What do you do?


Lovely person
Dec 22, 2003
I don't mean your job title, I mean on a day to day basis. Might be interesting, might not :)
I'll start the ball rolling....

I work for a company that develops and sells document management software, paperless office type stuff. Been doing this for a while, changed company 4 months ago though. Our products are fully integrated into finance packages typically, but can also be stand alone. It's sold as a solution, sometimes part of a bigger project, typical values are £20k to £150k.
I'm a sales guy essentially. My main remit though is to sign new resellers, develop and train them etc. This involves persuding them that they should sell our type of product, and that ours is the one they should choose. Then train their sales peeps, get marketing going etc. Once they are producing I will then hand them to an account manager. My work is about 40/60 split between office and on the road, I usually do 40/50k miles a year.
I'll also do some direct sales though, either because no reseller is involved or to us the potential end user as leverage to gain a reseller, or maybe a large blue chip that we want to keep to ourselves
Sometimes I'm away from home for several days, a part of the job I dislike. Even if I'm not away I may be on the road at 5am and not home until 11pm, knackered. I live 20 miles north of Liverpool and will do the south coast and back in a day fairly frequently.
I get paid a fairly good salary/car allowance but my main income is commission/bonuses.



One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Currently i'm in my last year at uni and as such do nothing much all day except my assignments. Today i had my Project 'Viva' which is basically a meeting/discussion about my 3D FMV sequence where i talk through it and they get to nitpick/ask questions, thankfully they were both impressed and reckon it'll make a good show reel to send of to games developers when i finish my degree.

On a day to day basis i'll make 3d work and lots of it :(

I was gonna make a seperate thread about this but: How do you know what the hell to do after uni? I feel like i'm coming up to a major crossroads in my life and I have this fear of just feeling 'lost'. Most likely i'll move back in with my parents but i really don't want to because it feels like a step back. Only time will tell I guess.

Oh and i get paid fuck all...in fact I pay the uni, *****.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Quality Assurance: Assistant Team Lead.

Bollocks arse title for being a games tester who does a little more than just testing, but less than the team lead. :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Bullitt said:
I was gonna make a seperate thread about this but: How do you know what the hell to do after uni? I feel like i'm coming up to a major crossroads in my life and I have this fear of just feeling 'lost'. Most likely i'll move back in with my parents but i really don't want to because it feels like a step back. Only time will tell I guess.

Oh and i get paid fuck all...in fact I pay the uni, *****.
You take a deep breath and get a job. :D Once got the job you'll spend the first week 'settling in' the next three being the most productive person in the office and from then on spend all your time posting here. ;)

As for moving back, it's probably best to start with. Once you get a job then start looking for place. It's best to do things from a position of strength rather than looking for a place when you need one desperatly.

As for me I'm an it-tech in a college so I walk around scowling at the students and replacing stolen mice. We have a a load of shitty aria and ram pcs (v low quality). P3 400's and such which usually brake rather regularly. all sorts of fun can be had trying to find which shitty legacy component has fecked up this time. :/

I got shit degree so I'm applying to as many jobs as my self-esteem can handle. :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Systems Solutions Analyst

I work for a large electronics manufacturer, developing systemic solutions to meet specific business requirements. Also specify coding requirements (mainly ABAP) and also define maps for EDI messaging (EDI and X12)


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
i just quit my job an hour ago but i was an an IT techy. dont think that needs much explaining.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Student, spend half of college time in free periods, the other half in lessons (Geography, History and English)

A level exams in a few months :(

Spend the rest of my days revising


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Bullitt said:
I was gonna make a seperate thread about this but: How do you know what the hell to do after uni? I feel like i'm coming up to a major crossroads in my life and I have this fear of just feeling 'lost'. Most likely i'll move back in with my parents but i really don't want to because it feels like a step back. Only time will tell I guess.

Was just in the same position last year so I know exactly how you feel, I was kinda lucky though and found my current job by accident, My mum just phoned one day and asked if I could proram in J2ME, I said yes and she asked more questions and I answered yes to all of them and asked why, she said "well theres a job here that asks for these things, you should apply" so I did and got an innterview, and they gave me the job on the morning of my first exam...took the pressure of quite a lot!
After that I moved back in with parents, its cheap and it lets you get settled whilst you find out where you wanna go with your life. It is difficult to adjust back to life at home after so much freedom, so expect lots of arguments but Im now happy and working as a mobile games developer/designer which is something I have wanted to do my whole life, so I got lucky I guess.



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Bullitt said:
I was gonna make a seperate thread about this but: How do you know what the hell to do after uni? I feel like i'm coming up to a major crossroads in my life and I have this fear of just feeling 'lost'. Most likely i'll move back in with my parents but i really don't want to because it feels like a step back. Only time will tell I guess.

I thought the idea is you pick what career you wanna do then do a degree related to that, then you know what to do after Uni.....?

As for me, I do sweet feck all atm. As of Sept I'll be moving to New Zealand to continue with Law (barrister).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Bullitt said:
I was gonna make a seperate thread about this but: How do you know what the hell to do after uni? I feel like i'm coming up to a major crossroads in my life and I have this fear of just feeling 'lost'. Most likely i'll move back in with my parents but i really don't want to because it feels like a step back. Only time will tell I guess.

Oh and i get paid fuck all...in fact I pay the uni, *****.

Im in exactly the same boat atm, although im still living with my parents now. In my final year of a Computer Science degree and dont have a clue about jobs etc. Luckily Ive been accepted onto a Masters course if i get a decent grade, but thats only a year long, so i still need to sort myself out a job in IT....or something.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Senior Computing Officer

Fell into my job at the Uni I was studying at 4 years ago as I was working there part-time while doing my degree. (Something which no doubt lead to be getting bored with studying and only getting a 2:2)

At the moment I generally spend my day writing our new web-based helpdesk system. But as I'm doing this as a favour to my boss, my actual job role means that I look after the 400+ PCs in our student center. Nice machines (Although they are RMs *Spit*), no where near as low end as Doh Boy. I feel sorry for you mate.

In my spare time I do some more coding at home, watch to much TV for my own good and am currently attempting to build an arcade test-rig. I'm learning my soldering skills as I go, so it's not going terribely well.

Oh, I also do the tech support for our computer based exams. Something I am doing right now, as I type this. Tonight is resists, which basically consists of fuck-wits that either overslept for their exam, got the wrong day or are just plain stupid. Most of them fall into that last category.

Trying to find a job that pays decent back home in Plymouth at the moment. 8 years in Luton is enough and I want to move back with my girlfriend. As she is lovely :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Cdr said:
I thought the idea is you pick what career you wanna do then do a degree related to that, then you know what to do after Uni.....?

This was the initial plan but what with 3d artists coming a dime a dozen i'm not keeping my hopes up in getting into the industry (i'm doing Computer Games Design degree btw) and if i don't find a job within a year or two there's a HUGE amount of people on the course behind me, it's become mega popular.

I was hoping this degree will give me an extra string to pull on in applications and get my foot in the door of a dev company.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I do....


Goto work
Grab a coffee
Kick back & relax
Read my spam

athie works at the Big Blue


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Bullitt said:
This was the initial plan but what with 3d artists coming a dime a dozen i'm not keeping my hopes up in getting into the industry (i'm doing Computer Games Design degree btw) and if i don't find a job within a year or two there's a HUGE amount of people on the course behind me, it's become mega popular.

I was hoping this degree will give me an extra string to pull on in applications and get my foot in the door of a dev company.

Have you ever thought about doing a Mod for one of the popular games? It seems this is the 'normal' way these days to get your foot in the door.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
IT Administrator for our office.

90% of the time I sit browsing the web waiting for something to do/happen :(


Old Cow.
Dec 22, 2003

IT/Network manager for a small local company... like PR, sit around, waiting for things to happen. Make coffee once in a while. Sit around on Quakenet helping morons in #help.
Go home, drink more coffee, eat a bit, sit on phone to the fiancéé for half an hour, go back to the morons in #help, sleep.

An uninteresting day, usually followed with an uninteresting evening. I can only hope for an interesting dream :D


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
A-Level student.
2nd Year.

Waiting for exams to roll around; Maths, French, Computing *shudder* and Further Maths.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Wake up about 7:30, have breakfast, walk to work with a ciggie on. 8:45 start work (at a Currys superstore, warehouse manager) - tidy up from the night before, make space for the day's delivery, fill up some gaps on the shopfloor, send off some returns, have a chat.. Basically so long as I keep on top of the stock in the warehouse and make sure it's tidy & safe etc, then I'm ok.. Not a bad job, plenty of time for standing talking, but shitty pay. In a week I start stupid shifts (9am - 7pm) so I'll be looking for a new job in tomorrow's local weekly.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I am an accountant in a German Insurance company.
My major tasks are:

- Monthly Premium Reports
- Monthly Claims Reports
- Monthly Broker Analysis statements
- Monthly Management Reports
- Quarterly Managements Reports
- Preparing Forecasts and Budgets
- Monthly Analysis of Lines of Business for underwriters and managers

These are all prepared using a combination of excel reports, text data files and access databases.The systems are all old and rigid. So much so that no new reports can be created without a huge amount of time and effort that would not diminish over time.

I also have to control the rest of the general ledger, perform reconciliations of all accounts, recons of underwriting system to general ledger system

Preparing and Reporting Year End Financial Accounts, tax comps, group consolidation reports and dealing with auditors in the audit process and also preparing insurance stats returns


Pork Smuggler
Dec 22, 2003
I'm currently an operations advisor / supervisor on a gas platform in the middle of the South China sea working a month on month off basis.

The main part of the job should be coaching / training and assessing the Vietnamese staff in gas production operations and maintenance stuff but I'm spending more time developing systems that will tell the locals how to run the platform. Which would be a good thing if they were actually going to read them...

The supervisory bit involves mind numbing levels of maintenance management, planning and just sucks :(


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 10, 2004
6.00am Get up. Sit drinking tea, smoking rollups and doing a bit of mild surfing and e-mail checking.

6.30am Get washed and dressed.

7.00am Leave house and walk to station.

7.20am Board train.

8.00am Get into work. Jacket off. Computer on. Kettle on.

* 8.30am - 12.30pm Wander over to trays containing advertising copy. Pick up whatever's first to be done. Sit down at Mac and start trying to decipher what appears to be hieroglyphics written by a retard. Laugh at really bad spelling mistakes. Then try and cram all their copy into a laughably small area. Curse and moan a bit. Moan even more when the next job I pick up is a full page used car dealer advert, to be reset from scratch. There might even be a spot of debating with the advertising sales girls, as we try and explain that our collection of clipart, while comprehensive, does not contain every imagined image in the universe. We were once asked to insert an image of, and I quote, "Santa Claus warming his hands on a burning Christmas tree".

Rinse and repeat.

12.30pm - 1pm So-called lunch "hour".

* 1pm - 4.30pm Same as the morning.

4.30pm Leave work.

5.30pm Arrive home. Jacket off. Computer on. Kettle on.

* Punctuated regularly with tea making voyages to the canteen, and wandering outside at least once an hour for a cigarette. Also broken up by having at least one of the servers in the building go tits up for a while.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003
I am a Strategic / Project Manager for a large building distribution company.

I don't have a day to day as such due to the nature of my role its more 3 month by 3 month so my year looks a little like this:

Jan - March In depth study of one or more product group
April - June Yearly strategic planning stage
July - December More in depth studies

Something that I do regularly everyday is some kind of complicated analysis using either an access / sap or alterian (coming soon) based database.

In between the big stuff there is on going reporting on competitors / writing the Chairmans presentations both for external viewing and internal.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
I am a Dynamic Positioning Operator, I work a month on and a month off in Africa. I work the midnight to midday shift, its a bitch changing back to normal time when I get home. I watch the computers that keep us in position and try and make sure the Rig does not sink. Mostly vey boring with the odd burst of excitement, right now its mostly exciting because half of the thrusters are goosed and we have no redundancy :). Living on the edge.


p.s. djpringle any jobs in Asia, Africa sucks :(

Lord of the Underdark

Fledgling Freddie
Apr 13, 2004

I work for a major recruitment firm,

helping the hardest to help into work, giving advice and sorting other peoples lives and problems out.

its entertaining and keeps me busy. Besides i like getting other people work, seems like i dont then??

does that make sense? :confused:


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
Customer Support Manager.

Up just before 7 and struggle with other commuters to reach a city-based office by 9.

Zap bacon roll bought on the way in the microwave and grab a bottle of cold water from the fridge, then it's breakfast time while I check emails coming in overnight. Check through various boards and then start work 'proper'.

Most of the time the team works well and handles the problems raised by customers (real time financial data and systems) but occasionally things screw up, and I have to handle these escalations. I deal directly with senior managers at key clients proactively to make sure all is hunky dory. I beat up my team if we're not meeting our service level agreement standards. At least once per month I'll travel to a financial centre in Europe to meet key accounts and possibly help out in sales meetings. We are also in the midst of a 10 million USD integration effort for our ticker plants so I am heavily involved in projects aimed at making sure our customers are not impacted.

But mostly I schmooze ;)

About 4 ciggie breaks through the day, hassle folks in the US about escalated issues or other projects in the afternoon, no time for lunch usually, check boards from time to time and :twak: norteh folks, then finally leave around 6pm for the 2 hour trip home.

Suit off, beer open, log on and funtime :clap:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Student :clap:

up whenever, log on, make thermos of coffee
1:45 leave for uni
6:40 back from uni
6:41 log on
Sleep whenever


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Molecular/cell biologist.

Working on a number of different projects atm mostly focussed on vascular complications of diabetes - basically why does diabetes (type 2 - the kind you get when you're old/fat) fuck with your blood vessels so badly? One project on angiogenesis (growth of new blood vessels from existing vasculature), one on endothelial permeability (how leaky the lining of your blood vessels is) and one on some things called heparin sulphate proteoglycans (HSPG's) which are structural components of the extracellular matrix (stuff outside blood vessels) and are apparently involved in regulating pro- and anti-angiogenic growth factors.

On a day-to-day basis most of what I'm doing at the moment is cell culture - growing human endothelial and muscle cells in flasks, treating them with stuff, measuring things they produce or ways they react. I also spend a lot of time reading and writing research papers, reviewing research publications and I also deal with a large part of the laboratory daily running - health & safety, ordering, that kind of thing.

It's a good job, interesting and challenging, but I'm getting more and more fed up with not having had a pay rise of *any* kind for 8 years now :/


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
I work for a mail order company, in the call centre. My job description is to take orders, but most of the time I spend answering queries from angry customers because we've not delivered their product yet, even though we've had their money and order for 3 months.
It's just a short term money making scheme, since I'm back off to Uni in September to restart a Biochemistry Degree at Imperial.


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
granny said:
It's a good job, interesting and challenging, but I'm getting more and more fed up with not having had a pay rise of *any* kind for 8 years now :/

If it wasn't for the money thing I'd ask you if you fancied a job swap... that sounds like a nice job :)

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