1.52H - AE mezz nerf!



This will need testing:


Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.52H Test Release Notes

Thursday, August 1, 2002



- In RvR only, area effect Mesmerization spells have been modified so that the duration effect of the mez spell is lessened the farther the player is from the center of the area of effect. The duration is 100% at the middle of the area, and it tails off to 50% duration at the edges. This does NOT change the way area effect spells work against monsters, only realm enemies (i.e. enemy players and enemy realm guards).

- The realm ability Soldier's Barricade now has a much more noticeable impact when active (it wasn't being properly factored into defense before), and should properly affect the entire group instead of just the character using it.

- Healer, Shaman, Druid, Bard, Warden, Friar, Paladin, Hunter, Ranger, and Cleric baseline armor factor buffs are now assessed "outside the cap". In situations where you were at your armor factor cap, and had one of these buffs on you, you would have gotten no additional armor factor, but now with this change, you will. There is currently a display problem where this additional armor factor is not being displayed, but it is being assessed.


Well this is a very interesting idea! Finally 1.52 seems to be what most people want it to be (ok ok save some angry hammer users and some mezzers).

Now an AE mezz would last around 75% of the old duration (on average). Unless you're the unlucky person getting mezzed. Kinda makes sense, since damage spells have 1% damage on the very outer edge. DoTs still have full damage on the whole radius, but I don't see AEDoTs as a problem since only 3 classes use them, and they arent all that common in RvR.

IMO, this was the correct way to go. It doesn't make the mezz totally useless (it's still 20-30 seconds on the edges) but on the other hand it wont stop a large group for a minute, either.


woo 20-30seconds! Now thats really worth speccing high mind for? As if.

Orin Askhammare

Well if you ask me there should never have been an AoE mezz in the game. Single mezz sure! There are plenty of useful AoE spells that could be thought up for mezzing classes to cast instead.

Just a few ideas:
AoE power/endurance/attack speed debuffs.
AoE medium damage with a 20% snare. (for caster types like the sorc)
AoE short duration AoE buffs with a small heal.
AoE heal (for big battles, geared towards healer classes)

Someone is probably going to completely disagree with this :)
I can see how some of these are more RvR oriented than PvE, but some decent ideas I think.


I think both Demezz AND tailing off of mez length at perimeter of area is too much.

One or the other may have been enuff.

we will see, lets all go read WhineGN Boards to see what thye saying


Lalalalalalala <covers ears>

Not listening anymore...sorcs are great. Mezz is great, everything's fine. I'm happy...



yeah, as if this is a sorc nerf Lunar. Like a tank isn't totally, totally fucked by being immobile for 30seconds anyway. 11sec healer AE stun is usually enough to get an entire milegate full of albs killed, so 30sec mezz i can't really see the problem.

Bad things: tanks have still got no way to avoid being mezzed in the first place. This therefore comes over more as a CC-class nerf than a tank boost.
Bards still have speed and instaAE ranged mezz. This is just plain wrong.
Support classes still get no RP for doing their jobs...
Light tanks are still a tad gimpy (/em rolls eyes at blademasters).

tell me, did they actually do ANYTHING they said they were planning to examine in this patch?
Oh yeah, they fixed bolts... possibly....

Molten Lava



1. Purge

2. De-mezz spells

3. Less duration on edge


Sorc = Dead! well done Myhtic!!


Good coz aoe mez spoils rvr imo and many other ppls opinions.

Molten Lava


`Why did they make sorc anyway then? And I'm ok with nerfing at least if we get something back.....our spec line ends at LVL 44!!! most speclines go on to 46, 47 or even 50 (wizzy) Balancing the game is great but give us something in return....


Wow. With the amount of mez/stun/root int here, Pet is rather useless, you cant cast buffs on it, you cant heal it. Its just there to do some extra hits and harass people, take speeds off etc etc. Usefull when trying to run from someone.

I still think, without CC, RvR would be just zerg fight. The one who has more people win, rather minimal using tactics.


LOL Molten,

You're complaining because you can't waste more points into a spec line? Having low max spec in a line allows you to get higher in others. Even better mezz? I thought your mezz is also best in game.


You can buff them if u have a thuerg with u:rolleyes: besides i wouldnt call mezzing tactics its silly coz a green con can mez a bundle of ppl then him and a mate can kill of u over and over again while u cant do shit:( Also its not really fair on tanks.


Actually it just means you're ognna have to use single target mezz more than the aoe (aoe is still good but it won't wipe out an army)

These changes might screw things up too much... we'll see how it goes ...

However, demezz is on a 3s cast time and is single target... not a huge killer to aoe mezz...

aoe mezz just won't be the 'STOP!' ok I'll kill you all now that it used to be..

There is a good chance that after 1.52 goes live on the servers they'll notice that the melees are just charging straight past each other, butchering the castrs/healers and then going back...

Roll on melee crowd control.....

All sides in this seem to be overreacting - some saying 'waah this has destroyed my class' or 'waah this isnt enough remove it all together'.

Time will tell if either are correct...


Originally posted by kr0n
Wow. With the amount of mez/stun/root int here, Pet is rather useless, you cant cast buffs on it, you cant heal it. Its just there to do some extra hits and harass people, take speeds off etc etc. Usefull when trying to run from someone.

I still think, without CC, RvR would be just zerg fight. The one who has more people win, rather minimal using tactics.

Hmm.. with less mezz.... your pet is more useful... no?
get a caster pet - no worries about root.

de-mezz your pet :)


Hmm.. with less mezz.... your pet is more useful... no?
get a caster pet - no worries about root.

de-mezz your pet

Less mez, tank goes straight for the poor Sorc and kills him - pet walks away...

De-mezz my pet ? Sure, but how many groups will spend 10-15 mins helping their Sorc go looking for a pet every time he needs one ?

Lessening mez I agree is good for the game in general, but Sorcs are gonna need some loving after this . . .

Soon all Sorcs will spec to full Body and just become Mez-Wizzies - then we'll see who complains about there being no CC in Albion :)


I WANT MY BLEEDING RP FOR MEZZ REZZ AND STUN AND I WANT EM NOW !!!!!Its not enough we getting nerfed but we dont bloody get no RP, well soon you wont see no healer around, if our mezzes are nerfed and we dont get any rp for the little we can do, than why play one ?? To help our realm..bahhh go suck my heini..my healer and shaman currently only function as buff bot's to lvl my other chars, and with these things comming up ,exspect to see fewer of us around..nuff said :mad:


Originally posted by Loth

Less mez, tank goes straight for the poor Sorc and kills him - pet walks away...

De-mezz my pet ? Sure, but how many groups will spend 10-15 mins helping their Sorc go looking for a pet every time he needs one ?

Lessening mez I agree is good for the game in general, but Sorcs are gonna need some loving after this . . .

Soon all Sorcs will spec to full Body and just become Mez-Wizzies - then we'll see who complains about there being no CC in Albion :)

Aye - the problem with reducing magic CC - the casters get butchered...

Not sure we're at that stage yet - we'll see next week when it hits the live US servers (give it a week of someone being owned... then people will change tactics.. then we can see what the actual effect is)

Molten Lava

Cab, Wiz, and Sorc

You want pet (with buffs etc Cab pet is better than sorc pet) and debuffs go Cabalist

You want damage bolt go wiz

You want no fun at all go sorc :)

Pls guys...I know Mezz is frustrating and it should be nerfed in a way...but not like this.....:( you get de-mezz, you get shorter duration and you have purge....this really means that ALL classes will be better than sorcs....

Im ok with loosing some power in the mezz but give us something back for fuck's sake...not a whimpie bolt, not another debuff....we have cabs, and wizzies for that....

Why are there so few sorcs around now? because its such a super class? because its so easy to lvl?

Well I'm waiting for patch 1.53...power back to the sorcs :)


Sorcerers can do more things then just mezz, those who have gone pure mind will be in some trouble of course, but don't forget the powerfull debuffs and nukes sorcs have at their disposal.

As we all know some of the most succesfull sorcs in RvR (*cough* Veeshan *cough*) were mostly body (nukes/debuffs) and not mind (mezz).

Molten Lava


Why didnt he start a wiz if he wanted to kill things with bolts etc (body) ?


Powerful debuffs?


I don't think a tank is going to miss that 56 STR I took off him ;)

And as for our nukes, well what with resists and all - and the Body damage type (latest USA patch - which is stacked high with resists because of Stun) it kinda negates any damage we do.

BUT : If I wanted to do damage, I would've rolled a Wizard.

I wanted to do Crowd Control, Debuff and a little nuking - now this looks gloomy :(


Well, advantages of 45 body:
  • Good DD, 21X DD, Energy = Deadly, deals about 400-450 damage.
  • At least 24mind, 43s 300 radius AE mez, 59s AE root
  • Nice Dex/Qui debuff

  • No highlvl pet, I mean no yellow pets. Which is not that good
  • Short mez, not that good in PvE.
  • No usefull debuffs

Advantages of 41body 34mind.
  • L50 pets
  • Decent DDs, deals about 325-375 damage.
  • Decent all around debuffs, both Dex/Qui and Str/Con
  • Decent AE root
  • Decent Mez

Disadvantages of 41body 34mind
  • Jack-of-all-trades, not the best in anything, but decent in every usefull part.

Advantages of 44mind 31body
  • The games BEST (It really is, highest radius and duration) Mez, also energy type, not that common resist amongs Mids.
  • Very good Str/Con debuff, when they become instant they pwn.
  • L50 Pet
  • Charms never fail (Not that biggie tho)
  • Uber at solo PvE, can handle much more multiple targets than any other spec IMO.

Disadvantages of 44mind 31body
  • No good DDs, deals about 200-250 damage.
  • Only usable debuff is Str/Con, rest are poo, except baselines
  • AE Root is mediocre
  • Hard to solo RvR.

So basically, 45body spec is for Pure RvRers, PvE is just a slowdown before RvR. Can farm RPs with good items and nice DD.

41body is good all around, exping is easy, RvR solo and group is ok. But still, not that good on any area compared to other specs.

44mind is Support Spec. Support in RvR, PvE. Support Sorc.

As we all know some of the most succesfull sorcs in RvR (*cough* Veeshan *cough*) were mostly body (nukes/debuffs) and not mind (mezz).

Well as you shouldve mentioned, the 1mill RPs he has (or near that atleast) havent appeared just in one night. He spends most of his time RvR, just like Eleasias with 1.3million RPs, /played over 60d. I mean I have had 1 L50, L37 L24 L22 and /played on all together is just about 45-50D. So that doesnt mean the spec is great, that just means he likes to RvR alot, and is good at it too. You could have that amount of RPs as any other class, might be easier or harder to get, but could get it if you spend time there enough.

People staring at RPs and saying which class is the best, aint entirely true, some classes are harder to play, some easier. Usually the easiest class gives you nice amount of RPs, but harder class gives you the most when you get the hang of it. OFC there are exceptions, that is just the way I see things.

Sharp Thing

Re: Why?

Originally posted by Molten Lava
Why didnt he start a wiz if he wanted to kill things with bolts etc (body) ?

is a wiz capable of mezzing 8hibs, then killing the 3weakest in 3DD's then have enough time to run off? :p


Wooho mythic must be reading these boards, and I who wondered in the earlier thread why there wasn't a lesser effect at the edges of AE mezz.

Stop whining sorcerers.


Stop whining? Why? Well, basically they enforce speccing only matter/body. Im full mind, I can turn the tides of battles. Thats why I choce it, Im not great at killing people, Im great at helping my people kill other people. Now theyre nerfing my ability to help my friends in RvR. They made mez healable, np, they gave us purge, np, some nasty surprises may come sometimes. Ok so now basically AE isnt that good anymore, have to start wiping people from the side, not weakest.

So... Sorc is the only Primary Mez class that has offensive abilities (not counting bards tickleDD). We're also pet class. But nerfing Mind spec (Mez) they also make Mind less important, thus more and more sorcs dont spec Mind high enough for Yellow pets. So basically they loose pet ability AND mez. And decent Str/Con debuff which is the only one really usefull there. So the whole Mind spec is fucked. Ok lets check matter. Wow DoT. Snare+DD with 1350 range. yey. useless. So only viable option is body spec. Loose pets but gain at least best offensive powers possible. Then again why make a sorc when you can make Wizard with loads better offensive spells.

And I bet this aint the last Nerf of mezzes. I bet theyre gonna halve the duration there or something.


At least I'll be able to respec 48 Body 24 Mind when we get this patch.

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