He always reminded me of when we go on our hols in Wales. No telly in the room so we used to listen to his show every night. It certainly helped us to sleep.
My strongest memory of John Peel was driving along at night, listening to his show. He put on the worst cheesy house track with vocals. It didn't seem like it would ever end, when John cuts in, says "Too slow, anyone?" and turns it up to 45....pounding gabba house with Smurf vocals. Still shit, but funny shit.
Rest in peace John, you occasional played good tunes, and those ones will be missed.
Top geezer and a real shame to see him go I just used to love the way he'd go from some strange Russion folk music to a German techno before swinging by for some mellow hip-hop from some random country I'd never heard of. It wasn't all great but he broadened a lot of people horizons when it came to music and was a decent bloke with it.
Bah, terrible shame that he died, but at least he lived a good life. Feel very sorry for his family as they all seemed to geniunely adore each other.
He led a life i envy, got to make a living out of something he genuinely loved and was universally liked and admired, which is something that very few people can say.
I first started listening to him in the mid-eighties, he was the only mainstream DJ that played hardcore shit...I think he compered a couple of festivals I went to in the late 80's early 90's too (Reading & Glastonbury)...
Ta ta John, and your infamous Sessions too! He's gone to the great record collection in the sky!
Got me through some very dark late nights in my early twenties, always went back to him if I had had a shitty day and the night was dragging on, I'll miss him and his ways terribly.
Saying you didn't like the music he played strikes me as a little strange, you'd be hard pressed to name a genre he didn't cover each and every show.
A real pioneer, and a champion of all types of music. He did have a great life, a great family, and he lived the dream of being able to do what he loved for a living, playing records.
You're right Will, sometimes he even played them at the right speed.
Actually Gumbo I may of been unfair. He did play some gems, I first heard Snow Patrol on his show and I loved that on first listen(then it was played to death).
At 11pm tonight Steve Lamaq is dedicating his show to John Peel and will be playing some of John's favourite songs.
I've been trying to listen to radio 1 as much as possible since I heard the news and it's very touching all the stories and messages of condolences flooding it.
One person said something along these lines, "If God is truely a DJ, then he's now unemployed."
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