0 respect for Lessa

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Indeed, spoke to Lessa yesterday and she confirmed the reasons for keeping Blood on his back -- and they were valid and honourable ones.

Nice to see you have the balls to make a reply though Blood, though hopefully if Lessa aims better next time she can remedy that situation :D


Hey blood u done that to me 3 times once straight after resses so dont tell us albs that ok!and that was when i was like a green to u:rolleyes:


Originally posted by milithiel
what about protecting her realm mate? she could of been killing you so the lower people can get out without being killed as soon as they step through the door.

and dont talk about honour eh, who was the one using a bugged bow all the time?

lol what bogus shit that is

1. i cant shoot to the gate
2. there ways to get out from apk, without running directly down to hill
3. i was hardly the biggest threat there, with res sickness, my bow shoots like a rubber slingshot

About me using bow of flames, well well how easy it is to accuse someone of cheating? (just because they play better than you?)
The only times i actually used bow of flames was to punish those albs that pulled mobs up to the MaA, to get them on a killing frenzy in entire emain, and those times can be counted on 2 hands.


clearly you missed the point of my post,

how can you say Lessa has no honour when you exploited a bug and Lessa mearly played the game the way it should be played?

(edit: changed the post completley)
(edit2: you used the bow of flames on me cos i died at the port gate to you and i have never pulled any mobs to the PK to kill everyone)

Halo | NS

All those reasons about protecting realm mates and tactics is rubbish. The only reason she did it was because it was 'Blood'.

If he where somebody else, she'd had left him alone.

When you make a name for yourself the way you have, Blood, expect to get people doing this to you.


Blood, I like you, you're a laugh and a good player. I've killed you a few times, you've killed me a few.

But as for you using the bow of flames "twice" - that's frankly a load of utter bollox and you know it.

You killed my original character (an armsman I abandoned at level 32) about like 100 times with that fucked up bugged bow. It was a long long time ago, but there is no way in bugger you could have had the range - it was -way- beyond scout range. And you also killed my little armsman while rez sick/newly rezzed a whole shitload so quit whining ya beotch and get killing.

You're bigger than this, get over it.

Level 50 Infiltrator
Order of The Knights Templar


Nothing new here. Go to the frontier and expect to get killed. If you don't like that, don't go there.


Blood i can think of many albs who would say the same thing about what lessa did to u that u also did to them:p


Originally posted by milithiel
clearly you missed the point of my post,

how can you say Lessa has no honour when you exploited a bug and Lessa mearly played the game the way it should be played?

(edit: changed the post completley)
(edit2: you used the bow of flames on me cos i died at the port gate to you and i have never pulled any mobs to the PK to kill everyone)


fyi: bow of flames havent worked for months, the reason i can hit you at the gate now, is 2 fold
1. you are lagging
2. i fired the arrow and it first hit you when you reached the gate (it takes up to 3 secs for the arrows to hit)


i didnt say now, i said you have killed me at the doors. thought you would of understood that was when you were using it.

also are you going to answer my question - how can you say Lessa has no honour when you killed people by exploiting a bug and Lessa killed people by playing the game the way it should?


lol Blood, strange that you hate being killed 5 times in a row after being ressed, but you do it to others... I was killed 3 times in a row by you after being ressed. This was outside Castle Sauvage, i was killed - ressed - sat down, then killed by you.

If i had seen this thread before tonight i would of taken screenies. You are a hypocrite...


Garion: as i said "im not going to sit with my bow idle then."


Originally posted by old.Blood|Prydwen
Garion: as i said "im not going to sit with my bow idle then."

Blood - can we also assume that you won't come whining like a spoilt kiddie next time it happens too? If so I think we can safely ignore this thread from here as redundant... ;)


I can't wait for the first DF train/exp-kill threads :)

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by Jupitus

Blood - can we also assume that you won't come whining like a spoilt kiddie next time it happens too? If so I think we can safely ignore this thread from here as redundant... ;)

Pah, these threads are needed for our amusement :)

Pwyiw TwoFace

I did this very thing to a Kobold runecaster once in Thidranki.

Her realm mates stood around the first time, a few stood a little closer the second and third time, eventually, they had two shadowblades stand guard. Did that stop me? No. I died with honour slaying her a fourth time. Draining their healer of much mana, disabling one of their mages and distracting them all long enough for a mass of reinforcements to arrive and slaughter them all.

Blood, I do not know you, and will oneday hunt you, but know this. I would do the same as Lessa. If you do not wish to be repeatedly slain, release your soul to your bindstone and/or do not camp a portal keep. I particularly love hunting those that camp portal keeps, just that I am not powerful enough to hunt you. Yet.

<spits and fades to black>


So blood, because one member of Albion ress killed you, you are going to start doing it to everyone? lol, you had no right in creating this post then. I dont agree with Lessa's actions, and if i were in her place i would not res kill you, or anyone in Midgard or Hibernia.

You are now killing people who have been ressed and are sitting regenerating. If you truly hate people who do this, then you have sunk to there standards...

EDIT: On a side note, i dont really care if people ress kill me, its my fault for being in a possition to be killed, the thing that has annoyed me is that Blood started this thread complaining about it, and then starts doing it himself. As i said before, you are a hypocrit.


Originally posted by old.Blood|Prydwen
Garion: as i said "im not going to sit with my bow idle then."

but you didnt answer my question still, why wont you answer it? because you are wrong in saying she has no honour?


you shot yourself in the foot 2 pages back saying you used the bow of flames multiple times when you got ganked by the moa (oh sue us, yes OMG its OUR FAULT! there was me thinknig your realm pulled the guards usually... :sleeping: )


it was mids fault the guards came. people admitted they pulled them on purpose cos they said it was shit and boring that mid camped the PK instead of going to the gates or something so we could at least have a battle.


Hmmm only thing here that makes me wonder is that it was only one person who attacked him...it was an albion wassent it :confused: Though they only attacked peopel when they where 10 times as many..but then again he was rezz sick , so that may be why


Originally posted by old.Revz
I can't wait for the first DF train/exp-kill threads :)

Lol, that is so true. I predict a regular sh**storm when realms start to zerg DF.....

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by old.Chavez

Lol, that is so true. I predict a regular sh**storm when realms start to zerg DF.....

Realm #1 Xps in DF. Realm #2 takes the keeps, then zerg DF with all those people. Realm #1 gets zerged. Realm #1 goes back to retake the keeps.

Realm #3 might be allowed to play during late nights :p


I have be known once or twice to res kill those pissing annoying runemasters with nearsight and pbt, coz I can never hit them and when I dont hit them they cast nearsight on me.


Wow the whole of albion has come out to show the colour of their honor.

We have all been there: Just been ressed and get Ganked by a foe. We all know its annoying but it happens.

BLood: As to what happend I cannot take a stand but please accept my sincere apologies for the spitefull behavior my " oh so honorable" Ablion fellows display on this board.


Sorry Rhonvan, but Blood deserves everything he gets. I'm hardly the RvR king - but it seems everytime I go out into the battlefield he is rezz killing a caster; or shooting the only grey in a group of Albions.

Then he comes here to complain about similar treatment to himself??! No wonder he's been given the bird here.


o, i would love to res kill Blood or in fact any midgard foe. Just don't do it on lurikeens, they are nice little ugly beings


i haven't read every single post but i get the gist of it :p

the way i see it is you are in RvR/ Frontier zones therefore anything goes ( Except duels ) it's not breakin the rules if you rez kill over over but it is highly frustrating when it does happen i know it happens to me nearly everyday :) and when everyone was on about the bugged bow well blood may have used it more than once or twice but who cares it's in the past , when i was lvl 30 blood killed me hundreds of times with or without the bugged bow he's even killed me with his spear a few times buy hey it's RvR get used to being shot over over after being rezzed and if you don't like it there's always /release.

:D :D :D


Originally posted by Damon Doombring
Hmmm only thing here that makes me wonder is that it was only one person who attacked him...it was an albion wassent it :confused: Though they only attacked peopel when they where 10 times as many..but then again he was rezz sick , so that may be why



I rvr alot. and I have very rarely been ress killed unless I was annoying enough to go poke my sword in the side of a foe while still in ress sickness. Actually once a red norse who had killed me was about and killed the one who had ressed me, I went for him out of pure reflex. I stopped and curteseyed to him because I knew i had no chance with ress sickness and low health and no endurance. He sheathed his weapon blew me a kiss and left, leaving me alive. How many Albions have you seen do that.

As to Blood: I have never been treated with anything but respect from him and will treat him with the same respect.

Killing greys: at lvl 50 its kinda hard to stop people and ask them : uhm pardon me are you a lvl 39 grey or lvl 23 grey. The minutte you step on the Pad and portal out you know that you might be Killed no matter what the enemy cons to you.

And before we get all high and mighty: I have had the displeasure of being in a group of paladins that went to Yggddra and Killed Greys and Greens lvl'ng, I disbanded from them the moment I realized what they were up to. I told them in not to many words they made me ashamed of being a paladin and have not been in a Rvr group with them since.
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