That's true. Private companies have had an easy run on previous public investment. Now there needs to be investment and it will get paid for by the public one way or another. unless it's coal or shale gas, prices have to rise to invest, whether that's in nuclear or renewaboloxMeh.
It seems the Swedish government thinks they can run German power companies profitably enough for them to spend Swedish taxpayers money and reaping the profits off the German taxpayers.
The Chinese and French governments are going to run our power companies at a healthy profit for them.
I can't see what the hoo-ha is about frankly. Public or private ownership - the taxpayers are ultimately paying - either through bills or subsidies or a bit of both.
Two additional postings of pretty much the same article Wij posted?
El Reg's cost argument is still bollocks however. Costs are equivalent at the moment so the bills are going up with or without nuclear.
No. Because wind is junk energy so the total costs for the system are much higher.Two additional postings of pretty much the same article Wij posted?
El Reg's cost argument is still bollocks however. Costs are equivalent at the moment so the bills are going up with or without nuclear.
This is an issue for windpower - in the bitterest coldest UK conditions theres generally very little wind -
Bit of an own goal there rynnor. Did you watch the whole thing?
not sure how a weathermans opinion trumps the scientific study tho eh
rynnor said:This is an issue for windpower - in the bitterest coldest UK conditions theres generally very little wind -
The scientific study is one bloke who says we're likely to get to a maunder minimum soon because of his study of solar activity in ice cores. (So, not really relevant to wind patterns - considering the weatherman said that it's always going to be windy because we're an island (which discounts the pan-european solution that's coming anyway).
The only other person in that is a climate-change doubter who hates wind farms.
Finally - the title of the article is "Cold winter weather warning could help wind campaigners"...![]()
One of the biggest issues for me is this fallacy of using high tech to save energy, it 's nearly always complete bolaks.
They just use up tons more energy and resources in their making and are a nightmare to get rid off when they wear out at a much faster rate.
My experience is gas boilers and all this energy rating malarkey, they have turned boilers into a freakin computerised nightmare, they literally only last 5 years now without breaking down and now have large PCB's, power hungry fans and lots of people now fit electric heaters in the condense to stop it freezing.
There seems to be no effort to make them simple, reliable and inherently efficient, they are using an ever decreasing return of technical tricks to obtain a false sense of 'greenness'.
It really does seem that an awful lot of interested parties are influencing the end product.
I've been reading some *really* cool stuff about smart grids. Also, I have been reading a tremendous amount of THB* screeching about how smart grids are some kind of global conspiracy. Anyone care to comment?