Weird, the old server has the holding page up returning a 503 error in the headers. Can you try again today, also, open a command prompt and type in ping and tell me the IP address it returns please.I cant access FH on the work lappy running Vista and IE 9, I get a http 500 error
Could this help?
Not going to the office today, might be pop in tomorrow thoughWeird, the old server has the holding page up returning a 503 error in the headers. Can you try again today, also, open a command prompt and type in ping and tell me the IP address it returns please.
Weird, the old server has the holding page up returning a 503 error in the headers. Can you try again today, also, open a command prompt and type in ping and tell me the IP address it returns please.
That is correct, ICMP is blocked by the firewall. It still resolves and presents an IP addressI don't get any IP address come back. The request just times out.
Weird, the old server has the holding page up returning a 503 error in the headers. Can you try again today, also, open a command prompt and type in ping and tell me the IP address it returns please.
That's correct, does it now work on the work laptop?Pinged FH and I get this IP address
I get
don't know, i'm home nowThat's correct, does it now work on the work laptop?
So you have been at work all week and not once used the lappy that gave a 500 error ? In that case I will mark this as fixeddon't know, i'm home now
@Deebs - I'm a bit sad that Netscape isn't a fully supported browser