When was the last time you felt like ending yourself?



Of course you're not just an avatar on the net, someone somewhere (Finland? :p ) is typing the things next to that wierd seal avatar.

You don't have to go directly to a psychotherapist ("shrink"), the first step is to consult your ordinary doctor (physician) about the problem.

If your back hurts you go see someone for it don't you, the mind is also a part of your body, whats wrong with seeing someone for that part? There's scientific research that suggests that depression is a result of chemical imbalances as most of our experiences and feelings are results of the chemical lab inside our cranium. Dopamine levels determine our experience of pleasure and pain and so on.... If you're not taking care of your body already, you could also try taking up some exercising as this will increase the level of a chemical called "phenylethylamine" which regulates your mood and such. See this article for more info.


Bels has a damn good point there. I'm not willing or even able to go for "professional" help.

What they gonna tell me? It's gonna be allright...it's not that bad...here have some pills...you know 50% of people have the blah blah blah...

I need someone who can fucking understand what i'm going through and noone except me is going through what exactly i'm going through.

No, there is noone...NOONE who is going through exactly the same because they ain't me.

Let's see, tomorrow i might feel a bit better, tomorrow i might be out /quit, log off and have fun. That's tomorrow. Now is now and now is fucked up.


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
I need someone who can fucking understand what i'm going through and noone except me is going through what exactly i'm going through.

No, there is noone...NOONE who is going through exactly the same because they ain't me.

If you believe that, you're more lonely then I thought.
ofcourse nonone goes through exactly what you are, that doesn't mean there aren't people that understand you tho....


Originally posted by Belsameth
If you believe that, you're more lonely then I thought.
ofcourse nonone goes through exactly what you are, that doesn't mean there aren't people that understand you tho....

If i was with someone...if i had somewhere to go...would i be here telling some strange people i'm thinking about ending it?

The problem is, there isn't someone who understands.

"But there are people who understand"

Not at the moment.


No one will understand unless you want them to/make them understand. You have to take the first step. And in some way you have tried to do just that. You have aired your problems in this forum. But we're just a bunch of geeky gamers, your odds are much much better if you tell these things to someone whos life and profession revolves around trying to understand these things. Anonymous or not.

But here goes anyways, my thoughts:
"No man is an island unto himself." You might not be so unique as you think. Depression really is a huge problem in the west, the suicide rates are extremely high. Of course no one can think the things you think just the way you think them. (ouch that was a mouthful!) To do that they would have to BE you. But theres more at play than what your thoughts are about. As I see it depression is a mood, not a thought or even series of thoughts.


your (over)confidence in shrinks is almost scary, Willy :)


Heheh Bels, I don't know about that... I just belive in trying to solve your problems. And whatever he needs to do that probably won't be found in this forum. Yes I do think that the macho " I'm not going to try to get any help, I'm just going to suck it in and endure it" attitude is counterproductive. If you feel like you might end your life, what do you have to lose by atleast trying to do something about that feeling? It's not like seeing someone is worse than ending your own life is it?


actually, it can feel like it is. personally I'd rather face death then make myself vulnereble to a person I don't know at all.
and yes, I do have experience with "professionals" so it's not an entirely hollow statement.

fact remains that if you don't believe in it, it won't work. not ever.
for such a person to help you, you have to at least be willing to open up. just going there thinking "aah hell, might as well try and do something, not that it's going to work or anything" works as counter productive as "I'm not going to try to get any help, I'm just going to suck it in and endure it"

I really believe that the only thing that works (if you can't get out yourself anymore) is meeting the right person at the right time, and being able to grab that situation.


Oh come on people... this is another fine example how the inturnet is a dangerous place! Anyone can make anyone believe anything and with only a little post. I'm on a quest to proove something here *grins*

Like Teh Seel would end himself. Hah! Just imagine the shrink who could talk to Teh Seel for 3 minutes without loosing their mind:

Shrink: "So, how are we today?"

Seel: "We? Who's we? Oh us...ok. I guess -we're- fine."

Shrink: "There's more then one of you?"

Seel: "You're the one talking about we."

Shrink: "Err...oh, how are -you- today."

Seel: "What? Now you just gonna dismiss the rest of us?"

Shrink: "What? No..i mean.."

Seel: "Yeah you are mean. Mean to Jeff, Tonder, Goomba...all the others. Shame on you."

Shrink: "...."


Originally posted by Belsameth
I really believe that the only thing that works (if you can't get out yourself anymore) is meeting the right person at the right time, and being able to grab that situation.

<giggle> or being pushed into doing something and grab the situation


I think robbie williams sings something like:

I'm not afraid of dying, I just don't want to..

describes my feelings kinda much.

Last night, i was at work, and stood by the window in the 4th floor. I swear, I could've just jumped out head first..
then I turned around, took another sip of my orange juice, and continued working..


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Oh come on people... this is another fine example how the inturnet is a dangerous place! Anyone can make anyone believe anything and with only a little post. I'm on a quest to proove something here *grins*

Like Teh Seel would end himself. Hah!

Although I'm very glad you're not feeling like that anyway (if what you say here is true...), I do not appreciate that you're kidding around with such a serious topic. Suicide and deep depression is really a big big problem. And chances are that many if not most of the people reading this forum is or has been affected in some way. Either through family or friends or by suffering themselves.

Anyways, take care of yourselves out there people! :)


Life's too good.

I can positively say i've never felt like dieing or whatever.


They say life has it's up's and down's, they also say that having a soulmate to share them with is very important as, nice thing shared are doubled and bad things shared are halved.

But what happens when you realize that they are not important, anything bad happened to you seems trivial a few years later, and anything good forgoten even faster.

So what, if something bad happens to you now, it wont matter in the future so why not get over it from now, why enjoy something good now if its going to be forgoten in the future and only leave a taste of what it felt, better not to indulge yourself in the first place.

What good exactly the future holds for us?
We know all the bad things that will happen, we will suffer illness, and death of our loved ones.
Why should we endure all of this? just for the chance we might get some happy moments?

Better not to have up's or down's better to just float in the middle.

It's lonely there, the only substansial existance is you, everyone else just goes around as a ghost, yes you may interact with them yes you might fool them that you are with them, but the truth is that, as you now are totaly incabable of having feelings for yourslef, others are as good as nonexistant.

And you become someone real in a world of ghosts......... or is it a ghost among the living?


My mom always said(she actually does! Go figure):

"Worrying about yesterday won't change a thing and worrying about tomorrow only ruins a perfectly good today."

Oh adn Wile_E...sorry? I promise i won't play with such serious issues anymore....atleast today. Best i can do, take it or leave it:D


Fair enough Toto...

Its probably healthy to discuss these things as its a topic thats easily "brushed under the carpet" so to say.

And your mother sounds like a wise woman... ;)


Originally posted by Wile_E_Coyote
And your mother sounds like a wise woman... ;)

Eeey....don't you be hitting on the Momma Seel :p

Yeah, she is rather nifty at times...who would've guessed she'd manage to produce something like..well..me!

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