It's not really your gripe about the Beeb m8. It's just you seem a bit angrier than usual is allOff tomorrow, that doesn't stop my utter contempt for the BBC. They have long since become political, I don't wish to pay money to them any more. What are my options? Oh right, that's it. You have to pay.
It's not really your gripe about the Beeb m8. It's just you seem a bit angrier than usual is all![]()
Protest against the government how?![]()
Insulate Britain suspends road protests for 11 days
The climate protest group has blocked motorways and roads in the London area in the last five
Fucking spackers. The government couldn't care less about them blocking roads, in what shape or form would they be? The only people being bothered are normal people going to work, who will rightfully call them a set of fuckwits. This sort of group is incredibly dangerous in that it gets public opinion against them, not with them. Protest against the government, not the public, it doesn't work, never has, never will.
Protest the government, how?Not by blocking people from getting to work or in a couple of cases, hospital.
Protest the government, how?
FTFY.I refer you to my previous cop out.
Ignore this lot. How about any protest?How the fuck would I know?
You're not actually getting into any argument - you've not put an argument forward, just repeated "I don't like this".I'm not going to get into a circular argument with you.
This is cowardice from the guardian. Especially since governments have been using "whatever" as an excuse to restrict our liberties on multiple occasions in the last few decades. They're just using this lot as the latest "whatever" as their excuse.Playing into Tory hands, building public support for their ridiculous bill.
The Guardian view on Insulate Britain: the art of protest | Editorial
Editorial: Priti Patel’s plans to restrict civil liberties make it all the more important that activists keep the public on their
our homes are among the draughtiest and least energy-efficient in Europe. For years, environmental campaigners and Green party politicians have pushed the retrofitting of housing as a policy; now, direct action has put insulation in the headlines and kept it there for weeks.
Drax being considered 'green' has always been laughable.Maybe the government could take some of the massive multibillion Drax subsidy and use that to bolster their woeful heat pump offer?
Drax dropped from index of green energy firms amid biomass doubts
Doubts over sustainability of company’s wood-burning power plant mount within financial
It's one of the worst power stations in europe.Drax being considered 'green' has always been laughable.
JCB spends £100m on hydrogen engine project
It targets the end of next year for the first machines to be available for
The actual face of protesting in the UK
Footage shows Insulate Britain protester being pushed by car – video
Asked if she was hurt in the incident, which took place during on the A1090 in Thurrock, Essex, last Wednesday, the activist said: 'I think so, but I feel quite a lot of adrenalin pumping'
Just to be clear - the screaming fat bitch in the range rover desparate to drive her kid to school hadn't taxed her car...
Yeah, you allow yourself to get rammed by a fat bitch in a range rover whilst holding up a sign saying "insulate britain" without caring about insulating anything. None of these people care.They have publicly come out and said that they don't care about insulating anything.