A CLASSIC GOLD SEEL POST!! 40k post from Barrysworld.(Segmented for your comfort)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Ok here we go. One day when i was just posting some, as my good friend tank would say, "Major boring shi-et.", i checked the message length. Well it was noway near full as the limit for a post is 40000 of marks. So, what popped into my mind at that very instant? Food. I was hungry but what came to my mind after that was amazing. Drinks. Couldn't eat without something to wash it down with, but the THIRD thought that came to my mind was just unbelievable. What if, in some way, somehow and by harvesting all the knowledge, wisdom, streetsmarts and eggs someone, somewhere would be able to write a post with 40000 marks on it? Wouldn't that be something? Atleast it would be a record that wouldn't be broken in a minute or two. Atleast not by writing it. Maybe by using copy/paste/quote or any other shortcut things like that. Just sit down on a computer, start spewing out things from high heavens to the deepest depths of hell and not stop until the computer made a little "bleep!" and notify that the post was complete. Then i though about finishing the drink i had on my table and go refresh it. It was only a week or two later that my mind woke up, gave me a good kick in the cranium as a punishment for drinking too much liquids of alcoholic nature last night and stated "wake up dummy and get to work!". Well, after i finished the day at the office i realised i could infact write the 40000 mark post myself! Afterall i had almost 3000 posts on Barrysworld and countless numbers of un"published" stuff on my computer proving i could be the man, erhm, seel to do it. So hop to it and into the shower. Been a few days since i went so it was due time to wash off that dust from last fridays sanddive in the shore. That was fun, just roll around in sand. But after i emerged from the shower, sparkling clean and fluffy as a daisy in a pighollering contest, whatever that means, i sat down to my computer and logged into barrysworld. Click on a "new thread" button and i was well under way in being, perhaps, the first ever to go all the way in posting. I started writing: "Ok here we go. One day when i was just posting...", it was a good start and perhaps one day everyone would remember those immortal words "Ok, here we go." as the words that launched upon the boards such a massive amount of different marks that somehow, when put into a right order, would form words. The words would form lines and it all would expand into something as ridicilous as "one size fits all" pants on pavarotti. Ofcourse at this point i remembered that anyone, with even half a brain, would have closed the thread allready or posted something in the lines of "Too long imo" or "I stopped at -Ok.-" and decided that i'd post that i knew it would happen. Atleast that way i could quote myself when they did. But there are people who actually might read all of this and for those people i give a firm salute. You people are insane, almost as insane as the person sitting here and just letting his fingers move like posessed on the keyboard and post about something that is most certainly off-topic but in a way just what the people expect from Teh Seel. I can't see my fingers at times, i just let them flow over the keyboard and let out everything that my mind thinks of. This would be a good day to know the 10 finger writing thing my teacher once said i would need. Atleast would make it easier to check if i misspleed something like mispelled. Ah well, have to trust that my fingers know more about writing then my brain knows about the atomic reaction of a papaya fruit to a seed of an orange. This isn't actually that bad. I kinda enjoy this, just letting everything in my brain to flow into the fingers and with the help of a keyboard into the monitor. I thought by now i would've been bored like most of the people who read this and would've gone to do something else instead. Like arranging my socks by color, then teach them to arrange themselves in order of length, color and rank. Ofcourse i would need ranks to the socks but i could train one of the shirts to do that. Almost tempted at checking on how much i've allready written here. Ok, maybe a quick peek but then it's back to writing this thing. Otherwise i'll be writing this until i'm old and gray as gandalf himself and not even a fraction as wise as the fruit he carries in his pocket. 4340. Well that isn't too bad, only 9 more pletheras of text like this and i would have even 3000 marks left for a second part of the thread. Maybe i'll do one of those, "This thread took so and so long to make, with so and so many cigarettes smoked and with so and so many drinks of this and that." things after i'm done. Have to remember to leave something like, 150 marks for that or something. Also i should start marking up statistics, like that drink and the time i started. 21:37. There, i can come back and erase it after i'm done. Nah, i’ll leave it be, afterall it’s 5 more marks to the text and i bet when i’m nearing 40000 marks i’ll be glad i left those 5 there. Maybe i should stop writing things that are short for something. Like write 5 as five and would’ve as would have. Or maybe not, it’s not afterall that fast as i’d have to think about what i write a bit more and it would feel like i was cutting corners to get to the goal. I wonder if i’ll get those moments, while writing this, like mountain climbers and such get. Those moments where i think that i can’t go on and i should’ve just stayed home. Well considering i –am- home it’s a bit silly i guess. But who knows, i’ll probably write about that when i get there. Maybe i’ll tell a little inspiring story in the meanwhile, afterall some people might actually still be reading this and would like some change into this strange babble. So, there was this ant. He was working hard every day like every other ant around him. But he was thinking ”Is this all? Is this all i’m good for?” and all in all didn’t feel too good about his contribution to the world. One day the ant died. Just keeled over and stopped living and went to ant-heaven. There was this little golden ant-road, golden ant-gate and by that gate was this tiny ant-angel that looked at the ant and said: ”Before i can let you past these gates and into heaven i need to ask you, do you feel that you completed your task in life?” The little ant looked down for a moment, thought about it and shook his head. ”No, i just worked all day and there was nothing special about it.” The an-tangel smiled and pointed down at the earth and the ant looked. ”See that man there? Just a few months before you died he was going to shoot himself. He had lost his job, his wife and all meaning to his life.He had the gun to his head and just as he was going to pull the trigger he saw you. You were carrying that big leaf back to the hive and the man could only amaze at how a little thing like you could just keep on going, carrying that whole leaf on your own. He took strength from you and carried on, thinking that if a little ant can do that, he can surely live on. You see my little friend, it’s not how big you are, how meaningless you think you are or how useless you think your life is that matters. It’s the others around you, even the ones you don’t notice and the lives that we effect that matters.” That was a nice story, kinda made it up as i went along but i think it has a nice positive message. Wasn’t that refreshing? Ah well, back to the meaningless babble. Babble, bible, is the bible just babble? Ooh, religion! Now there’s a good subject to talk about and fill a few thousand marks. Actually i can’t think of anything else then that joke about a dyslexic atheist laying on a bed thinking if there’s a dog. That still makes me laugh. Also it’s funny that i’m still doing this. Holy heck in a handbasket i think this is almost two full pages of text with no real purpose. Ah well, back to it and out to fill 8 more of those lovely pages. 4000 marks for one page. Hmm, that’s not really much of text. Afterall explaininig how an icecube can reach the same velocity as a bullet, in the national rifle organisation boards, would take atleast 6000 marks. Might be more interesting though then to read about how Teh Seel writes about some strange things and mostly about the writing itself. Can’t blame me, i’m not the one reading this, i just wrote it. Even if i had invented the atomic bomb i never would’ve told people to USE it. Maybe that’s the little thing the scientists forgot to mention to people. ”Ok, this is the greatest weapon mankind has ever seen but..umm..well..don’t use it. It’s nasty, with a big bang and..well, just trust us.” Then again they probably would’ve been shot, told ”nah nah” and shot again. I don’t understand why soldier who shoots a scientist would need to say ”nah nah” after that like a little kid. It’s not like he got the last popsicle, he freaking shot them! Then again we ARE talking about american soldiers so anything is possible. Well not ANYTHING. Saying ”anything is possible with american soldiers” is like saying ”you can use cheese with anything”. I wouldn’t dream of putting cheese in my icecream so i doub’t an american soldier can so anything. They would if they could but they can’t so they won’t. Well say that three times fast and call my grandmas poodle betty. I think i’m nearing 10000 marks now. Pheewie that’s a lot of letters and numbers. How do i know? Well i checked. Have to do that once in a while to keep myself clear on how much more i can write. Actually it doesn’t matter since all i write have no start OR and ending so i could just stop now...nah! Not finished yet here people! I got atleast 30k of letters and numerous words to write still. I wonder what will happen when i click on the ”post thread” link when i’m done. The forums might crash, SkyNet might go online, hamsters might learn how to fly. Wouldn’t that be terrible? Well, it would look fun as the devil running around with a hagendas trying to get to hell in time for friends before it melts but think of the guys who live on making those little wheels that hamster run in. They would loose their livelyhood, they would have to go on social wellfare and their wifes or husbands would probably leave them. Just take a moment to think about that invention. I wonder if the first tests didn’t go that well. First they put the hamster on the ground and it would just Swhoom! run off into the distance and disappear behind the horizon. Ok, so they put the little guy in a cage. Now the hamster runs forwards, splat! goes againt the cage and keeps on running against it. Well that actually would’ve been quite an invention ’cause you’d need smaller cages. But i guess they thought it would look even cooler if the hamster ran in one place for a reason instead of its own stupidity to run forwards. So they take a wheel and put the hamster run in that. Strange people those, experimenting on hamsters when all they wanna do is run forwards and disappear into the sunset. And talking about hamsters. If there is such a thing as god, let’s assume for the sake of the hamster related story that there is a bearded old fart ruling over all things, i KNOW that he made the hamster into a pet. Heck, if it’s small, cuddly, fluffy with two cute black pearls for eyes it just has to be an invention that has to be caged so people can stare at them runnning in that silly little wheel. Now who’s more simple, the hamster running in the wheel or the human watching the hamster run in one place and actually enjoying it? I bet hamsters run in that wheel because they love to giggle at people who watch them do it. I’m quite sure they don’t get on that wheel and think ”Oh gee golly wiz today i’m gonna reach the end of this track.” and i higly doubt they get on it and go ”Huf huf! Time to burn that fat away babeh! Time to exerzizzle!” They just get on it, start running and go ”Yes, come closer puny human. Watch my entrancing running and give me food.” Smart little critters. Talking about entertaining people. Parrots. Hell! They learn one word and their set for a home, food and good times for life. If i could get a meal every time i say something like ”Polly wants a cracker!” or ”Kraa! Hello!” i’d do that for a living too. Talking about making a living. For every job there is someone who is willing and able to do it. I do believe there are people who are reasearching for better toothpaste or for better yarn. That’s a ”washout” if any on a field of science. Someone wants to do research on combustion engines or alternate fuel supplies and ends up developing better paste for people who want their teeth sparkly white. I wonder how many people actually read this. Maybe i’ll make a check. Everyone who actually read this thing this far, remember to add the line ”Carrots are orange and that’s a wonderful thing.” as a quote in your reply. I bet i get two quotes like that. Max. Oh well, it’s not like i’m doing this for a good reason or for educational purposes. I’m just babbling on the boards to max out the postlimit and see how long it will be and what will actually happen. Probably nothing. Atleast if all else fails i can say that i’ve done it all on Barrysworld. Posted pictures, used smileys, written replies with meaning, made fun of people, congratulated people, flamed, been flamed at, made people laugh…and on top of all that and more i can say i posted something with 40000 marks. Then i can retire. Hey, maybe that’s why i’m writing this. Could it be that Teh Seel has given all that is needed for the community and it’s time Teh Seel went away? Maybe this isn’t just some willynilly attempt to break a record in the longest post, maybe this isn’t just about finding out if the max limit is infact 40000 marks, maybe it’s my final words and goodbye to all who travel the pages of Barrysworld and have been on a wild ride with ups and downs from lags to bugs and from temporary setbacks to funny jokes. I still remember the times when SFXMan filled three pages of ”last poster” with his name, the time when Teh Seel came to life, red twactor of Unca Sick and so much more. Well, wasn’t that a flash from the past. Maybe i’ll just put ”The final post of teh Seel. Let’s go out with a bang!” as the topic and turn to a ghost that comes around every so often to comment on something if i REALLY have something constructive to add. Sure as hell many out there who would love that to happen, maybe even some who would hate that to happen. It would be a grand leaving. 40k of letters, thousands of words, all crammed into one post like the filling of an arnolds donut. A legacy of sorts, a guideline for those to follow, an inspiration the seels of tomorrow. Heck. Didn’t even think of that when i started this shibang, maybe that’s it. Well, we’ll see when i get near the end and it’s still a bit further away. Whatever may be, atleast this will be the last post for a long long time that has no real meaning and is only the ramblings Teh Seel. It is kind of a standard allready, most of what i write has no point but some do manage to get the giggles out of people. When you write as much as i do, one can’t ofcourse expect for every post to be a grande royale funnyhour, there’s bound to be those threads that just disppear somewhere into the flames, pictures and random other threads that all the others in these boards write. I wonder what people will think about when they read this, who they actually are behind those avatars. Afterall they are somewhat like me, sitting by a computerin a room somewhere around the world, reading what i wrote and replying to them. Humans, with lives, millions of stories, countless events. And there’s six billion of us around this blue planet of ours. If only all those stories could be written into a book and someone, millions of years from now could look at it and amaze of the culture we had. Bullshit. Humankind sucks really, we are a virus, a plague of this world and the world will sigh in relief when were gone. Well world, i flip you the bird since i ain’t getting of this planet just yet! Well let’s see where were at, how far to we have to climb still and just how long is this post allready. 16160. That’s almost halfway through allready and i’ve spent about 2 hours to write this. With the cigbrakes, tv checks and all that is. Seems like you have to read a bit more to get to the end, maybe there will be the ultimate truth in here somewhere. I bet i’m not the only one who has thought of this, but i’m quite sure i’m the only one who has the insanity, ability for babble and downright seelines to actually do it. Some might say i don’t have a life but this takes only a fraction of one day to do so it’s not that much. Some people have used days to get a number in a agame to 1200 so they can see the words ”Master Crafter” in a box so i don’t think this is that much more insane. It’s all in a days work. It doesn’t seem that much when your doing it but when you look back you notice just how much you actually did. I think i’ll be able to enjoy the feeling i get when i see this complete. Funny, i’ve learned to use my left hand for the spacebar while writing this since the right side of the spacebar isn’t working that well. Someone actually said that it looks like i’m posessed when i write, the fingers moving on the keyboard and the words that appear on the screen. I dunno, i just zone out and start writing, the words just come together and i feel like everything around me turns into a blur. Just like when i work, if i concentrate i can blur out everything else and realise 8 hours later i haven’t drinked, eaten or even smoked during the whole time. Sure the time and energy could be used to something more interesting or useful but it’s something still. It’s kinda the same to say ”i spent 5 hours writing a post on the boards” or ”i spent 5 hours cleaning my apartment fully”. As long as there’s some kind of thing there to show that you actually managed to do something and you don’t look at it and go ”Well, that was a waste of time.”, i think it’s worth the effort. Still a whole lot of time, or should i say space to write about stuff. Should i take this thing to some kind of a track, talk about something that actually is about something. Like DaoC, music, sports or should i keep it as it is. Along ramble about random stuff to fill a post. I think i’ll lean towards the later, some might say it’s a wrong choice but if there’s one person out there, just one, who reads all this and finds it amusing, a good way to spend a moment in peace, it’s worth it. Maybe those who read this will find soething out of it, afterall with 40000 marks there’s bound to be atleast two wise words in there. Even if the words are just the words ”wise words”. By all laws of random words put together it has to happen. Read a bad book and there’s atleast one line there that’ll make you think, laugh or move you in another way. Funny part about this is that some wiseass will quote me on the whole thing. Just to be funny. Actually there are alot of things that will happen. Can’t be arsed to read all that. Postfarm. +1. The full quote thing. All the regular stuff will happen. Also a funny part is that it will probably take about 15 minutes max to read all this when the writing of it takes a whole lot more. Work for an hour and get a minutes worth of pay they say. Guess it works like in the movies, in a whole days shoot they get 3 minutes of material for a movie. Oh, for those interested in how we are doing and how big the counter is at the moment. It’s nearing the magic marker, the point of no return, the one point where i realise i have to do this all the way.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Yes, it’s the 20000 mark line, the middleground. Halfway through. It’s almost here and then there’s going to be another set of random words and letters in an organised fashion to read about. So if you have to pee, get more drinks or say ”i love you” to the missus before continuing on the reading i suggest you do it now since now that mark is crossed. 20000 marks up there. Phew. That’s a whole lotta Seel my friends. Some might say that’s enough, ok, proved some stupid point or just that it’s enough of bullcrap allready. But no, 20000 is just the halfway marer in this. The limit is 40000 and by geewiz jolly green giant 40000 it will be! Then i can just sit back and send an email asking for more room for my posts. Imagine the look on that guys face when he opens the mail. ”Please Mr Operator Guy. Could you raise the limit of characters that can be posted on the forums. I ran out of space.” Can’t help but to laugh at the mere thought of it. This is kind of a jouney, a holy pilgrimage of Teh Seel if you will to the preverbial mekka of posting. Who knows what this will bring forth, maybe it’ll become an uban legend. I don’t really care, i just write it because i had the idea and went for it. I don’t know if, when i becomd a forum deity or something, at the 3000 posts the limit will be 60000 or 100000 but at the moment the limit is this. I guess it all started when someone said, was it Landshark, that ”Teh Seel is going for the record of the longest post on the forums”. Heck, why not go for it bigtime. It’s rather late, 00:48 allready and i’m only halfway through. Oh well, don’t start what you can’t finish i always thought. Good advice from a guy who i can’t remember. Maybe it was in a movie. It doesn’t matter, still good advice. Ofcourse i could just edit this so i say ”i’m going for the 20000 limit” but that would only be cheating myself. But let’s get off the subject and topic of this post for a moment, just for a change. I wanted to actually add something here that might be considered as something one might want to read. I have a bad habbit of comparing tv-sitcoms, movies, all kinds of stuff i see on tv to real life. I wonder if anyone else does the same. It’s amazing how one can twist things around to make them look like things out of their real life. You could, as an example, look at friends and notice that ”Hey, joey is just like my friend bill and rachel is a perfect copy of jill.” It’s kinda funny. Then you see something on a sitcom about how a stolen newspaper turns into a neighborwar and nod to yourself ”Yeah, can relate to that.” Maybe that’s why tv and movies have such a huge audience, they somehow reflect our lives and even if they only are a ”bit” same, they still remind us of things. Soon i’m gonna realise i don’t have the space to write all i wanted and the funny part is that when i had the space i didn’t think of the thing i could’ve written about. That’s how life works sometimes. I wonder about a lot of things while i write this. What’ll i’ll have for dinner tomorrow, should i have another smoke or leave the last one for tomorrow morning and all kinds of stuff. Most of it doesn’t come out to ”paper” since somehow it’s not relevant. None of this thing is really ”relevant” in any way but it’s the stuff that makes this post what it is. Actually this will be a longer post because of the topic. It’s probably about 20-30 marks more but it’s just a technicality. Heck, maybe it’s one more thing for some nerd to talk about. I really don’t know why i started to do this, it was an idea and so i began. Maybe it has a reason, maybe it has none. I’m kinda repeating some issues here but does it really matter? It’s just the thoughts that run around in my mind and when it’s only that, it doesn’t matter what ends up on the screen. I had a good day today, got some refunds from the bank. Always nice, work went perfectly, made some ”revalations” in my work and all in all it was a good day. I wonder if tomorrow will be even better. One thing i know for sure, this is a perfect day to write this. I have the energy, i’m not tired and i don’t have to wake up ”that” early so i can stay up and actually do this. Maybe someone will take up the time and find how many typos and misspells i made during this. Kinda fun facts that would be interesting, atleast to some, to read about. Maybe someone will wonder why did i actually do this and not just think about it. Who knows. I don’t so i doubt even Elvis could pop a hip and sing about it. When you think about the world today, with all the things going on, you can’t just sit around and think ”Hmm, what if…” you just have to go for it and see what happens. Maybe it’s the girl in your class that you were afraid to talk to because someone might laugh at you or the girl might reject you. Hell, what if people think you got balls and the girl actually wants you too. Better to grab the bull by the horns and have it bite your balls then to think about ”What if…” When you’re lying 6 feet under and your pushing up daisies i doubt you’ll be thinking ”Darn, i really hated when they laughed at that shirt i wore to work on may 15th 1998”. It’s not that long to the finish anymore and to all those who managed to read this far, you got guts and some great mental stability to stay on the wagon this far. To all those who haven’t read this far i say ”Icklebible puddlipild ipuubuut zzzup!”. Just because they can’t read it anyway. Unless someone quotes that part but then they will. Fun quote though, the most useless line in the whole thing. Actually i don’t know if it is since i can’t remember all the stuff i’ve written to this thing. Hell, i don’t know if i even was awake the whole time i wrote this. 15000 marks to go people! Soon it’ll be over. Yes indeedy and i don’t think there’s been too much nonseelish reasontalking here. Maybe i talked a bit too much about writing this when i should’ve written this but maybe it’s just what this should be. It’s a thing in itself to be a post of 40000 marks so i doubt it should have a huge amount of content in it to make it even more special. And let’s face it, this is what people expect when they see a post by Teh Seel. They don’t expect magical realisations about life itself, they don’t expect to learn how to cook a goose in 15 minutes for 50 people, they certainly don’t expect to see some charts about crafting. They came to read this for one reason. It had ”Teh Seel” on it. And i’ll be damned before i let myself do anything else then be Teh Seel the people want! I will not go silently into the dark! I will not fade away! I will stand and fight! I will make sure i will always stay as Teh Seel has been! This will not be the last post by Teh Seel! Hell no! This will be a milestone, this will be a mark, a permanent totem for one fact and one fact alone. Teh Seel is here to stay! This will be the post that turns my life around, turn my avatars life around and be the day i will always remember as my personal independence day! Damn that felt good! When i finally go i will say five words and five words only, those words will probably be something that people won’t even understand. Something that won’t even make it clear i’m eaving but they will be the final five words i say. I may have quoted a few lines from movies, books or something like that but it still felt so good saying it and getting it out of my system. The end is near for this post and i have never felt this alive before. If i could only record to the net the speed my fingers are writing this stuff. Teh Seel was gone for a moment but with a little effort, with a little cleansing of the babble i believe it’s time for Teh Seel to once more step into the spotlight and bring the people their daily bread. Still 10000 marks to use up. I could’ve use those corny lines in the end to make a massive ending to it but i figured, the ones who read this whole shibang are entitled to it and noone else. They know what this is about. They know what Teh Seel is about. The rest can post +1. Even if this post had some content on it, it wouldn’t matter because all who want content couldn’t be arsed to read this thing through. So why should i write about something relevant when i know that people who want that kind of stuff arn’t going to read it? That’s what i thought. No reason at all so let’s keep on rolling because i think i hear the big number rolling this way allready. The summit it closer then ever before and from the words ”Ok. Here we go.” i’ve come a long way to quit now. The hardest part of this post will have to be the ending. How will i fit the words to strike exactly to the core of the deathstar? Have to edit, erase, or maybe it will all just click together and the final dot i put on this before pressing the ”check message length” link will be number 40000. That would be grand. Like setting a flag on a newly conquered land, the final thing before the party begins. Have to see it when i get there. I know i’ll be sleeping tonight, my mind will be so empty that i can’t think of anything and i think even my dreams will be about a sign that sayes ”Gone fishing”. Atleast i can load up for a good day at work get to test those new toys i got. Tomorrow will be another good day, i know it. I just know it. It’s been 4 hours now since i started to write this. An hour has been spent on something else but 3 hours i’ve been just sitting here, writing random stuff and wondering what’s the next thing that i’ll write. Things just have a tendency to create other things. At some point i did check the message length and thought. Holy shit, i can’t do all that! I’ve written so much and still have that much to write? But then i just grabbed myself by the neck, had a glass of water and went back to it. In the morning i can open up barrysworld and there it’ll be. A filled post. Exiting times. You might be wondering why i’m so exited about a stupid post, well, it’s a goal at the moment and reaching goals is fun no matter how stupid they may seem to other people. You set your goal somewhere in the distance and start running. Sure, you’ll be out of breath at times, think you can’t go on but all those feelings will fade and turn into shear pleasure of a job well done. I know i’ll be an experience richer after this is done. Ofcourse it’s not climbing the mount everest or swimming across the english canal but it’s something. It’s a goal damnit. It’s my goal and it’s personal. I’m just lucky i guess that i can do it and see other peoples reactions to it as well. If noone wanted for a post this long to be posted, i bet they wouldn’t have done such a thing as a ”post limit” and certainly wouldn’t have set it so high. Maybe they thought that noone would actually fill it up but if there’s a way, someone will find it. If there’s a door, someone will go through it and if there’s a road, someone will walk it. This is my road at the moment. I should warn people who are considering to do the same that it’s not a matter of sitting down and writing stuff. You will get moments where you just want to go to sleep and forget about it. Trust me, i’ve been there. Another thing i wanted to say, i wanted to write this in one moment. Not sleep on it, write some more, go to work and write again when i come home. It would’ve broken the whole idea behind this. Now if i only knew what that idea is i would be a bit wiser. But it doesn’t matter. At this point the post cannot be taken to a serious track, it can’t be steared to some important issue about modern days, it just is what it is. It has a life of its own, it has a meaning even if it’s hidden from even the writer. This post will not flame anyone, it will not whine about GOA, it won’t contradict someone elsess beliefs in a major way. It just is a post that is that damn big. It’s kinda sad too, the post is nearly complete and then it will be over but mostly i’m glad i started this little experiment. Learned about myself and i think some people will figure out things in their lives aswell. A journey indeed, perhaps inside the mind, perhaps a journey down the lines of words with no meaning. But no matter what comes, put on your partygear, bring out the booze, smoke a joint or do whatever you wish since atleast i’m gonna be damn pleased when this is complete. And it’s not everyday this comes along. No sirree, ”patched to us”, ”GOA sucks” and ”An idea for mythic/goa” posts come and go but this thing will probably be the first and last in the line of filled out posts. Well, it’s even closer now.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Should really start thinking about what to say as my final words to this post. Should wirte something grand i guess. Then again it doesn’t matter what i post, those will still be the last words on the post. Maybe i should talk about hamsters again, those critters filled the post rather fast back there. But i thinki mentioned everything i wanted to mention about them allready. Except for their total and utter crappy camouflage that is even worse then a cow has. Ofcourse a black and white bovine standing on a green pasture is almost as low as it gets. But i think the brown, white, black fur of a hamster could beat it. Atleaast if it’s in a gray metalcage. Interesting facts about this thread. I’ve smoked 7 cigarettes while writing it. Drank 1L of pepsi. Ate two twix bars. And i’ll probably have used, as a grand total, 4 hours to write it. That’s nonstop 4 hours of writing if taken out the bathroom brakes, tv check and all. Quite the statistics for a post on boards don’t ya think? Also i’ve selected all the text and copied it, without pasteing it to anywhere else, approxemetly 40 times. That would be one helluva anti-climax. Just when i hit the ”post thread” button, a powerfailure destroys all the data. Reboot. Start over. Don’t think so! It’s now or never. I couldn’t arsed to write another shibang like this a second time. I might be insane to do it once but i’m not THAT insane. Well, maybe i would be. Who knows. Might think ”I did it once almost so why not do it again.” No. A-ah. No way. Well ok i would! Happy now? Satisfied Mr. Cross-examination? Anyone there? This was kinda fun to write actually. Not at all the grinding of teeth i thought it could be. I did have that moment of ”I can’t make it”, i guess it’s in everything we do. Only human to doubt what we are doing. You just have to take that reality troll and force it back into the box it jumped out of. 6000 more to go. Not that much really. Considering there’s 34k of marks allready written. Holy hell! That’s a shitload of letters. Am i, ahem, abusing the letters and words here? Like wasting perfectly good food by throwing it in the trash? I hope there’s no universal library that has a limit to the words spoken and written in the universe. They might send a SWAT team to take me out otherwise! Though it would look cool if it did happen. Atleast i’d see some life beyond this atmosphere of ours. Well, i guess i’ll take a moment to tahkn everyone for sticking up with me this long. Ofcourse i don’t know if anyone will actually read all of this. So, i want to thank the readers, couldn’t have done this without you. No wait, i could’ve, you didn’t help. Well, anyway, i wanted to tahnk Barrysworld for giving me the opportunity to write this…err..i could’ve just post it elsewhere. Hmm. Well, i’d like to thank…me. Yes. Go me. Yei. Well, that was a waste of space. Wohoo! That much closer to the finish line. I wonder who will be the first one to reply to this. I’ll throw in a guess. Omnicious. Yes. That’s the name that will be there with that little flickering candle or some..thing for an avatar. I wonder what Omni will say. Probably just post that smiley with that jaw dropping. Yeah, that’s a good enough guess. If Omni reads all this, i doubt it will the first post though. For one reason Omni wouldn’t answer like i said if he did read it and second, someone else would reply before he had the chance. I think Omni’s a he. Ohwell, anyway. I do have to say, this post is kind of a double-edged sword. I liked writing it but also it has to be the strangest thing i’ve ever written. I don’t even know if i’m pleased with the post itself or not. Guess i just have to look at it as a whole. Maybe there will be a picture of a bunny or something when i finally post it. All the letters and stuff just forming that silly longeared animal on the screen. Now that would be freaky. My keyboard might need an overhaul after this. Some letters seem to be fading a bit. No wonder! There’s a shitload of keystrokes that was needed to make this. Well, close to 40000. Heh. I’ll just finish this, go for a smoke, shut down the computer and go to sleep. Yeah. Sounds like fun. New day, new tricks. I was kinda right about the 4h thing. Nearing the time i was heading for and the letterlimit is coming there in the horizon too. So that’s what the hamsters were going to get. Their just dancing around the 40k mark and singing showtunes. Or am i hallusinating. who knows. It’s late, i’ve been writing like mad and soon i’m gonna feel like a part of the machine if i keep it up. Well, don’t have to keep it up since the limit will break this thing no matter what. 3000 marks to go. Here comes the rush. Such a tingly feeling that goes through your body. Just like when dinging a char to 50, taking out the last trash or when you reach the finish line in a race. And it’s not about who wins or looses, it’s about the race. No matter what, i had fun still in doing this and i’m sure it’ll be interesting to read what people comment on it. Have to ocme up with a topic though. Probably just mention Teh Seel and record and be happy about it. They’ll realise when they click the link and the screen fills with text that it’s something unseen. Then they see the scrollbar and holy bullcrap i’d like to see the looks on peoples faces when they realise what i’ve done. 2500 to go. That’s less then i have on my postcount for begeesus sake. Like every button i hit now on is just ticking away from that counter. I can almost see it with my own eyes, the countdown to ”zero marks left”. Also for you, the reader, this might be an interesting time to see the final words coming to your screen. Well, from the screen to your head but still. Maybe wondering what the final words will be, maybe sighing in relief that you actually managed to read through all this stuff. Those numbers drop so bloody fast i can’t believe it. I wish i had a program that counted them, probably do but i’m not gonna jinx this by bringing in some word thing or something like that. It’s pure, hardcore, post it pure and unedited to the forums way baby! Can you feel that honey! Yeah! Who’s your daddy boards! Who’s your daddy!! I’ve beat you, i’ve managed to go to a place where no poster has gone before. And not talking about movieposters, oh no, about people, people who write everyday and don’t even dream about doing something as stupid and insase like this. 1500 to go! It’s almost like answering to someone with a technical problem. It’s a low number for a Seel post! I can’t believe this.It’s the final moments, the final minutes, the final seconds before this is done! Can you hear the cheers from the audience? Can you hear the fanfars in the distance? It has been a long and winding road, but i’m finally here! Oh sweet mother of mercy soon all will be rewarded and this thing will shine it’s golden light on the boards! I can’t even tell you what a rush this is, this is what i was talking about earlier, the sense of completion, the sense of victory over some obstacle! 800 more to go! Oh joyous day! This is a moment of jubilation! I’ll soon cross the line and click on the link and post this monstrosity on the web. Now to send my final words for this post. To write those immortal last letters that will make this post complete. The words that will echo through the times, past present and future and ring in the ears of all those who were, who are and who will be posting on forums all around the world! This post started with the words ”Ok. Here we go.” and soon it will end in another set of words that are equal in their magnitude. This is the moment you’ve all, all who have read this, have been waiting for. This is the moment of truth, when dreams really come true, this is the moment when i tell you the final words! "What you expect? Some grand wisdom? Twat."


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Phew...took a damn while to get it all...anyway...enjoy!


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Thanks! Still need summary please!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I think if you combined all the words in all of my 1300+ posts it wouldn't even come close to that :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Aye but if you add all the other characters you have used to form smileys and whatnot you so own him brynn :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Brynn said:
I think if you combined all the words in all of my 1300+ posts it wouldn't even come close to that :p

That mean your a spammer? ;)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
”Carrots are orange and that’s a wonderful thing.”


Binky the Bomb

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
old.Tohtori said:
Phew...took a damn while to get it all...anyway...enjoy!

Dude, you have way too much time on your hands......
Mind you, i'm one to talk.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Carrots are orange and that’s a wonderful thing

Hmm... Can imagine it was really hard, was quite hard just reading 40000 marks. Did you even press enter once in all that time?? :p

And you only did one mistake while making this, drinking Pepsi :( EEEW
Thanks for another post Seel! :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003


"Carrots are orange and that’s a wonderful thing "


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Teren said:
”Carrots are orange and that’s a wonderful thing.”


Is that what all the writing is about? That is quite wonderful I suppose :)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Rubric said:
You need new material seel.

Err... :eek7: Ok...you deserve to be pwned Seel Style.

This IS old material you smelly half of a donkey. Classic kinda notes into tat general direction don't you think?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Erm, Seel, have you ever heard of a nice lovely thing called grammar? :p

Paragraphs are wonderful things. :D


Loyal Freddie
Apr 2, 2004
God, I managed to read through al 40k letters. One's gotta admit the guy's good.Writing so much without saying anything andactually succeeding in not being boring.
Never post anything like that anymore though. I had tears in my eyes from concentrating on that text.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Sharma said:
Erm, Seel, have you ever heard of a nice lovely thing called grammar? :p

Paragraphs are wonderful things. :D

It wouldn't be really Seel like to use fancy things like that. And the point of it, abeit pointless in its pointiness, is that it's one spew of letters :p

Fellbeast said:
God, I managed to read through al 40k letters. One's gotta admit the guy's good.Writing so much without saying anything andactually succeeding in not being boring.
Never post anything like that anymore though. I had tears in my eyes from concentrating on that text.

So basically you're saying i talk good bullshit... :eek7:

On second thought..thanks!

Oh and about writing that again, i allready addressed the writing again subject in there *hihi*


Loyal Freddie
Apr 2, 2004

I must have seen it somewhere there. Can't exactly remember 40000 words of text tho ;)
And I'm not going to read that whole text again. I'd end up with a migraine after two readings :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
old.Tohtori said:
Err... :eek7: Ok...you deserve to be pwned Seel Style.

This IS old material you smelly half of a donkey. Classic kinda notes into tat general direction don't you think?

Erm. You need new material. I read that last time. It was good but not good enough to be posted again.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Rubric said:
Erm. You need new material. I read that last time. It was good but not good enough to be posted again.

last time was on BW you moron. seel reposted it to please his fans <cheers seel>


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Addlcove said:
last time was on BW you moron. seel reposted it to please his fans <cheers seel>

Yesterdays succesful attention seeker tbh.

Bring on new material from seel or bring on seel's replacement.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Rubric said:
Yesterdays succesful attention seeker tbh.

Bring on new material from seel or bring on seel's replacement.

You're more then welcome to be the "new seel".

There ofcourse is the chance that you would flop worse then Glitter but...your call.

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