yay yay yay!


old.Gombur Glodson



Just out of interest Novamir, did you have to get a degree before starting to study medicine, or do you start training to be a doctor right out of high school? It's weird how different the training is for doctors in different countries. My niece is a dentist, and she started her training right out of high school, and the first year was a common one with students who were going to be doctors. She started uni at 16, and there she was, playing around with real bodies (dead ones I hasten to add), studying anatomy, before she even turned 17!


The way it works in england is this:

- GCSEs ages 13-16 (around 10 most take)
- A-Levels age 17-18 (3 or 4 most take)
- Gap Year before Uni (In my case, its about 50% of people now)
- Medicine course begins which is 5 years with an intercalated BSc degree making a total of 6 years.

So personally, I didn't "get to see a dead body" until I was 19. Minimum really is people who didn't take a gap year and were 18.

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