1.53D - Palidins get love!



i **** you not.

I think this patch should prove to be a good one =)


Dark Age of Camelot

version 1.53d Test Release Notes

Thursday, September 12, 2002



- After gathering a year's worth of data, and listening to Team Lead and player concerns, we are lessening the experience point curve between levels 40-45. Under the current system, from levels 1 to 40, the time-played per level slowly increases. At level 40, time played increases dramatically and remains the same (give or take) from 40 to 50. We had intended a smoother curve from levels 40 to 45 to "ramp up" to levels 45 to 50 (which we intended to take a long time). In order to compensate for this, we've reduced the number of monsters you will need to kill between levels 40-45 - you'll still get the same amount of experience points per kill, but you'll need to kill fewer monsters each level.

- The experience awarded for killing 35th to 40th level monsters has been increased. We had a "bump" in our awarded experience per level of kill at that range and we're smoothing out the curve by raising the experience awarded per kill.

- The experience awarded for completed quests has been increased by 10% across the board (more than 10% for levels 40-45, due to the "fewer monsters killed per level change").


- We've relaxed the rules that govern the experience clamp that occurs when lower level characters group with higher level characters and the group fights monsters deemed unchallenging to the group's total strength. You should now be able to group with a wider range of players in the group without suffering an experience point penalty.


We are making the following updates to Paladins to make them more desirable in RvR, and to generally make them slightly more effective at upgrading their group's overall power and effectiveness.

- All Paladin chants have had their range increased to 1500 (their regeneration chant was at 700).

- The Paladin self armor-factor chant now stacks with other armor factor buffs.

- A new line of endurance regeneration chants have been added to the Paladin. These new chants consume power.

- A new line of stackable resistance buffs have been added to the Paladin. These new chants stack with the resistance buffs of other classes and consume power.

The new spells (all take power at every pulse):

- Endurance Regeneration line
2 Chant of Endurance
12 Chant of Stamina
22 Chant of Persistence
32 Chant of Resilience
42 Chant of Perseverance

- Resistance to Heat/Cold/Matter, stacks with single element buffs:
27 Elemental Ward
46 Elemental Shield

- Resistance to Body/Spirit/Energy, stacks with single element buffs:
25 Soul Ward
44 Soul Shield


- Norse helms can once again be tinted. Please note that this fixes a Pendragon-only bug.

- Minstrels will now see their "speed" spell effect around their feet once again when using their speed song.

- You should now properly get a +3% to +15% realm point bonus and bounty point bonus when fighting around a realm owned keep.

- When you right click on an item in the incoming trade window, it now correctly shows the bonus field.

- Players who were tailors (order #4) will be converted to zero out Gemcutting, Herbcraft and Spellcraft - they had the fields accidentally.

- When a player had a combat style selected on his mouse and an Accept/Decline dialog appeared, the dialog would not work correctly. This has been fixed.

- /FOLLOW, /STICK and /FACE have been added to the command repeat (shift-up) queue.

- /REPORT commands and /APPEAL have been removed from the command repeat (shift-up) queue.

- A bug with bonus levels on focus items for Spellcrafting has been fixed.

- a new slash command; "/scrollchat" has been added. This toggles the Chat Buffer scrolling. If it is toggled on, messages in your visible chat buffer will disappear after 90 seconds - but you'll still be able to view old messages by scrolling back in the chat buffer.


Hibernia: The corrupted reinforced store has been fixed (Pendragon only) - Akira, Twm, Mariota, Roise, Pegeen, Nolan, Uaine, and Maltia Cyrille all now are ready to serve Hibernia again.

Realm V. Realm - Battlegrounds:

Battlegrounds (ALL): We have added a new NPC type called a Siege Master. These Siege Masters can be found at your realm’s portal keep within the Battlegrounds. The primary purpose of these Siege Masters is to provide a method for players to gain experience in the use of siege weaponry in these RvR training grounds. Please visit this new NPC within your Battleground in order to gain more insight.


- The "polished bone" (quest item) should no longer stack.

- Wolf Hide Leggings (Albion) should now be dyable.

- Players should now be able to pick up the Insidious Golden Band.

- Bounty potions are now usable in combat.


Oooh, nifty. Gonna be some big AFs around :)

Shame friars lose out on one of their more specific skills :(


I already love the sound of that endurance regen chants and of the stackable resists :)


Originally posted by Lam
I already love the sound of that endurance regen chants and of the stackable resists :)

Yeah - but since theyre chants they cant all be used at once - can they?

How large an effect would endurance regen have to have before you chose it over dmg add or heal chant for PvE use? In RvR it may be useful when running away ;) In the heat of a battle would you use it?

Im not a paladin, but Im not convinced this is going to make any real difference to you guys - except for giving you even more flashy icons to play with ;)


so will paladins finally apreciate some piety ( = power) ? :p


what a joke

paladin endurance chant , where's the middie version of endurance regen (midgard is the melee realm and afaik endurance is one of the key elements of melee combat)

paladin resistance chants, the odds of those being sung are really low.

seems like mythic's favourite realm gets all love again , let's hope a next patch brings goodies for the other hybrids


lol, the old ones are the best eh Klavrynd?
Mythic's favourite realm, hmm. This is why we have the worst CC in the game and the single most played class in the realm gets nerfed heavily next patch? Hmmmmm
When comm bak.... bring better whine


mmm 3 pala group... end, dmg, heal, how uber for PvE? ;)


Landshark, let's not forget, worst caster too ;)


single most played class in the realm

gee i wonder why?

nuke for 90% - 150% the damage of a nuker class (both dd's and a pbae dd)
primary cc (stun/pbae mezz)
groupfriendlyness (heals anyone)

worst cc in the game ? because you dont have ae stun?

ps : ever wondered why so many people play albion?


Cleric is NOT CC.
Primary CC is sorcerer.
Secondary CC is minstrel.
Tertiary CC is theurgist.

Wizards out damage clerics in almost all cases so the 90-150% claim is also false. Especially when you factor in the 4 sec cast time on smites vs wizards 3s nuke.

Worst CC in the game because we have no ranged insta mez, let alone ranged insta AE mez. In fact cleric has the only insta mez in albion.


first, let me rephrase "primary cc " into "basic cc" of "elementary cc"

second, i find it strange how with equal spirit and fire resistance, smite nukes either hit me for slightly less to tons more damage then fire dd's (and quite some people i know share this feeling)

third : with selfbuffs (both base dex buffs and specced dex/qui buff) the cleric can alter his casting speed close to the 3s from an unbuffed wizzie


They have to be joking right? that is ment to make the paladin better in RvR?

somthing tells me the paladin will never be any good in RvR?

so far every thing they have added to the paladin to make it better at RvR has really changed nothing, apart from having more usless chants :(


Where are the middie and hibbie versions of these FFS! Ok hibbies already have an endurance regen but where is skald AF chant (or whatever class) and resist chants that do 3 resists at once and stack with others!

Grrrr! Plus this really won't help pallies kill anyone in RvR but no one cares about that ;D


Are you people for real? They do a fairly unsignificant improvement to a gimped RvR class and all you can do is whine about Albion getting the most love and your realm lacking this and that.

I will NOT go into the Cleric dmg discussion once more, I have stated the cold hard stats over and over. Your argument that Albion is the favourite realm is however proven to be entirely moot as a fair number of nerfs have hit us recently. I could easily point a finger to a realm seemingly without nerfs but I won't.

The Paladins equivalent is the Champion of Hibernia and the Thane of Midgard. Thanes may not be considered a finished class, but stack up well ability by ability compared to Paladin. Champs stand in a class above the other two as one (if not the) most finished melee classes (slight questionmarks as always with Hib to stylelist).


Originally posted by klavrynd
paladin resistance chants, the odds of those being sung are really low.

Paladin almost always use resist chants in rvr , body/cold/energy/heat are most used

Yeah - but since theyre chants they cant all be used at once - can they?

How large an effect would endurance regen have to have before you chose it over dmg add or heal chant for PvE use? In RvR it may be useful when running away In the heat of a battle would you use it?

Im not a paladin, but Im not convinced this is going to make any real difference to you guys - except for giving you even more flashy icons to play with

well since your not a paladin you dont know how good these are to us :p


also stop f00king bitching!

why do you said people have to bitch when something good happens to a not very good class? you afriad of getting killed more or something


why do you said people have to bitch when something good happens to a not very good class?

what happens if you nerf a not so good class? think about that

ps : read my sig


1000 AF here we come! hahahahaha

8 pally group will rock. 3 chanting heal for 138hp heal per 8 seconds, and the other 5 of them will chant Armour, Damage Add, Endurance Regen, Heat/Cold/Matter, Body/Spirit/Energy!

And then we can all use Faith Heal, thats 8 insta group heals...kinda invincible me thinks.

Need that mez curer tho so get rid of 1 pally for the unstoppable gank team.

/me rolls on floor laughing his tits off


Klav, you moan -far- too much. Please keep your whinging all to one of your own threads, so the rest of us can ignore it.

I would venture to say that most people choose to play in Albion as they've heard of King Arthur -- know a little bit about the legends and myths, so it's a good realm to begin with. It certainly is not because the realm has "uber" classes!!

And if we do have uber classes and you think its unfair -- come play in Albion. If you think we have uber classes but want to level the playing field by playing for the underdog (yeah right) STOP MOANING ABOUT THE CHOICE YOU MADE!!

It's a damn good thing that Paladin's have had some attention. They were definitely in need of it, and even after this they will still be, well, not the complete article.

As far as skalds are concerned - please - that class is the dogs best bits as it is. To give them more would be to make them (dare I say --- even more...) uber. A weak class getting attention is not a nerf to other classes, it's game balancing.

If you don't like it Klav naf off back to Pacman.


Klav, you moan -far- too much. Please keep your whinging all to one of your own threads, so the rest of us can ignore it

use the superduper ignore feature if you don't like it.

It's a damn good thing that Paladin's have had some attention. They were definitely in need of it, and even after this they will still be, well, not the complete article

"Hybrids" wouldve been looked at in the next patch, and all i see is paladin. If this gets done in 1.53e or following you may ignore this

As far as skalds are concerned - please - that class is the dogs best bits as it is. To give them more would be to make them (dare I say --- even more...) uber

can't find _any_ referral of mine to skalds

A weak class getting attention is not a nerf to other classes, it's game balancing.

depends, if the classes's equivalent doesn't have anything with comparable power, i do consider it a nerf

If you don't like it Klav naf off back to Pacman.

pacman doesnt have lots to moan and whine about so i'll stay here until shadowbane is out thank you very much.



i shouldve put all my points in piety when i started the char ;p


Originally posted by klavrynd

"Hybrids" wouldve been looked at in the next patch, and all i see is paladin. If this gets done in 1.53e or following you may ignore this

depends, if the classes's equivalent doesn't have anything with comparable power, i do consider it a nerf

Since the patch isn't over, and some Thane loving next update isn't at all unlikely, you really should wait to say anything rather than guard yourself with likely "if so and so ignore".

So you're saying that who hasn't anything with comparable power? Thanes? Not the best class in the world, they do need improvement, but they definately have comparable power to Paladin.


A lot of RvR takes place with some distance between the enemy factions. The Thanes ranged attack gives him a huge advantage over the Paladin at such times. Not that I am complaining, or asking for them to be nerfed -- its the differences between classes that make the game interesting.

But before people get upset about the loving Paladin's are to receive they really should consider the only thing my preferred class can do at range is rez.

And Klav, no you didn't refer to skalds -- that was another poster in the thread, obviously upset that Paladin's won't continue to be the RP cows they have been for so long.


Originally posted by Sarnat
Where are the middie and hibbie versions of these FFS! Ok hibbies already have an endurance regen but where is skald AF chant (or whatever class) and resist chants that do 3 resists at once and stack with others!

Grrrr! Plus this really won't help pallies kill anyone in RvR but no one cares about that ;D
So you want skald to have all the abilities of minstrels and paladins? hmm yes balanced... :p
Midgard does need end regen though.


Originally posted by old.Kladen

well since your not a paladin you dont know how good these are to us :p

Given the amount of time Ive spent grouped with paladins seeing exactly what chants are and are not useful Ive a fair idea - trust me :)


Originally posted by Sarnat
Where are the middie and hibbie versions of these FFS! Ok hibbies already have an endurance regen but where is skald AF chant (or whatever class) and resist chants that do 3 resists at once and stack with others!

where is paladins mach 5? mezz? stun? snare? 2 shouts?

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