You, your class and PvP


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 16, 2004
Now with the implementation of the honor system a lot of you have probably PvP'ed more than usuall. I know I did.

What do you think of you class now, in mass- and small(group, solo) pvp ?

I'm playing a hunter (42) and I love it. When I'm solo I use my tracking abilities, aspects and pet a lot. In mass PvP I just shoot everything that gets close, prevent people from running/stealthing and supporting where neccesary/possible.

Im not dealing super damage, but I don't have the feeling I'm useless and I'm having a lot of fun.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
warrior: solo is great, exception of most mages

small group pvp, amazing
mass group pvp, amazing


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 1, 2005
rogue; easy to solo kill one or two horde - some problems killing mages/priests

guild pvp; - loads of fun and a nice way to get to 'know' each other during pvp combat.
raid pvp; - don't like the fact of being helped by alliance when I'm 1 on 1 with a Horde.. sure looks funny to see 50 peeps bashing on 50 others though.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Got the Arcanite Reaper a few days ago and with 1 or 2 crits can kill all other classes except mage like k9 said. Without recklessness they just seem impossible, most of them anyway.

Warrior seemed to suck until lvl 56+ or so. Maybe it was my shitty equipment but still, palas rogues etc. used to seem undefeatable... can kill them quite easily now though.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Priest here. In shadowform, I kill people, brutally and effeciently. Solo, group, mass, it doesn't matter.
Problem occurs when I'm expected to heal in PvP, and people keep on running out of range. Secondly, resurection is a waste of time, 10 second cast time? That's asking to be ganked by a rogue.


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
k9awya said:
warrior: solo is great, exception of most mages

small group pvp, amazing
mass group pvp, amazing

I will second this tbfh!


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2004
SilverHood said:
Secondly, resurection is a waste of time, 10 second cast time? That's asking to be ganked by a rogue.

You cant rez in combat anyway as a priest, even if it is 10 second cast time you might as well let the player you're rezzing run back to thier corpse especially if ur PvPing at SS, GY aint that far away from the action


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
My warlock performs well enough in small skirmishes, and solo is pretty nice against some classes, less nice against others - having trouble with paladins and rogues (palas cause i cant kill them fast enough to prevent them from using all their abilities and heal lots etc, and rogues because i have virtually no defence against them if they come from stealth and i dont have sucubus up).

Performs really good in zergs as long as i dont get 10 sec freezelag etc but that has less to do with warlocks than with the game itself =.=

Main issue with the class is ofc the need for soulshards in pvp, and the lack of mobs to get them from in most popular pvp areas - so i have to either use only imp and no soulstone/healthstone etc, or farm tons of shards before i go pvp.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Dillinja said:
rogues etc. used to seem undefeatable...

Just wondering, how did you ever have much problems with rogues? They are the one class I would never ever have a second thought about fighting.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
ST^ said:
Just wondering, how did you ever have much problems with rogues? They are the one class I would never ever have a second thought about fighting.
Eh? He said he finds rogues easy now that he has decent equip... just mages that are hard.

As a mage I think warrior is probably the easiest target for me - just kite and win basically. :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
he said rogues seemed undefeatable pre: 56

also gotta wonder on this one, rogues are easy money


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Hmm with my shaman the only real classes i have issues with are stunlock rogues that get the jump on me (for the obvious reasons really, ie them being virtually unbeatable for any class that doesn't have blink if they're half decent players, if not i can stick in a warstomp to heal myself up), and good warriors as I can't go melee toe-to-toe and they're harder to kite as a good one will hamstring a shaman as soon as they charge in.

In zerg PvP i typically run around solo in ghostwolf along the edges picking off the people trying to flank (typically hunters/locks).


Dec 26, 2003
Mage is fantastic fun - I have a decent pc and connection so I've noticed that in raids I can literally run rings round poor melees and Ice root/ Improved AE em to death.

On raids Paladins are more annoying though counterspell if timed well is devastating - wish I had mana drain for those guys.

Favourite target are rogues in raid situations - vanish is useless if you can use area effects on them plus dotting them from Pom pyro - other than that you can slow em and destroy them up close n personal - if they werent such gankers I'd almost feel sorry for them...

I am on the horde side so undead - in 1v1 or 2v2 Paladins are slowest kill but they still go down in the end tho I may have to bandage/evocation while they are shielding.

I havent fought a decent priest yet - many get phased and dont even bother trying to fear me because of wotf which is silly - plenty of upfront damage and a counterspell sorts them out.

My personal favourite tactic is using poly to drown people - its so much fun I dont even have to use a single damage spell and spending 30secs by the 3rd application as a sheep must seem an eternity - drowning is probably a relief ;P


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
Fana said:
Main issue with the class is ofc the need for soulshards in pvp, and the lack of mobs to get them from in most popular pvp areas - so i have to either use only imp and no soulstone/healthstone etc, or farm tons of shards before i go pvp.

Agree 100% with this. Soul shards are a nice idea, but in a PvP environment where they can not be generated it really limits the class. Can't use a soulfire or shadowburn without having to umm and err about the consequences - can't drop a pet and grab a better suited one for a certain opponent or situation. In fact it seems to take a whole lot more work than most other classes.

That said - I have now respecced my warlock from demonlogy/destruction (soul link was very handy for 1v1's) to an almost pure destruction build. I generally have the felhunter out to eat hunters mark and other magical affects off me and the Horde zerg.

The continual nerfs to fear mean that there isn't much I can do about rogues, even when I see them coming. It doesn't help that stunlock works from ten feet away (wtf is with that?!), but even if they don't get that off there is little I can do to get them off me before I die.

We really suffer from the lack of an escape spell in PvP. Our AE fear spell is far too slow casting and for all of our extra HP we go down pretty quickly with no absorption factor to Demon Armour.

Also on the negative side, even with the extra range talents taken, our range falls short of other classes. It can be tricky to get into nuking range of the enemy without being blown away by greater distance abilities.

It's not all bad though. I eat mages for breakfast, have fun popping rogues out of stealth, dotting everybody in range, AE'ing with Rain of Fire at every opportunity racks up the contribution points.

But, overall, I'm disappointed with the warlock class. When I played in closed beta we weren't top of the food chain but we were a feared class. With the exception of mages I don't think there is a class in the game that has a hard time with us.

We need more ways to get out of trouble, and to be able to get shards in PvP.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Warlocks are actually pretty doable for me in general, especially since seduce and fear are on the same timer now. Being able to ice block out of fear and shut down their casting with my counterspell comes in very handy.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
About the rogue thing; two reasons. One being the fact that I simply didn't know how to fight rogues (taking shield out when stunned, using rend to stop vanish etc.), another being the simple fact that my equipment sucked. Crap wep and crap armour put me at a big disadvantage and probably the most important reason was that I didn't know about using a slow wep for big MS/Overpower crits.

I often kill level 60 rogues in seconds now though. Not sure whether this is because of the reaper or the fact that 90% of alliance rogues can't play their class properly.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
The only way to beat a warrior is to keep him stunlocked.

You cant, i repeat cant out melee him. You can try, but as soon as you evade you will get seriously beaten.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Seen a lot of rogues who can't play their class TBH. It does seem to attract the skilless noobs who think that they'll r0x0r anyone they meet just by being a rogue. One who jumped me seemed to completely lose the plot when I blinked out of CS - it was like he had no idea WTF to do on a non-stunlocked opponent.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Have to agree about poorly played Rogues, though I doubt it's just Alliance. In fact a lot of classes are just plain mishandled by players of all sides. Hopefully that will improve in the future.

A lot of Rogues seem to think they're tanks and can stand toe-to-toe with any other class and win, others just can't seem to comprehend they have a lot of options in combat... not just spamming SS and eviscerate.

Combat specced Rogues are, basically, wannabee tanks. The real talents that make a difference are in the Assassination and Subtlety builds, though I don't see many specced that way on my server.

As a Rogue I dislike fighting Mages. They're not impossible to beat, especially if you can offload 5 combo points on your second strike, but they do require that all ability timers be up as they're pretty much all used.. Premeditaiton, Vanish, Blind, Sprint, Preparation, etc.

Warriors can be difficult, but again it's a case of adapting to their strengths. I'd be quite ashamed if a Warrior offed me in a few seconds!

Priests are a pain, if only because of their 'Fear' ability. But unless they leg it after they 'Fear' me, they're on a hiding to nothing.

Warlocks are not really a class I come across that much, so I don't have any real experience to call on.

Shamans seem to fall pretty quickly... Probably because they can't negate/keep up with the damage dealt. I'm not sure if that's the real reason as I've never played one.

Hunters are my favourites. Get in close and they go down in seconds (though check the pet dies too... blimmin' feign death!). I particulary enjoy killing Hunters as they have the ability I hate the most... the Hunter's Mark thing. As a Rogue I like sneaking about undetected... having a bloody big arrow pointing at me goes against the grain.

Rogues are not a class I fight that often, but the ones I have seemed to be combat specced, which is tough to counter if the fight starts with both parties unstelathed, but is pretty much negated if a Subtlety/Assassination Spec player offloads damage from stealth first.

Having said all of the above... sometimes things just don't work out and I can get my arse kicked by any class. I particularly hate entering combat without my potions/poisons ready; I feel it puts me on the back foot from the word go.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
I play a combat specced rogue and can't say I've lost to someone because the char or the spec lacks utility. I think that the combatsystem seems quite balanced atm. During lower lvls the rogue advantage is more significant but it evens out as you lvl.

can't say I have much experience with the backstab/ambush spec but I've not been impressed with the damage I've seen from it...might give it a try later on though, depends on how the game/warfare develops.

The advantage I have as a rogue is that I usually can pick my fights which makes it a fun solo char, and played right its very efficient.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 1, 2005
Combat rogues can still kill assa rogues after they get an ambush in fyi. I fought this 3 levels higher Troll Rogue this morning. We both had 100%, stealthed up, and started the fight. He got an ambush/backstab in that did 1k damage ( I have about 2.5k orso? ) and I still managed to beat him with plain simple CB 5C Evis, which does about 1.5k on cloth/leather wearers.

Another class that kinda surprised me was a Hunter. I normally kicked their ass but this one seemed to kick mine. I don't know if it was for the fact that he kept running around his freezing trap and then just get range and make a pincushion (sp?) out of me or that it's easy to do so versus a Rogue? He did know I was near, though perhaps Hunters lay traps all the time.. I wouldn't know as I haven't played one, nor know any talent of them.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
a well played hunter can kill rogues.. but as stated earlier alot of dirty nubjes in this game


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003

Level 60 Rogue.


Level 60 Paladin.

Enraged crits = win.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Nice Crits.. on a par with Rogue crits for sure. I'd be interested in the whole scenario of the fight tho, rather than just the bare crit figures (did the rogue use poisons, potions, did the encounter start? How did the Paladin allow himself to get that low on health etc).

One thing though... do you take screenies of all your kills, or just the special ones? The fact that you saved those screens would suggest that they were 'memorable' and therefore not an everyday event.

Nothing wrong in that of course, I can go through a whole streak of fights, both wins and losses, without any serious crits, then have a streak of crits that leave the opponent gasping. Nice for willy-waving, but not really representative of the average.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
can't say I have much experience with the backstab/ambush spec but I've not been impressed with the damage I've seen from it...might give it a try later on though, depends on how the game/warfare develops.

I'm biased toward Subtlety rather than the other two talent trees (I did run Combat Spec until lvl 50 though), and as you say the difference in damage output does kind of average out.

The reason I went Subtlety was to get the combo-points racking up faster than I could with either of the other talents. Warriors can floor a Rogue who dodge a lot, but with the ability to generate combo points from dodging (and premeditation/preparation), I can level the playing field somewhat by having the ability to use whatever finishing move the situation calls for more frequently.

This works well against Warriors, and to a large extent against Shamans (having an AoE firebomb is also useful against Shamans' Totems)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
i wouldnt be surprised if this was quite normal for a warrior in good equipment


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
SoWat said:
Nice Crits.. on a par with Rogue crits for sure. I'd be interested in the whole scenario of the fight tho, rather than just the bare crit figures (did the rogue use poisons, potions, did the encounter start? How did the Paladin allow himself to get that low on health etc).

One thing though... do you take screenies of all your kills, or just the special ones? The fact that you saved those screens would suggest that they were 'memorable' and therefore not an everyday event.

Nothing wrong in that of course, I can go through a whole streak of fights, both wins and losses, without any serious crits, then have a streak of crits that leave the opponent gasping. Nice for willy-waving, but not really representative of the average.

Not willy-waving at all. I'm just demonstrating the power of my class in a thread that asked me to do just that.

Anyway, crits like that aren't exactly rare for me. Rogues crit me all the time so enraged MS crits aren't uncommon and will almost always hit a leather-wearer for 1500+.

I had the paladin down to about 40% health when I caught him with an unstyled hit and a MS crit at the same time, inflicting around 1700 damage in a split second. He must've thought that he'd been hit by a cruise missile, no chance to cast shield or anything.

The rogue attacked me and I just waited for stun to wear off then critted him once or twice with overpower and got that MS crit. He tried to vanish but Deep Wound finished him off.

In those two fights I got lucky with crits (my current chance to crit is only around 21%, trying to improve it though) but I would've won without them.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Also, these two fights happened earlier on today within about 30 minutes of eachother, so they aren't just ones that I've kept from a long time ago with memorable crits in them.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Oh I wasn't having a pop... I'm just surprised at the damage output from a, supposedly, average DPS class.

Luckily I haven't (yet) met a warrior that ouputs that kind of hurt.

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