constant lagspikes (all servers)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Approx. every 1 minute I get a 5-10sec long lagspike ingame. Tried some tracerts and pings to prydwen ip but they all came out normal, 0% loss, lowest ping ~40, highest ping ~100. Whats up GOA? :|


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Fix this asap, plz. Ever since you put NF up for download the game simply became unplayble :mad:


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Tracerts won't show lagspikes. Best thing is to run a program like Pingplotter over about 10-15 minutes to see where it is coming from. Every graph I've seen of the lag, submitted through RightNow reports however shows the lag as coming from somewhere outside our network in the Opentransit hubs. Inthat case you need to contact your ISP who will shout at Opentransit on your behalf.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
So what your saying Requiel is that when a guild of 20 people all report lag at the same time, despite the fact that we all use different isp's, different connection methods (modem, adsl, cable) and we are all from different countries the problem lies with our connections?

Find that hard to believe.


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Gibbo said:
So what your saying Requiel is that when a guild of 20 people all report lag at the same time, despite the fact that we all use different isp's, different connection methods (modem, adsl, cable) and we are all from different countries the problem lies with our connections?

Find that hard to believe.
Run the test I just described and see for yourself. Also I didn't say it lay with your connection or your ISP but with the routing to our servers. This is how it works:
You connect to your ISP through whatever means - Dial-up, ADSL, Cable, ISDN, whatever. Your ISP then routes you through a series of hubs (which aren't part of their network) to reach your final destination. If there's a problem at one of those hubs then everybody who is routed through it will experience latency. Normally when surfing you won't notice this because a few seconds to load a page isn't particularly noticeable and could just be poor webdesign. However when using a service which requires a constant connection such as DAoC, you'll notice every spike.
As far as I've seen, the latency appears to be centred in one of the Opentransit hubs close to our network which means anyone connecting from outside the Northern France area will be routed through that hub.


Fledgling Freddie
May 15, 2004
Requiel said:
Tracerts won't show lagspikes. Best thing is to run a program like Pingplotter over about 10-15 minutes to see where it is coming from. Every graph I've seen of the lag, submitted through RightNow reports however shows the lag as coming from somewhere outside our network in the Opentransit hubs. Inthat case you need to contact your ISP who will shout at Opentransit on your behalf.

Does GOA buy services from Opentransit? If so, isn't it better if GOA send them a holler as this would most likely have more effect on them than some odd ISP from some other country that does not generate any revenue for Opentransit? Money talks, its a fact. :]

Just my two cents.


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
I've send a trace to Opentransit earlier this week about this, got a reply back this morning that they cant do anything about my report cause i'm not a paying customer. I've reported the problems to my suppliers ("BBB"), got the same lagspikes playing from my fathers comp who uses telia, got the same results from pingplotter there, reported it to telia, got the same answer from both Telia and BBB that its Opentransit that is causing the problem and i should report it to them.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
As weird as it sounds... my lag suddenly stopped after I rebooted :|
(took me 4 days before I tried that... wee)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Opentransit wont do anything for anyone that isnt in a contractual relationship with them (i.e. a customer) so to get any change of the current (almost unplayable) situation GOA needs to shout at them on our (GOA's customers) behalf. Please GOA, help us :/

The lag is really killing rvr for alot of us atm (everyone outside northern france as you said Requiel). All groupmembers and enemies warping around all over the zone every couple of minutes etc.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Fafnir said:
I've send a trace to Opentransit earlier this week about this, got a reply back this morning that they cant do anything about my report cause i'm not a paying customer. I've reported the problems to my suppliers ("BBB"), got the same lagspikes playing from my fathers comp who uses telia, got the same results from pingplotter there, reported it to telia, got the same answer from both Telia and BBB that its Opentransit that is causing the problem and i should report it to them.
Don't you just love being a ping pong ball?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Please GOA, Requiel etc. This isnt getting any better. We need *you* to inform opentransit as you have a relation to them; we dont, and therefore they dont want to help us. The constant lagspikes makes the game nearly unplayable :( Have died numerous times both in PvE and RvR to it now since it started, and as been stated it affects nearly everyone on the servers that play from outside of france. Our /gu has been filled with exclamations of "laaaaag" lately, always at the same time.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Requiel said:
As far as I've seen, the latency appears to be centred in one of the Opentransit hubs close to our network which means anyone connecting from outside the Northern France area will be routed through that hub.

To flip the coin over to the other side.......... the data from the game servers has to be sent back to the clients, surely GoA should be contacting their ISP to complain after all you have thousands of customers experiencing this problem and would carry more weight than us individual users.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Fafnir said:
I've send a trace to Opentransit earlier this week about this, got a reply back this morning that they cant do anything about my report cause i'm not a paying customer. I've reported the problems to my suppliers ("BBB"), got the same lagspikes playing from my fathers comp who uses telia, got the same results from pingplotter there, reported it to telia, got the same answer from both Telia and BBB that its Opentransit that is causing the problem and i should report it to them.

You may have already done this but have you sent the response from Open Transit to your ISP and asked them to speak to Open Transit on your behalf ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Requiel said:
Tracerts won't show lagspikes. Best thing is to run a program like Pingplotter over about 10-15 minutes to see where it is coming from. Every graph I've seen of the lag, submitted through RightNow reports however shows the lag as coming from somewhere outside our network in the Opentransit hubs. Inthat case you need to contact your ISP who will shout at Opentransit on your behalf.

Why can't GOA shout at Open Transit on our behalf? Surely it's in your interests to keep your customer base content?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
We are gamesplayers for the most, some of us have knowledge about computers and networks, but I dont think open transit will listen to us or our individal ISPs however much we ping plot.

Surely GOA could pass on the combined bulk of reports submitted via Rightnow onto opentransit, or maybe run your own tests from machines outside of france. The whole attitude seems to be 'well our servers are fine, who cares what all your connections to it are like, works here in the office in france, so not our problem'.

I just wish I knew what was REALLY going on. We had a mystery opentransit patch one night that caused popup boxes but never logged anyone off or shut down the server. Whatever they did that night it hasnt been the same since. The fact that GMs are asking players to run tests really scares me, surely opentransit could just say 'oh we have a problem with hub blaa.blaa.blaa that will get fixed sometime, and GOA could pass this on so we all know whats going on instead of all this guesswork.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Boni said:
The whole attitude seems to be 'well our servers are fine, who cares what all your connections to it are like, works here in the office in france, so not our problem'

I kinda get this feeling too - truely hope im wrong, but thats how its looking at the moment, saw some light in a previous post that GoA have contacted opentransit about it - but that was about all posted.


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004

I fail to realize (maybe oO) but GOA = Wanadoo = France Telecom and guess? Opentransit = France Telecom.
Rest is crap tbh.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 28, 2004

north of france, well how many paying customers is that, seems it's a general french attitude, kinda say's it all, dosent it


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
We have made Opentransit aware of the problems. Unfortunately there's not a lot more we can do than that. We don't own their kit, so we can't do anything about it ourselves.
I'm asking you to run the Pingplotter tests for a number of reasons. Firstly to dispel the notion that there is a general problem with our servers or our network and also because Opentransit (like a lot of places) tends to work on the 'quiet life principle'. In other words, the more people shouting at them, (us, ISPs etc) the more likely they are to fix whatever the problem is faster because it will give them a quiet life.


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004

Requiel said:
We have made Opentransit aware of the problems. Unfortunately there's not a lot more we can do than that. We don't own their kit, so we can't do anything about it ourselves.
I'm asking you to run the Pingplotter tests for a number of reasons. Firstly to dispel the notion that there is a general problem with our servers or our network and also because Opentransit (like a lot of places) tends to work on the 'quiet life principle'. In other words, the more people shouting at them, (us, ISPs etc) the more likely they are to fix whatever the problem is faster because it will give them a quiet life.

Ofc this aint pointed at u but maybe u are able to pass this revolutionary info to upper levels inside GOA, i'm fairly certain that GOA pays a LOT of money to OT for bandwidth and management, services which actually are the backbone of GOA's business, hence GOA is more than entitled to kick some asses @ OT if things aint working well. I'm sure u see the point, i hope that Business Managers @ GOA will be able to see this point too, one day at least lol.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Call me paranoid but these lag problems only started the weekend that you made the NF beta available to download, and set up the Gorre server for use.

Surely not a random coincidence?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Just ran PingPlotter for about 20min, and it seems that the lag spikes are happening at these two spots:


Going from approx 30 ping to 200+ every minute or two.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Tootz said:
Call me paranoid but these lag problems only started the weekend that you made the NF beta available to download, and set up the Gorre server for use.

Surely not a random coincidence?

Yes this is true but we've all been through atleast one patch day and we know that it causes the server to have a constant level of background lag. Okay New Frontiers is a big file but id still expect a background of lag rather than the short bursts we seem to have at the moment.

However data shown here shows that the problem lies with opentransit and not GOA suggesting its a Hardware/Software problem with one of the hubs and not GOA's patch server.

I just hope GOA can get hte problem fixed soon.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Bump for more GOA action. This problem is still going strong here =/ Almost ld every 5-10 min.

I know Requiel said GOA have forwarded the problem to OT but you need to keep pestering them about this as it is a *serious* issue for us players, and it affects everyone outside france, which is the greater part of your playerbase. Please, please, keep pressuring OT to take action.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 21, 2004
Tears said:
To flip the coin over to the other side.......... the data from the game servers has to be sent back to the clients, surely GoA should be contacting their ISP to complain after all you have thousands of customers experiencing this problem and would carry more weight than us individual users.
Yes I think complaining to GOA (make sure to bring up there are several other games on the market) will have the best results.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Just because Requiel doesnt say here that GOA are pestering OT every five minutes doesnt mean they are not. People go on about how we are paying customers and how it will effect the game and GOA must provide a serive blah blah blah.

Do you honestly believe any company with paying customers would ignore a problem like this ? I seriously doubt it and once GOA have some news from OT they will let us know. I work with ISP companies everyday and I know that updates from them are few and far between even if you do pester them, so chill out and help GOA by report the problem (with proof) via your own ISP, pester your own ISP's to pester OT and as someone stated previously the more people shouting at OT the faster they will get it sorted.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Jayce said:
<snip>Lots of sensible stuff</snip>

I agree with what you're saying Jayce - of course you're completely right. However, I would just comment that GOA have done themselves an incredible disservice by failing to inform the community. A quick post on their website explaining that they are aware of the problem and are sorting it out would go a long way. As it is, the majority of players that post on FH have no idea what's being done, if anything at all, and this is largely the cause of the frustration...and understandably so.

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