+ as already mentioned, I was activily targeted by Rubric since the first days of our village.
from your point of view yes as you know your role, but form our point of view i'm more innocent than you, and asking everyone to trust you blindly is insanityWell thats up to you Gohan,
Either you trust me or you dont. but the only way this will work on a fail proof is if you follow my lead on this.
The fact that you are still alive isnt in self proof no. and I'm sorry but your reluctance, has me flashing back to Rubrics "dont put the nurse on me!" now why would I suggest such a thing if I was his partner hmm ?
dont get me wrong Gohan, the fact that you were protected and no one died speaks towards your innocence. But! in my battle plan your the only "question mark"
the rest is mechanics, remove the "unknown" and you have definity.
Thats! why I want Uara to check you out.
ahh ok I get your drift! Will scry either you (as in Olga) or Gohan this night then!
Jimmy 1
Chosen 5
4 for lynch as 6 remain.
Chosen, by unanimoniousis vote was dragged kicking and screaming like a little boy towards the church...err...pyre. The flames went up high and burned bright as Chosen succumed to his fiery death. The curry last night didn't help.
The villagers, feeling comfortable in their plan as they all thought it was right, ran to Chosens hut and searched the place.
Bits and bobs there, bits of bob here, and the villagers realised they were in the wrong house.
They ran out, ran to the next house and finally were in the right place.
As they opened a heavily locked cellar and a brave soul ventured to see what he could see, the evidence was clear...
Well i guess that's a good place to end the story, no one really wants to know if Cho was innocent or not right?