10 pounds of metal or 10 pounds of feathers?
*bored so..*
*bored so..*
Originally posted by old.job
Much better one, if you hover a helicopter above the ground why doesn't it start to fall behind the Earths rotation, which at the equator is around 1000mph.
Obviously it's the drag of the atmosphere, but it does mean that if there wasn't any atmosphere, you could hover a rocket powered device and the ground would whizz past below you.
Originally posted by old.Tohtori
10 pounds of metal or 10 pounds of feathers?
*bored so..*
Originally posted by old.job
Much better one, if you hover a helicopter above the ground why doesn't it start to fall behind the Earths rotation, which at the equator is around 1000mph.
Obviously it's the drag of the atmosphere, but it does mean that if there wasn't any atmosphere, you could hover a rocket powered device and the ground would whizz past below you.
Originally posted by gengi
I can almost remember the equations enrgy E = mass M x Acceleration
Originally posted by Nightchill
you mean Force = Mass * acceleration
Originally posted by Kharok Svark
Must be, as Energy = MC(Squared)