1.53D - Palidins get love!


Brannor McThife

Oh yay. Now Alb and Hib have endurance regen. <sighs>

Why is it, that the realm that is supposed to be the best at certain things gets the short end of the stick... This applies to things from all the realms.

The RA for endurance regen is a joke. So poor warriors like me end up soloing even con mobs in a fight that lasts more than a minute at my level. Why? Because it take <10 hits to chew up all my endurance, and then I can go afk... Give warriors short radius endurance/health regen auras. Not really chants, but things that work in certain situations, i.e. Passive. Endurance regens during combat (ONLY), and health regens during rest. I timed it last night, took 2+ minutes to regen 50% health (with RA Regen 1).

Give us something nice. Happy you Paladins got something nice...just means that I'll actually struggle to solo an even con paladin now...since he can heal himself, AF, Damage, and endurance regen all in one fight...thanks mythic. Nice to know a hybrid fighter class can kill a pure fighter... :(



can't cast endurance regen in combat

so it can't be twisted.

A warrior will still splat a paladin, far more damage, and far more hp.

either the paladin twists healing/armour/vigour and takes a while to kill (same as now)

or they stick on endurance and use lots of styles, doing a bit more damage before you butchre them.

one thing endurance chant does do is let them sprint off... but you'll be buying Prevent Flight to stop that :)


A warrior will still splat a paladin, far more damage, and far more hp

duh thats what warriors are made for, pallys are more usefull in groups now, the aint "hybrids" for nothing, if i keep comparing every char with another in solo, almost evry char is useluess


why do people whine i get the impression that you dont want mythic to improve any class....

warriors will get their patch sooner or later.

also my paladin has 1559hitpoints and i know a few armsmen who have the same as me. (me has nice +hit resist items)

how many hitpoints does a warrior have? ( im guessing atleast 100 more since trolls/dwarves/norse have higher con than me briton)


kladen - you're not mooing and saying 'here! have my free RP!' so they get upset :)


whine whine whine

I'm glad for Paladins, now they're less shit

Hopefully the same will happen for Thanes in 1.53E

End of


This is funny...
you get paladins whining on IGN because they don't get to chop things up better (there's a lot of paladins there who want to outdamage armsmen...... plus have chants? okaaaay - methinks they miss the point of 'hybrid, group support tank')

then you get everyone else whining because "Mythic's favourite realm" (good joke that) gets endurance chant.

patch days are ace :clap: :clap:

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