1.52H - AE mezz nerf!



And I bet this aint the last Nerf of mezzes. I bet theyre gonna halve the duration there or something

boo-hoo , go play a light tank and earn your right to whine.

Purge is a reason to whine, but this aoe thing and heal mezz (which imho most mezzers won't bother to cast since they're either trying to mezz themselves, nuking a bit or trying to save their own ass) are not.

Mythic said from day one that speccing one line would be "penalized" if you want to call it that way.



Sorry for Caps but unless you can actually fortell the future STOP your whining wankers!

You have no fucking idea how it is gonna turn out

And maybe they will get sorcerers down so they are not changing the outcome of battle more than 10 armsman would.


Mythic said from day one that speccing one line would be "penalized" if you want to call it that way.
So specialization is basically useless. Everyone must be jack-of-all-trades.... yey. That doesnt bring any variety in characters does it.

Iunliten, sorry you had to actually lift your phat phingers and write a sentence with shift pressed down. But basically theyre nerfing any kind of CC in RvR, which makes tanks a bit more usefull, but also when there is no collision (characters bumbing to each other) CC is a must to protect the weaker support classes. Would be really good if they removed CC and made characters "touchable", so tanks would actually BE tanks and protect the support classes by standing infront of em. But that would change the whole game.

And maybe they will get sorcerers down so they are not changing the outcome of battle more than 10 armsman would.

Why not? As I believe I've said before, without any kind of CC, battles would be just Damage As Much As You Can. The one who happens to have more power (more people, better damage output overall) wins. And that IS stupid. There aint tactics involved.

Ive been involved in many encounters with Hibs/Mids where the battle lasted for 3-4 mins even when nearly all were mezzed from the enemy side. Cant remember every occasion, but we've won and we've lost, due our/their lack of skill and reflexes.

And reducing mez effectiveness pleases more people than keeping it in current position. Count all the Sorcs/Bards/Healers, then count every other class (Except stealthers which mez doesnt affect so much). Im 100% sure there are more people who dont like to get mezzed when theyre not the mez class. Theyre nerfing those areas that most people concider unfair. Majority wins.


kr0n stop whining. It isn't actually that much of a nerf, and it affects all CC classes, not just sorcs. You really wind me up with your petty 'i am not teh uber nemore' BS.

Sorcs are still the most versatile CC class there is, try playing a Middy Healer, then you may have a right to whinge about mezz nerfs, as that is all they do in RvR (apart from res). Sorcs got nukes, DoTs, a pet, debuffs, bladeturn.

You are not the only person playing this game, tanks have been cancelled out for too long by CC classes casting 1 spell. Mythic have responded to the justified moans and made changes that should make the game more enjoyable for many people, and yet you moan. Selfish ?

old.Gombur Glodson

since when does sorcs have bladeturn?


Well, since I havent played Bard/Healer I cant speak how much that affects them.

You really wind me up with your petty 'i am not teh uber nemore' BS.
My sorc has never been über. It never will be. Im a support sorc, live only for mezzing. And I have never said Im über class, Im just saying theyre destroying the abilities I like and enjoy using.

Gombur I believe he means SelfBT.

Selfish, OFC I am. I dont like rules being changed in the middle of the freakin' game. I mean theyre basically making my 30d /played useless in future. All the time I've spent building a class, based on the assumption that Im gonna be a good mezzer with this char for a long time, so its worth leveling to 50. And now they effectively remove the usefulness of my character. Tanks have always been gimps in RvR, and yet people make 'em.

Sorcs got nukes, DoTs, a pet, debuffs, bladeturn.
Yeah sorc gets nukes. In the expense on something else. If I want good nukes, I must drop out pet, mez and the only really usefull debuff. If I want decent everything, I cant be good at anything. Good mez = low nukes.


Get your future told by Kron here.

<Tries to drag people into kron's tent pointing at the sign saying: "knowing the future with kron deluxem, no failures in his foretellings so far">

He can also bullshitting saying without the current Ae mezz there won't be any tactic.
For clicking enemy click AE mezz sit down and wait RP to fall in is lots of tactics. I must so agree with that.


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
since when does sorcs have bladeturn?

Since level 19 :p

19 Barrier of Warding Bladeturn P. Buff 8% 4 Self 10 min.


Wahey seems the mezz ppl gets a little of the medecin Warriors and Hunters have been fed since day one :D RvR usability and Pet Problems....

Warrior= useless in RvR good in PvE, owned by casters owned by tanks owned by light tank. Now with the mezz "fixes" maybe it will take the casters 1.4 sec longer to kill me, which means i'm ALMOST near you to swing once (and bounce on BT).

Hunter= good in RvR useless in grpPvE mostly because the useless pet (highest pet o can charm is 40 (80% of hunters lvl))when it dies good luck getting grp to wait for me to find a new one (like sorc..) big HERE I AM flag when stealthed.
And same ownage as warrior, but add NS and Inf

I ask myself everyday why oh why did i bother to bring them to 50 (warr) and 34(hunter):rolleyes:


Im full mind, I can turn the tides of battles.

So your telling me you're not uber but you take most of the enemy out of the fight in a matter of seconds? Atm you are as useful as 10 armsmen as someone said earlier.

Well, basically they enforce speccing only matter/body.

Not true. Let me quote yourself.

If I want good nukes, I must drop out pet, mez and the only really usefull debuff.

Mezz is still there atm isn't it? FFS it hasn't disappeared from the game completly. It just won't stop an army in its tracks for 72 bloody seconds. You will still be able to help your friends mezzing as many people as you can, and even demezz if you notice that to many of your people have been mezzed. Means you'll have to judge the battle and how it's going as a mezzer now.
OMG you even have to make a choice over how much you're going to spec in your AoE mezz line. I'm sorry if we're hurting your mindless mezzing brain, but other people have to think about speccing to.

I dont like rules being changed in the middle of the freakin' game. I mean theyre basically making my 30d /played useless in future. All the time I've spent building a class, based on the assumption that Im gonna be a good mezzer with this char for a long time, so its worth leveling to 50. And now they effectively remove the usefulness of my character. Tanks have always been gimps in RvR, and yet people make 'em.

What? You mean with that new respec that conviently comes in when your class gets it's (probably)final nerf. Like I said above you'll just have to think more about certain things. I'll say this again just to make sure you didn't miss the first time. THEY HAVEN'T TAKEN MEZZ OUT OF THE GAME. They've just slightly reduced it's usefulness. Your team mates won't be able to gank as many people before mezz runs out. I suspect in future you'll be doing:
1) Mezzing at the start of a battle
2) Demezzing some higher lvl players or your group members
3) Nuking like hell (with some nice nukes if you spec right)

You won't be:
1) Mezzing at the start of a battle
2) Running like hell
3) Sitting at a keep/watching from a safe distance

I'm sorry if your life as "The uber mezzer" is over. If you want to continue playing your lvl 50 sorc who you've put 30 days /played into your going to have to use more resources. Maybe people won't just accept you into a group just for your mezzing. You'll be a diverse person. And most of all, people will still love you ... IF YOU STOP WHINING!!!


seems to me the realm which uses mez most ATM is Alb, and that the realm that the de-mez will benefit the most is also Alb..

On a side-note.. don't minstrels get a range mez in 1.52?

When are Mythic gonna balance up the realms?

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