We're seeing the collapse which was inevitable when things are built on bullshit.
MYstIC G Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor Staff member Moderator FH Subscriber Joined Dec 22, 2003 Messages 12,481 Aug 6, 2011 #31 We're seeing the collapse which was inevitable when things are built on bullshit.
rynnor Rockhound Moderator Joined Dec 26, 2003 Messages 9,353 Aug 6, 2011 #32 It will calm down and spring back - the volumes traded at this time of year are low so a few panicers can have more impact and this then snowballed. Once the markets calm down it will sort itself out.
It will calm down and spring back - the volumes traded at this time of year are low so a few panicers can have more impact and this then snowballed. Once the markets calm down it will sort itself out.