1.53E: Diablo 2 Items! ;D


j000 d000d


With the introduction of the new RvR dungeons, we are also unveiling a new system for treasure drops. This system is a change from the existing treasure drops that you have become accustomed to.

This system allows us to vary the power of similar items that drop from one monster. As such, each "Unique Object" that you recieve as treasure is different from those that have dropped before, and those that will drop in the future. Items can vary in quality, magic bonus, stat bonusses, skill bonusses, resist bonuses, etc. etc. Each object that drops under this new system will delve as a "Unique Object" to reflect the rarity of this particular combination of bonusses and quality. Please note that the name of these new items reflects the bonusses that are on the object.

Similar objects will have the same name, however the properties will be different - remember that "/delve" will reveal the properties of the object.

To summarize:

1) Objects created under this system will have varying properties attached to them.
2) Some objects with different properties will have the same name.
3) Every object created under this system has "Unique object" listed when it is delved.
4) Players will have to /delve every object to determine the value to the player.


Seems like something interesting :)

Talk about "Real" uberdrops :)


Ooh Ooh, I want a Doombringer, Burizo and a Godly Plate of the Whale please ! oops, that last one was Diablo 1, sorry.



oh and...




couldn't help myself ^^


Hey, in 1.53Z

Guess what?


(damn i'd like TPs in this game :p)


Uhm, I don't get it.

So in theory, an item you know, in our current EU patch, has +10con/+10pie (example) could drop in this new patch with like +4con/+12pie or even completely other stats? (like the Glacier Giant cloak for example, that drops in different versions with the same name)

If that's how it would work, I for one am done farming items. :(



Good be a good thing really, as it will stop that farming of items because you don't know what your going to get each time, but then you could get some uber drops off the baddies!


I think the new items will drop only in the new dungeons coming in 1.53.

So the old items from old places will still drop as they used to.


Originally posted by Raktael
Good be a good thing really, as it will stop that farming of items because you don't know what your going to get each time, but then you could get some uber drops off the baddies!

Hello? It will mean you have people farming longer and harder because that "uber" drop with perfect stats in every way could be just around the corner. It sounds pretty awful to be honest; farming items is tedious enough when you know what you will be getting eventually. Farming the same item over and over again just in the hope of randomly getting a better version of it sounds much worse :mad:

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Laromia
Uhm, I don't get it.

So in theory, an item you know, in our current EU patch, has +10con/+10pie (example) could drop in this new patch with like +4con/+12pie or even completely other stats? (like the Glacier Giant cloak for example, that drops in different versions with the same name)

If that's how it would work, I for one am done farming items. :(


+12 pie? I want!! I want now!!

mmmh........... pie


Originally posted by old.Revz

Hello? It will mean you have people farming longer and harder because that "uber" drop with perfect stats in every way could be just around the corner. It sounds pretty awful to be honest; farming items is tedious enough when you know what you will be getting eventually. Farming the same item over and over again just in the hope of randomly getting a better version of it sounds much worse :mad:

It gets rid of 'find monster X, kill Y times, you get Z'
which is a good thing :) adds variety... sooooo dull to get the same crap dropping off of pygmys every time ;)

Loot farming is dull anyway - if you want to go farm, it's up to you ;)
For those of us out there killing things for xp, the wacky drops will be interesting :)


But everyone will be using crafted items with spellcrafted FX. So that doesnt really matter. does it ? :p


unless these unique drops get a uber rare chance to get better stats than is possible on spellcrafted items, then they will e wort it, tho I cant see it happening, the idea is fr Player crafted items to be the best in the game, hence giving Crafters power.

Its prolly much easier to farm cahs and make the items u need rather than farm the items in HOPE of a good version.


So 1.53 brings us the "Tomb of Forest Gump"?
Weee! :clap:


Nothing this will produce will beat spellcrafted items. After all, if you have capped +stats and 26% all resists, what more is there to get?


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Nothing this will produce will beat spellcrafted items. After all, if you have capped +stats and 26% all resists, what more is there to get?
Kinda sums up DAoC (lack of) PvE that...


Looks like Mythic admitting they didnt know what to do with drops in the new areas since spellcrafting will be live at the same time.

If you have the gold and a friendly crafter willing to put in the time you can make the equivalent of dragon/legion drops - so finding a good way to itemise the new areas was never going to be easy. This might be interesting for a day or two - or maybe a little longer depending on how long it takes Mythic to add craftable jewellery items for spellcrafting.

Mythic launched with big promises for the crafting system - which so far theyve failed to deliver on. Now assuming they deliver what theyre promising in 1.53 (and beyond) right theyve gone too far.

Balance? It seems to have been removed from their vocabulary.


Well I'm a self-proclaimed n00b so this is probably totally wrong, but what if they could make some of these drops add to your base-stats? Wouldn't that mean they could be used in conjunction with the new spellcrafted stuff to give a better overall stat? That would be a way around the capping limitations...

...wouldn't it?




anything yhat adds to a base stt is still considered a buff, so in effect what you propose is a 3rd Bufftype, sorry 4th (forgot bout RA) that stacks with all other buffs?

Scary thought, and quite pointless in many circumstances as stats over 300 are usless, 300 being the hard cap for usefulness


There is virtually nowhere else for Mythic to go with stats on weapons and armour. I've already got guild members posting "perfect" equipment loadouts on our forums which cap every important stat (str, con, dex and qui for melee, pie/int, str/qui, con, and dex for casters etc.) and put all of your resists at 26%. This is a bit dubious considering the game hasn't been retail for even a year in the US yet.

With spellcrafting enhanced 100% quality weapons as well there is literally no point to taking part in PvE. Take 70 people down to kill Legion for 4 drops or spend a few hours farming cash and go buy a weapon which is better than what he drops because it is tailored to your class. I know which one most people will be doing.


can you craft rings/bracers/neckalces/jewlery and such?

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by Jupitus
Well I'm a self-proclaimed n00b so this is probably totally wrong, but what if they could make some of these drops add to your base-stats? Wouldn't that mean they could be used in conjunction with the new spellcrafted stuff to give a better overall stat? That would be a way around the capping limitations...

...wouldn't it?


now that would be mighty interesting


They are putting jewelry crafting in there as a secondary skill for those doing spellcrafting/alchemy I understand. Even then it isn't actually necessary because using store bought jewelry from DF you can get the following (as worked out by Ronarth) :

+11 pole
+10 parry
+4 slash
+75 con (cap)
+75 str (cap)
+72 dex (cap-3)
+26 qui

slash 18 7 = 25% + 3% race = 28% (cap-1)
crush 12 7 7 = 26% +2% race = 28% (cap)
thrust 12 7 = 19%
body 18 7 = 25% (cap-1)
spirit 8 7 5 = 27% + 5% = 31% (cap)
cold 28 = 26% (cap)
heat 22 = 22%
energy 10 7 = 17%
matter 0 7 = 7%

for keep defence: 16.5 dps, 99%+ qua, 35% bonus Duskwood Light Crossbow (+6 crossbow, +7% matter, +3 dex) and maybe some gauntlets with +4 crossbow, +60 hits, +13 dex and +13 qui

That is only using six pieces of spellcrafted armour, Legion's soulsplitter and diamond seal jewelry. If you were able to craft non-armour slot items then there are progressively better versions of it leading up to totally maxed stats.

j000 d000d

Well, we don't know yet how good the items will be.

But if it can be better than some spellcrafting items, this would be interesting :)

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