too with them beginning to fix some of the Cave magic issues tho I'm most interested in the endurance regen - Drool!!!

Im pretty sure Mythic see shammies as primarily buffers and then as secondary healers - realistically youll never get Cave magic up to the likes of smite so if your holding out for that I'd play something else.

Healers get cheaper heals!!!

And finally some good news for the Thane - I might even get my ex-main out of retirement to try it out :)

About the only class who doesnt gain (out of those who need help) is the Shadowblade - hopefully next patch eh guys???


Shadowblades need help ? Do we play the same game ? :p


Originally posted by old.chesnor
Shadowblades need help ? Do we play the same game ? :p

Heh I agree they are not too bad at the moment but theres another new patch that gives them a reduction in damage v the armor types the other 2 assasin classes get while the other assasins get a bonus v their leather.

Dunno why since they werent exactly overpowered v the other assasin classes before that change - Infiltrators have the advantage at the moment and this just hands em another one?

To be honest I'm looking forward to a time when they stop meddling with classes - its frustrating to start a char because you like what it is then to later see it completely changed???

If their are some minor game balance issues I think most people would accept them in exchange for some stability.


infiltrators PA for a lot lot less than a shadowblade ;)

(and dual wield sucks ;))


Azal hit me for 1125 Damage recently... not a huge level difference and I do have decent armour... now tell me SBs don't hit hard.


(....mind you, I'll get him one day ;))


oh dear

Mythic makes all this fuss about not introducing major balance altering changes quickly (ie spellcrafting) and then proceeds to throw a 10 minute duration group/single endurance regen spell on a class that didnt ask for it in a melee heavy realm. The higher level versions of which allow infinite sprinting/near infinite styling.

Anyone want to enter an rvr battlefield where any mid grouped or not can chase you down and THEN style away on you for as long as it takes?


heh all three realms have endurance regen...

the advantage midgard gets is that you don't have to sit within range 1000 of your tanks, and if you get mezzed/killed your pals don't lose it..

Paladins/Bards need to stay with their fighters, shaman buffs then hides back at range 2000, healing.

Paladin/Bard is in the thick of the action so will get mezzed and/or/ killed - the endurance regen is gone.

If someone _does_ sneak around the back and kills the shaman - your tanks are still all hyped up with endurance.

Not to mention the fact the endurance regen buff lasts for 10m whilst a high-piety paladin will get at most three and a half minutes from it....

Also, Bards/Paladin's can't use their other chants whilst doing this ... once a shaman buffs - he can do what he likes.

anyone else not think this is a shade unfair?

I'm all for the bard one being better (doesn't cost mana, so it'll last longer) as the paladin has other benefits...
but the shaman one is ridiculously good.


We'll see - there arent that many shammies who'll be running round with the group version - the endurance is great if a melee can get into melee but it doesnt really stop you getting mezzed/stunned and dd/melleed to death - plus this stuffs expensive and shamans dont get unlimited mana so if they are using these its a trade off with something else.

On the other hand paladins n bards who get endurance regen are common - might be better if skalds got it since these are a lot more common than shamans with 35 in buffing?

I seriously doubt if it will have any significant impact on game balance.


Originally posted by rynnor

I seriously doubt if it will have any significant impact on game balance.

You could be right...
I'm less optimistic ;)

I guess there will be a lot less shamans with end regen 5 than there will be paladins/bards with it... so maybe it's not so bad.

Still scared :)


You missed the point they dont NEED to run round with it. ONE shaman can SIT at the portal keep and give EVERY mid in emain unlimited end for 10 minutes
1 bard/pally can do 7 others and themself for a price and have to stay with them

The middie buffbot of choice is a high aug shaman. Do you really want a group of 7 shadowblades RUNNING around for 10 minutes off 1 cast off 1 buffbot who can stay behind with endless end regen?

If this makes it to live 1.53 patch and after middies get to wield its power for a while they themsleves will call for it to be changed for fear of what Mythic will be forced to give the other realms to level the playing field again


Originally posted by Tigerius
Shamans may be so ignorant as to not wanting it but the rest of your realm does want it.

If they want it , they can go make a shaman :clap:


Originally posted by PJS
You missed the point they dont NEED to run round with it. ONE shaman can SIT at the portal keep and give EVERY mid in emain unlimited end for 10 minutes

Well in theory its almost possible though you seem to be missing the horrible casting cost of this.

In theory you could get a high level theurgist giving out his damage add to all the albs but it doesnt really happen in reality.

You might find a few mids with end regen once this patch comes in but I think you are majorly overestimating its real impact.

Plus what about the logistics of buffing all these people - you think Mids are that organised :)

Most shamans who can cast the group one are buffbots either stuck on their melee using mana to heal n res or parked and afk while main goes hunting.

Id be more worried about the two bards in one group scenario with infinite high speed sprinting - yeugh!

Plus although its a regen it doesnt neccesarily keep you at full regardless of what you do - anyone using heavy styles can still run out of end it'll just take longer but how many fights last that long???

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