Very, very interesting read.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 16, 2005
VERY interesting indeed.

Liked it alot, probably because my vision of the world and who we are, are very similar to the ideas presented in the text... Rep point for j00!!

(for example, concerning religion):
"Until they begin to grasp how much they (humans) too can shape their small corner of the universe, they are in understandable awe of an individual dimly but correctly perceived to be responsible for the creation of the whole of that universe. Eventually, if they are to have any hope of attaining level two, they must grow out of it and begin to accept their own power and potential. Its very akin to a child’s relationship with its parents. The awe and worship must disappear before the child can become an adult."

So very true.
If we truly want to evolve, i think as a species we have to let go of the FEAR of what happends after life, scientific advances such as genetic engineering, what the meaning of life is and so on. In almost all aspects, i think the fear is only holding us back.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Did enjoy it immensly. Some seriously great ideas in there. Most of them I definately agree with.
One of the foremost being the fact that religion is probably the greatest reason behind wars.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
This article made me think of how little it takes for our entire planet to just vanish. It's a very scary thought. I am of course referring to the part about the human species eventually finding out a secret for annihilating the entire planet with the simplest of actions.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Funny thing is, by saying "ofcourse noone believes this story", makes it "unprovable" it's not true.


Have to remember it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
tsk, soo ripped from Q in startrek TNG!

still liked the universe he describes.


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Wow... thats some.. weird shit ;x

How did he remember the full convo though o0


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Yes, if it were for real that would be odd. ;)

Still, it was a fairly creative way of bringing across various opinions and ideas he had.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
That was a good read =).

I did find some of it a bit of a ego trip , but still the main points where hammered home , so it's still worth a rep for j00 =)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
And come on, first thing everyone would ask from alleged god is simple....

What were the seven words that freud came up with to get any woman on earth?


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 9, 2004
Interesting read, I wouldn`t say religion is a reason for war, it`s an excuse, no religion is based on bloodshed, just mankinds bitter twisted need to kill.
The Christian religion being the earliest form of spin doctorism, sculptured by the Romans, and used as a very powerful commodity, ensuring then as it does now absolute power, with such hypocrosy, that wars fought for the
" sake of religion " are honourable and just.
To believe in God comes hand in hand with the many Christian rituals that we partake in from the day we`re born, till the day we die.
So from christenings to funerals we`re led to believe, the almighty is all around us and does indeed exist, but say you`ve spoke to god ( David Icke ) a prime example and you are deemed insane?
Another example of blatant twisted plagarism is the justice system, I swear by almighty god etc etc, as the accused is later found guilty, in a place bound by the biblical rules, only to be sentenced to death.
God being the ultimate power, the divine ruler and he who must be obeyed, the leader of all men, the ability to destroy whole worlds, and who made man in his own image, casting your mind back through history, there are some alarming similarities, to such a being.
Miracles are called upon to feed the faithful followers faith, miracles divined as curing lepers, or feeding so many with a few fish and some loaves of bread, no disrespect intended to all those who died,but an eerie insignicant coincidence or?, whilst looking at the relevant dates of both Tsunamis.
Ooops sorry for the waffling, but this a topic that always gets me going.
Lastly my perception of the whole Bible thing is, you see what you want to see, Jesus being the purest of pure and everything that is good, that his birth is reflected by a newly born star, ok hard to believe, I see a complete reverse, everything that is bad then, must be the complete opposite.
A star is born heralding life and all that it brings, a star dying, creating a black hole with the ability to swallow everything,with such gravitational pull not even light can escape it`s clutches.


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
That is really some of the most amazing things I've read.

Loved it :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
The only thing iv'e ever taken from written scriptures is to treat people how you would want to be treated .... After than nothing else really matters.

Now i don't do what i write all the time , but hey i can't be good looking , sexy AND perfect now can i :p

I used to be a alterboy , and iv'e heard just about the whole bible twice,
again , i take the bits that i find work and stick with them.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
[SS]Gamblor said:
The only thing iv'e ever taken from written scriptures is to treat people how you would want to be treated .... After than nothing else really matters.

Then why you being a dick all the time? :eek:

I kiiiid! :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
so old :m00: i saw that eons ago loel.

oh yer if u beleive that you need help h0kay. if god wanted to waste his time speaking to a human being he would of chosen noam choamsky or leonardo da vinci or sigmund freud or einstein or socrates or plato [just off the top of my head], but this bufoon? give me a break, this god is apparently evolved from his own kind into a godly form, a very commonly accepted idea that anyone can become godly, omnisent maybe a strech to far but what the hell. this god enjoys meaningful conversation, with someone that cant even touch is fathomable comprehension, great:) yup this is so bogus from the day it was created, next god will be speaking to the paupers, that reign the street, that he has forsaken!


One of Freddy's beloved
Oct 22, 2004
SFXman said:
This article made me think of how little it takes for our entire planet to just vanish. It's a very scary thought. I am of course referring to the part about the human species eventually finding out a secret for annihilating the entire planet with the simplest of actions.

its actually more real then you think, its called neuclear power and it CAN kill everyone on earth with the touch of a button.

but extremely good reading material, gave a rep point aswell :)

Infanity said:
Wow... thats some.. weird shit ;x

How did he remember the full convo though o0

hehe yeah i was thinking exactly the same thing, tho i must agree thats the best thing i have ever read


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
old.Tohtori said:
And come on, first thing everyone would ask from alleged god is simple....

What were the seven words that freud came up with to get any woman on earth?

Dunno, what were they? :)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 9, 2004
old.Tohtori said:
Best i could, in my devine powers, come up with is:

"I'm not perfect, but willing to change."[/QUOTE

I`m going for : "I can lick my own eye lashes"


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Conchabar said:
so old :m00: i saw that eons ago loel.

Yada yada.
I do sincerely hope that this was posted because no-one likes to hear that something they post is old.

Still, I'll credit your thoughts on the article. I think that if this were to ever happen, that is assuming there is a god, then he would choose exactly someone like the character. Why? Well, I'd say that the people you mentioned were living in times when religion was a much more widely accepted part of culture. Hence the people you chose as the audience for "god" would not be suitable, exactly because of what the article's "god" stated. They'd concentrate more on the fact that they are talking to a god. I could be mistaken, Einstein could have been an atheist for all I know. I did an essay on him ages ago but still can't remember such a detail.
The idea about "god" being something similar to us that is simply billions of years ahead of us is as far fetched as there being the type of god that christian religion believes in. Actually, I'd say the biblical version is even more absurd. Why? Well because it really has no basis for why it all started. Poof, there! Okay then.

Considering what you said about the character being a mere morta, and not having enough to sense to even begin to comprehend what the god was talking about, makes me think that you didn't even read the piece. I for one thought that he guessed many of the things that were said. Anyone could ask questions, seemingly showing a lack of understanding, simply because they weren't exactly there when it all happened. You can't understand what you don't know.

Thanks for your input though.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Closed IE after reading the title only.
sorry if that disapoint you but im fair atleast :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Ashala said:
its actually more real then you think, its called neuclear power and it CAN kill everyone on earth with the touch of a button.
Of course, this can also possibly kill us all. However, what was mentioned in this piece of text was that something like a simple thought or a very simple invention could do this. Also, it wouldn't even necessarily require huge resources or connections. Could be anyone. Your average joe, whom wouldn't be average by our standards in this future time, will not easily get his hands on a nuke. Not to mention it has to be used somehow.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Deadnala said:
Closed IE after reading the title only.
sorry if that disapoint you but im fair atleast :)
Ah, I should have mentioned in the post that do not judge a book by it's covers. I also first acknowledged that it was seemingly talking about actually talking to "god". I wanted to find out what kind of person would write such a thing, and then was pleasently suprised.
Not trying to get on religious folks' nerves but it's just how I consider the matter of strongly portraying the presence of your faith.

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