Interrupts - how do they work?


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2005
Just wondering how interrupts work. As it is I can see three different types of interrupts
1. Magic interrtupt (as in when casting a spell)
2. Melee interrupt (as in hitting someone with a dagger (hitting someone with a bow doesn't coun't as it doesn't work all that well - trust me))
3. Archery interrupt (as in when you try to fire a bow)

I am not sure, but speaking from a rangers point of view I seem to get interrupted a lot easier firing a bow, than casting a spell. And of course you don't get interrupted in melee.

Is it due to interrupt factor or just the fact that mages "fire" once every second and archery "fire" at the quickest once every other second?
Thought it also could have something to do with the interrupt length? Seem to remember someone once said interrupt length was determined by weapon speed/cast speed, so using a slow bow punishes u interrupt wise.

Appreciate input.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
From what I know, I believe that spells are interuptable within the first half of their casttime. I'm not sure if it's directly transfered to bows.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
Well simple fact is half the time on a spell is what ... half a second nowadays ... half drawtime on a bow is nearly 2 seconds (unless you rapid fire no idea how rapid fire works with interupts)

But yes ... for archers doing slower damage as well as less damage per hit I think interupting them should be a bit harder.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Archers get interrupted in bow mode if a gnat farts in their general direction.

All bow attacks should be uninterruptable from range.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Gotmagi said:
No thx :/

And why not, casters nuke me for 600+ damage every second (and have MoC as a backup). Even if normal arrows were uninterruptable at best im going to hit you for 500 damage ever 2 seconds.


Nov 28, 2004
Gethin said:
Archers get interrupted in bow mode if a gnat farts in their general direction.

All bow attacks should be uninterruptable from range.
sure shot


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
pip said:
sure shot

/LOL, im dead before that fires 1 arrow and if i do manage to fire it then i might take 10% of their life (thats assuming its not negated by brittles or bladeturn or i just miss - which does happen occasionally). In the same amount of time a caster has taken 80-100% of my HP.

Its time for archers to have uninterruptable normal arrows against range attacks and even then we would only do about 50% of a casters DPS.


Nov 28, 2004
Gethin said:
/LOL, im dead before that fires 1 arrow and if i do manage to fire it then i might take 10% of their life (thats assuming its not negated by brittles or bladeturn or i just miss - which does happen occasionally). In the same amount of time a caster has taken 80-100% of my HP.

Its time for archers to have uninterruptable normal arrows against range attacks and even then we would only do about 50% of a casters DPS.
yes mate I agree hunters do need love, you get albs/hibs saying otherwise, only cause they want easy rp fodder :p I have tryed just about every RAs on a hunter+lots of spec lines come to conclusion they suck:( or it's just me having a monkey-valkyn


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
pip said:
yes mate I agree hunters do need love, you get albs/hibs saying otherwise, only cause they want easy rp fodder :p I have tryed just about every RAs on a hunter+lots of spec lines come to conclusion they suck:( or it's just me having a monkey-valkyn

Couldn't be the person behind the hunter, ohno! :D


Nov 28, 2004
Vladamir said:
Couldn't be the person behind the hunter, ohno! :D
Made you retire beat your ass than you quit:p and all no I'm a lover not a fighter


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
pip said:
sure shot

Casters complain about interupts alot.
But bow specced archers really are at the bottom of the pile when it comes to interupts.
1034 spec points to get an ability that lets you hit a caster once more for half damage before you die horribly :(

Archery needs serious reworking to make it attractive to spec for outside of keep/tower fights.


Nov 28, 2004
Aiteal said:
Casters complain about interupts alot.
But bow specced archers really are at the bottom of the pile when it comes to interupts.
1034 spec points to get an ability that lets you hit a caster once more for half damage before you die horribly :(

Archery needs serious reworking to make it attractive to spec for outside of keep/tower fights.
Yep that is the excuse I used for keep camping:)


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
pip said:
Made you retire beat your ass than you quit:p and all no I'm a lover not a fighter

Or maybe it's because i had higher priorities and didn't want to turn out like you? :)


Loyal Freddie
May 8, 2004
your looking at this from a very narrow 1v1 perspective about archer interupt rates.

You have STEALTH...ever been interupted from 1500 units away in stealth? no didnt think so.

Rangers on assist are lethal, changing anything much here would create monsters.

Yes brittles are a pain, being nerfed to just one is a step in the right direction.

I agree hunters need some love. need say no more, simply they do.

anyway...rant off.

Blinx 50 Ranger
Phantomby 50 NS
Therra 50 Hero
Therravoid 50 Eld
Gromitt 50 Bard

Maoix 50 SM


Loyal Freddie
Oct 11, 2004
Gethin said:
Archers get interrupted in bow mode if a gnat farts in their general direction.

All bow attacks should be uninterruptable from range.

lol U have MoC with bow called sure shoot. Most casters except some pba and most lt classes don't go for MoC and it cost 30 rps wich is quite much.

even if a caster moc they r pretty much dead if they try to fight it out vs bow unless they have lt.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 16, 2005
Gethin said:
All bow attacks should be uninterruptable from range.

I can agree that archers needs some love, but uninterruptable? Uhm, no, just no no no.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
Bistrup666 said:
lol U have MoC with bow called sure shoot. Most casters except some pba and most lt classes don't go for MoC and it cost 30 rps wich is quite much.

even if a caster moc they r pretty much dead if they try to fight it out vs bow unless they have lt.

have you ever played archer class?

caster can qc stun/mez/root/ns = goodbye archer
esp with moc its "i win", you cant claim that caster dies vs archer, thats really out of line really
however, uninterraptable stuff for archers, is overkill imo, godmode archers, no thanks


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
The problem with bow vs anything is not the interrupts. Its the damage output per second. Yes, a scout can hit you for 1.2k dmg on a critshot then after that, lets call it frontload, there is 2 secs nothing, then something like 500, 2 secs nothing and another arrow.

So we are at 2.2k dmg in 7 seconds (4 secs visible if you are lucky - firing from stealth is not guaranteed). You say no caster has that many hps! It is a guaranteed kill! You're right.

Problem: That damage is a construct. It only ever happens once in a blue moon. I.e. your target is a non-pet caster or does not have one summoned/charmed, doesnt have brittles and is not protected by bladeturn.
So the scout has a quarenteed kill if he ever stumbles over a halfbuffed and afk caster. Who doesnt?

If a caster is prepared archers dont even bother with critshot. They will use rapidfire to punch throu brittles and bladeturn as fast as possible. Even then it will cost them 2-3 seconds. A timespan where their damage is zero. During that time a pet will have made aprox. 1/3 of the distance between the caster and the archer.
Remember, we are at T+3 seconds and our scout hasnt dealt any damage yet. What the caster has done during that time is a) face the archer and try to find him, b) start running out of range while his pet is going for the archer or c) if our poor gimp wasnt smart enough to conceal his position targeted the archer and done a quickcast on him. In any of the 3 cases the archer will perhaps manage 1 or 2 more rapidfired arrows for ~250 per shot before the 1st nuke for 400-500 hits him. After that he is pretty much dead if he doesnt run for his life. In any case he has no chance to score a kill.

Now if you think scouts have it bad, consider hunters with a good bit less range and damage.

your looking at this from a very narrow 1v1 perspective about archer interupt rates.

You have STEALTH...ever been interupted from 1500 units away in stealth? no didnt think so.
Sure, 1 more monster in the game... assist in general is a bad thing. Ever been on the recieving end of a caster train? "Stunnnevermind, dead." or "Mezz-no dead."
It would be a good thing in general if /assist would give targets only after 5 seconds or so.

About stealth, like I said firing from stealth is not guaranteed. Even with 50+15 bow spec my huntress could not always fire from stealth.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 8, 2004
if u shoot from out of range for the target u will not be auto targeted and pet will not come for you. Very easy to do. Ok the caster can just run away but his brittles will be down if he shows up again.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
Oboy said:
if u shoot from out of range for the target u will not be auto targeted and pet will not come for you. Very easy to do. Ok the caster can just run away but his brittles will be down if he shows up again.
You are trying to lecture a player who has been playing hunter ever since beta.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
toxii said:
have you ever played archer class?

caster can qc stun/mez/root/ns = goodbye archer
esp with moc its "i win", you cant claim that caster dies vs archer, thats really out of line really
however, uninterraptable stuff for archers, is overkill imo, godmode archers, no thanks

I would guess the archer tl's are pushing for a similar ability to what assassins got recently. Drop all BG's and pop BT in a single hit.

If i was a caster 'Uninterraptable normal arrows' would be far more appealing than the alternative.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Gethin said:
/LOL, im dead before that fires 1 arrow and if i do manage to fire it then i might take 10% of their life (thats assuming its not negated by brittles or bladeturn or i just miss - which does happen occasionally). In the same amount of time a caster has taken 80-100% of my HP.

Its time for archers to have uninterruptable normal arrows against range attacks and even then we would only do about 50% of a casters DPS.
rapid fire....
caster can no longer cast

Hide your pet behind a tree and have it pop the brittles before you shoot

If your only shooting 1 arrow there is something seriously wrong with the way you play tbh

also you are a stealther, noone says you have to attack everything that moves. Pick your fights better and decide where you are going to "ambush" the caster.

I agree hunters need love, but by no means are they as bad as you proclaim they are

Zagg said:
Well scouts are even more gimped than hunters...
play a hunter, i garuntee you will change your mind


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 8, 2004
Jeriraa said:
You are trying to lecture a player who has been playing hunter ever since beta.

why are u whining then, if u using range and terrian to ur advantage u should easy take out most casters without them having the chanse to hit u back.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Chronictank said:
rapid fire....
caster can no longer cast

Err, casting speed is faster than the fastest bow being rapid fired.

Chronictank said:
Hide your pet behind a tree and have it pop the brittles before you shoot

Im a scout, not a hunter

Chronictank said:
If your only shooting 1 arrow there is something seriously wrong with the way you play tbh

I never said i fired 1 arrow in a fight, i said if i used sureshot i would be.

Chronictank said:
also you are a stealther, noone says you have to attack everything that moves. Pick your fights better and decide where you are going to "ambush" the caster.

Thx ill make sure ill try that next time :kissit:

Chronictank said:
I agree hunters need love, but by no means are they as bad as you proclaim they are.

Do you play an archer at all (and i dont mean to bg level)? If you did you would know what i am talking about.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Oboy said:
why are u whining then, if u using range and terrian to ur advantage u should easy take out most casters without them having the chanse to hit u back.

Serious... LOL..

I grow abit tired of people all knowing exactly all ins and outs about archers and how they wtfrock with their bows. It takes so bloody many shots to kill a caster nowadays, if you take the range and terrain advantage that victim is prolly 4x out of range before you even start to do damage to him.

I once tried it, shoot a sorcerer from a good 2.2+K units away.. He looked abit around, saw where the arrows came from, ran into that general direction, got my target and QC mezz. At this time I had him on 40% hp, however, Im mezzed. Now I got the following options:

* Purge mezz, try shooting him with sureshot, pet is INC soon which will break my Sureshot.

* Purge mezz, try charging him to reach in melee. Smart caster would obviously kite me.

* Run away from the caster, in the hope the pet stops chasing me and I can restealth.

In each scenario, I got less chance to win then the caster does. The issue is: Trying to shoot a caster is just stupid, because he's a WAY better shooter then you are as archer. He can survive more arrows then you can survive nukes from him, and his nukes come 3x faster. Only way they can fix this is by either nerfing caster-damage, improving archery-damage(dps) or boosting the damage casters take from arrows.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Phantomby said:
your looking at this from a very narrow 1v1 perspective about archer interupt rates.

You have STEALTH...ever been interupted from 1500 units away in stealth? no didnt think so.

Rangers on assist are lethal, changing anything much here would create monsters.

Yes brittles are a pain, being nerfed to just one is a step in the right direction.

I agree hunters need some love. need say no more, simply they do.

anyway...rant off.

Blinx 50 Ranger
Phantomby 50 NS
Therra 50 Hero
Therravoid 50 Eld
Gromitt 50 Bard

Maoix 50 SM

I agree on many points, but an archer should have a MoClike abil for reduced damage, bacause if your Bowspecced and you mostly go solo, you wont be able to kill sh*t if they aint Ubah n00blars(witch there are many around, luckily enough)

Think other things shouldent be changed as it could turn out to be to good instead, and I never liked playing an OPed char, but MoC ability to use for rangers imo.

Trueshot is crap between, totally waste of points!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Playing a bowspecced Ranger is hard as h*ll tbh, and being able to get anywhere as one takes much more skill then if you spec him for melee tbh.

Well if you Zerg or group with several others I guess you can always leech you'r way up, but if solo as I go with my ranger it aint easy ;D

And to people seeming to think it's lame etc to bowing them down or whatever, well as a Bowspecced ranger you would be stupid to go melee.

As bowspecced anything goes imo, I still prefer soloing though.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
Puppet said:

Wow, a sensible post from you! :D Shame thou that you wasted it on a guy who either cant read or is too stupid to understand.

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