1.51, not looking forward to it...



I read a lot from the forums from the american servers and what I have understood so far is that Clerics basically becomes worthless in RvR when 1.51 kicks in.
Clerics do not get any rps when healing, we only get rps by doing damage and with 1.51 we will do much less damage and hence get much less rps. Clerics were (when I checked the last time) no: 31 out of 33 classes in the RvR list (based on how much rps they have gathered) and this really irritates me.
Yes, I can agree that Clerics do much damage (when this is written at 1.48) but the casting time and the range is not good at all. The instamez is now getting a recast time of 5 minutes.. there goes our last line of defence...
I know I should be saying "Hey, I can adapt and my cleric will be fun without the nice smite", but since I have spent hours upon hours to make a character who can both heal and do some damage I do not feel very happy about loosing the part wich was the most fun.
I understand those who say that Clerics were to powerful and I agree to some of what they say but to me the fun has been taken away from my Cleric and I have already begun to play other classes to see if there is anything else I can enjoy as much as I have, making my Cleric.

Now I have almost forgotten why I have written this post; it was only because I wanted to say that not everything becomes better when the game is patched.

Ps. This was not written to whine, it was written because I wanted to share my fear of the future changes of daoc.

Ps II. Sorry about any typing errors and such, my english is not the best


Your not the only one who has fears. There are plenty of chars that gonna get their asses kicked after the patches are released. Mythic has a funny way of solving things. Instead of improving a class and balance between them they rather degrade class performances by gimping it to oblivion. This is a first in MMORPG's since games like Everquest had a history of improving classes instead of gimping/nerfing them. There lies the greatest danger for DAOC. The game will end into product we never wanted to buy. I started a scout so I could sneak, scout and snipe. I created an Armsman because I wanted to be the tank that can take and deal hits. Mythic managed to nerf us all to worthless pixels on the computer screen.


This is a first in MMORPG's since games like Everquest had a history of improving classes instead of gimping/nerfing them.

Really? I never played it myself but I distinctly remember the game quickly got renamed 'Evernerf' by those that played it and had an many people up in arms over the constant nerfs. Quite alot of people here seem to read the PvP comics and those that do will no doubt remember the constant piss taking the cartoonist did over Everquest and its bad nerfage, have a look at the archives there.

Like I said, I never played it myself, but even as a non-player the reputation it developed for nerfing reached me and put me of trying it.


Mythic are handling this no different to the previous major MMORPGs. Both UO and EQ nerfed classes many times.


Im glad you clerics r getting nerfed. Now you will know what it is like being a midgard healer.


Originally posted by old.Garnet
Im glad you clerics r getting nerfed. Now you will know what it is like being a midgard healer.

Erm, you can mesmerize, root and buff runningspeed witch we cannot. Now we will be almost healing only (besides from buff and perhaps stun). I do not think healers from mid are less powerful in RvR than us at the moment (I haven't played one so of course I cannot be sure but the skills healers have are to me very nice)


Man the original posters logic is flawed. You dont get any rps for healing? Try getting a friggin group and keeping them alive/stunning the enemy when it matters and you will get plenty RPs. Seeing solo clerics in Emain drives me bonkers. Oh and if u see someone running around in circles jumping up and down screaming "heal", drop one on him u may just save his life ffs Being low on mana or saving mana for a rez dont help when u just have another body to rez now does it? :rolleyes:


I always heal when I can, that is the main purpouse of a Cleric. I never said anything else, I only said it is not the most fun part of beeing a Cleric.

Hit ^_^

if your a smite cleric you "main purpouse" aint to heal ppl.
but its damn good for keeping ppl alive.
i dont play cleric only to heal.
i play it because its the only caster class that dont die in like one hit.
nefing cleric will only bring less healer's in albion.
a smite cleric is a better healer the none at all.


They don't remove smite completely, they only reduce the damage. You'll still get plenty of realm points from smiting people, you just wont get all the realm points for killing them solo.

I think smite does too much damage at the moment and the nerf to smite is a good thing, it should help out, not kill. Like my Merc's shortbow, I'm never going to kill with it alone, but I might get some realm points for getting a pop at someone. Plus it takes me 4+ seconds to fire my bow, longer than your smite and your smite will still do more damage.

I have no worries about the future as far as patching goes, because I'm a Merc and we cant really get any worse :) (Although I'm disappointed in the cheap fix Mythic has come up with in 1.52)



Read the patch notes,

ur smithing dmg is lowered with 20%...

And then u will still deal even a fair ammount of dmg.

Ur still über, you are a nuker wearing chainmail and got 2 instaheals ffs!

What are u whinig about :)

U can still beat everyone in 1vs1 so stop whining :)

PS a supportclass should support, personnaly i hate it when a cleric rather smithes then heal the MT (me) in PVE.


Cleric shouldn't be able to do hardly any dmg. You should be glad that your healingwuss can do that being a total supportclass. Cleric were totaly overpowered. Doing almost same damage as wizard nukes. and wizard is the class that should do most dmg ever. Well if wizards get heal,buff,instant mez/heal/dd,ae mez/root, chain then we have a similar problem. will you not think he is overpowered?


I wonder if this game is ever gonna be finished ;) It seems to be still in the beta fases ;)


Originally posted by feldeshadowbane
I always heal when I can, that is the main purpouse of a Cleric. I never said anything else, I only said it is not the most fun part of beeing a Cleric.

the main task for a cleric IS heal and rezz=) IF you dont like to heal then you should have gone for a tank or caster hehe.


Originally posted by old.Second

the main task for a cleric IS heal and rezz=) IF you dont like to heal then you should have gone for a tank or caster hehe.

shouldnt the HEALERS main task be healing then?

..still they cc like the devil himself :/


Originally posted by old.kedal

shouldnt the HEALERS main task be healing then?

..still they cc like the devil himself :/

well mids is reeealy not my consern hehe. I never go out there anyway. waste of time. But i would guess that healers should heal too hehe.


I have had some time to think about us clerics getting nerfed and now I am not that worried by the fact that our smite will be less effective. Yes, we might be a little too powerful compared to other classes but I still do not think that smite damage needs to be reduced with 20%. 5-10% perhaps but not 20. And to those who say that we do the same damage as a wizard: We do not. We have longer cast time and the only reason smite does nice damage in RvR is that few have resistance against spirit.
I can live with smite getting less effective but our last line of defence (instamez) gets a 5min recast, that will be hard to live without.

Anyways, I am not as negative now as I was when I wrote the first time. I will adapt and hopefully find that beeing a cleric is just as fun as before the patch.

lamus Yuatja

Is there a class that doesnt get Nurfed in the upcoming patches !?

Hit ^_^

i say the cleric pupulation is going to be reduced by more then 20% after patch, no fun in just healing. :/
atleast most ppl seem to think that.
and to compare smite whit a merc bow :\
not quite the same. you bow is like my healing and you melee weapons it like my smite.
healing only makes it easyer but its the smite that kills.
and whit a 5min timer on mezz only makes existing cleric play alt's.


I was in a group with a L42 smite cleric yesturday, he had 41+3 smite i think he said.

Now I was a L43 wiz with 43+5 fire and this guy was outdamaging me per nuke. He said he was hitting for 350 and i was hitting for like 320. We both had a penalty to hit on the target so it wasnt that.

Now correct me if im wrong but surely a some1 who gets...

1...To wear armour with almost a 30% absorb
2...Insta mezzes and heals
3...God castable stuns, buffs and general heals
4...Out damages a wizard a level above him

should be nerfed? Its only fair.

TBH ive played a healer though, and i pretty much think they suck if you do just a healing/buffing role. What i would think is fair...

Nerf smite, but bring clerics spec points upto 1.5x (Bring them inline with friars)

That way you will be able to spec enhance and rejuv higher while still keeping smite high enough to do reasonable damage.


Do u guys even know what u are talking about?? First of all, loads of ppl have spirit resitance now cause of wind theurgs and clerics, sure I dont have the highest lvl smite but still do only about 190 points of damage on and yellow/orange, max 250, and also, wizzies have more mana, their nukes cost less, u got quickcast, so in the run u do more damage

Well I dont know the output of the highest lvl nuke, but first of all they take it down to lvl 43 and ALSO 20% reduced damage, that is just silly (and not to forget 4s castingtime, feels like ages)


Yes i didnt take the 4 second cast time into account. And a 20% damage drop is a bit harsh.


I play a rejuv cleric.

I have nothing to complain about :D



Clerics do not get any rps when healing

clerics dont get rps when healing when they arent grpd...
clerics do get great rp when they are in grp..keeping the group members alive to make the group last longer in fights against the enemies..

--this is not a single player game--


albs doomed in rvr stakes imo ,

the 2 main needed rvr classes "clerics n sorcs" aint gonna be around in future . clerics will cease to exsist "although i plan on playing mine till iquit daoc" and there isnt many sorcs aroud atm anyways . hardly any cabbys for nearsight . both hib and mid have plenty of populer chars for rezzing/healing/mezzing/nearsight/debuffs . the chars albion has for these skills are all going to dwindle .

as for smite being nerfed , as somebody stated in a earlier thread somwhere with the correct realms abilities you can bring your smite dmge back into touch with what iit once was, maybe not in dmge fihgures . but faster casting / lowering targets resist to smite . and a cple of other ra's i cant remember nerfs the nerf so tospeak . so i for one aint to bothered about losing 20% smite dmge . but i am v pissed at the timer on mezz at 5 mins :( . our mezz aint over powered at all so why did they nerf it ? .


Sick of clerics whining about this, everyone has known about it for months if u aint bright enough to change char already or play it like a healer should be played. Wanna solo ? Make a fucking stealther. You hear any tanks whining they can't solo ? Get a group like the rest of us...

Flame me if you want, ppl who do that dmg from range aint supposed to live long...called imbalance and they sorting it accordingly.

Yes probably over the top but im in a bad mood :p


i dont understand the whining of clerics really.

20% damage down and ae stun at 5 minute timer. Bugger, look at the cleric now he really sucks now:

chain armour, insta heals, normal heals, huge buffs, STUN, instant mezz every 5 minutes and 80% of the smiting power they had before. Basically still VERY hard to kill, great support class for groups and decent damage output ranged.

a clerics MAIN task is healing and buffing, secondary task is assisting with smite. Mythic corrects this now, you knew it months already, and the cleric still kicks ass bigtime.

think about it.

Gwari, lvl 50 minstrel <Illuminate>



The original post was not intended as whining. I was only airing my fear for the future of my cleric char. I still do not think the Cleric as an uber class tho I understand why they are beeing nerfed. Another thing, I never solo with my cleric because it takes too much power to kill stuff and it is more fun in groups. Why does everyone think that I am a soloperson who hates healing and go around smiting everything I see? When the patch arrives I will be respecced to a high rejuve Cleric and I will have fun even if I do not have the same defensive or offensive powers as before.


clerics aint just walking rezzers...

from camelot-europe.com:

Starting class: Acolyte. The Cleric is dedicated first and foremost to the Church of Albion and its values. Filled with piety and compassion, they stop at nothing to help their fellow members. Fearless in the face of death, they will brave iron and lightning in order to stand up to an enemy.
Clerics perform at their best when forced into a rage. Some of the most powerful Clerics have been know to invoke divine thunderbolts when faced with the infidel

Just to all that belives (and are wrong) that clerics are only rezzers/healrers. theres nothing wrong with smite... a template on 48/23/9 can easy keep a treegroup alive as single cleric.

smite line has a purpose...it takes clerics (and the other classes) thru lvl after lvl of watching a minibar, just for the thought that they will do good for their realm as higher lvls. When the fun starts. after about the 1000th time u gonna watch the ol minibar buddy, it aint fun. ive made this char for rvr.

as for the nerf...it will afect cleric population bad, dont think to many will start a clericclass now. even dmg clerics heals good, but dmg is going bye bye now (maybe not that bad thou).
what really worries me are the mezztimer.


>>>>>Is there a class that doesnt get Nurfed in the upcoming patches !?<<<<<<

Friar :) uber rox get fat and drink ale make friar :)

cleric overpowerd YES:
@lvl 44+ (seems to be turning point for most classes due to mini dings etc )

cleric solo low reds (undead) high oranges anything else:) and claimed they can heal after :)

armsman solo yello if lucky then HUGE dt for health

wizard solo low oranges mayube medium orange with right resists and if all goes well (no resists on spells etc)

now complain about nerf and play a class that takes a little more skill to lvl not just solo reds all the way :)
imo cleric = easiest class to lvl grping is easy (due to heal) no grps about bah ill go solo oranges/reds all day :) those who want to reply saying a smite cleric cant heal loccon is a msite cleric he said himself he can heal tree groups easy so imho a class that can heal a grp of 8 and solo reds needs nerfing :)

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