When was the last time you felt like ending yourself?



If it wasn't for teh missus I would have happily laid down and died heaps of times during the last few months.

Death keeps robbing me, ffs :(

*has a good cry*


Few months ago...after I moved out my ex place, as he needed "his own space"..week later, he got on with this ugly girl who has caused problems in the first place...and it hurt so much...
I swallowed the pills in front of him...nearly 100 of them, 75mg each..but it wasn't enough...I know life is too short to do silly things like that...but sometimes, its kinda disappointing that wake up in the morning and find myself still breathing...


Animals don't have a choice
If they're not happy
With their place in the world, too bad
They have to live the life they've been given
Humans, on the other hand, don't have to
We have a choice

If you don't like your place in the world
You can get off anytime you want
Suicide, that's right
You don't like the way your life's going
You don't like the way you are in the world
Anything around you
You can check out anytime you like

Animals aren't allowed that thought
And believe me, if they were, they would use it
There'd be a lot of dogs and cats
Owned by assholes that live in high-rises
Diving out the windows

Zebras ...
If they even had remotely that thought
Would take a look at themselves and go
"What the fuck!
Black and white in a green and brown world?
This blows, I'm just gonna jump in the river
I don't have a thumb to work a gun
Or hold a knife or even open a jar of pills
I'm just gonna dive into the next lion's mouth
Why even bother?"

Now, monkeys have the opposable thumb
So they could kinda do it
The exact same way we do

Now, there's a bunch of people that say
"Oh, it's against the law"
Well, it's only against the law
If you do a crappy job and get caught

Other people say "Oh, we should save them"
Yeah, well you know what?
Not everybody wants to be saved
Not everybody should be saved
And who are we to force our will upon them?
I mean, isn't that one of the joys
About being a human?
Freedom of choice?

Now, it's not all bad
Now, I'm not saying kill yourself
But if you're gonna be an idiot and do it anyway
It's no sweat off of my back
There's a lot of good that could come from it
A little bit of bad thrown in

Some of the things:

A job will open
An apartment will become available
There'll be more air for me
They say there's two girls for every guy
If you're a man, there'll be four chicks for me
There'll be more Ketel One vodka for me
There'll be one less idiot
In line at the bank who gets up to the window
Without their fucking slips filled out

I won't ever have to go to the store
To buy my favorite salt and vinegar chips
And have the clerk point at you and say
"They bought the last bag"

You won't help change the McDonald's sign
To 100 Billion Served
You'll never get AIDS
You won't have to worry about calories ... ever
No more "Hey, does this make me look fat?"

There'll be one less polluting human
You won't have to recycle
There'll be one less car on the road
There'll be more Ring Dings for me
Fifty or so chickens' lives will be spared
Your fingers won't ever get red
From eating pistachios
You won't be forced to visit
Your grandparents on Sundays anymore
No more church
You'll be saying "Hey world - kiss my ass!"

No more wet dreams about supermodels
No more Barry Manilow ... for a few years anyway
Wondering "Am I a loser?" will be a thing of the past
Say good-bye to crappy X-mas presents
From aunts and uncles

You won't have to suffer through
A Motley Crue reunion
Fuck flossing and brushing
You'll never lose sleep over a pregnancy scare
Adios, acne
Worrying whether you fit in or not
Won't be on your brain
See ya later, homework

You'll never have to sit through another movie
Brought to you by the creators of South Park
School's out forever
No more paying bills
You won't have to do chores
You won't be able to run over toads
With the lawnmower though

You'll also miss McDonald's french fries
Bugs Bunny
The amazing electrifying feeling
That surges through your body
When you kiss someone for the first time

You won't be able to watch
The letterbox Director's Cut of 'Jaws'
Living above ground
Pudding crust
You'll miss the rush of getting your first apartment
Getting to the point in your life
Where you can tell your parents:
"Fuck off! I gotta make my own mistakes, you did"

You'll miss sex
You'll miss thinking about it
Looking for it
Sex by yourself
Sex with a partner
Sex with multiple partners

No more summer nights that seem to go on forever
Roller coasters
Naming your kid the name you always wanted
Making a difference in the world
You'll miss the experience
And pleasure of hallucinogenics

Watching your neighbor's wife
Change clothes with her blinds open
A lifetime of masturbating
Watching your favorite team sweep the series

Music - you will definitely miss music
Trying to sneak into your house drunk
Three hours past your curfew
You'll miss the blaze and glory
Of the 4th of July fireworks
The taste of Captain Crunch

If you're a boy
You'll miss the feeling the first time
You reach up a girl's shirt
If you're a girl, the feeling the first time
You reach down a boy's pants

You'll miss your favorite coat
Waffles with whipped cream and strawberries
Beating your friends at video games
You won't be around to see what shape and color
The new marshmallow in Lucky Charms will be

You'll miss the feeling you get
When reminiscing about your first love
Thirty years after the fact

The joy of giving and receiving at Christmas
Skinny dipping
Getting stoned, reading 'Green Eggs and Ham'
And eating like a horse
That got loose in the grain bin
Flying cars

Hey, you were born
Finish what was started


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
When did you actually, positively, felt like you could stop breathing and not even give a damn? Just take the fast and furious road to hell, heaven or whatever knocks beyond the gates of life and death.
Err, maybe approximately 6-7 months ago :rolleyes:


Some things in life are bad,

They can really make you mad,
Other things just make you swear and curse,
When you're chewing your life's gristle
Don't grumble, give a whistle,
And this'll help things turn out for the best,
Always look on the bright side of life.
Always look on the light side of life.
If life seems jolly rotten,
There's something you've forgotten,
And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing.
When you're feeling in the dumps,
Don't be silly chumps.
Just purse your lips and whistle. That's the thing.
Always look on the bright side of life.
Always look on the right side of life,
For life is quite absurd
And death's the final word.
You must always face the curtain with a bow.
Forget about your sin.
Give the audience a grin.
Enjoy it. It's your last chance, anyhow.
Always look on the bright side of death,
Just before you draw your terminal breath.
Life's a piece of shit,
When you look at it.
Life's a laugh and death's a joke. It's true.
You'll see it's all a show.
Keep 'em laughing as you go.
Just remember that the last laugh is on you.
Always look on the bright side of life.
Always look on the right side of life.
Always look on the bright side of life!
Always look on the bright side of life!


What's so 80's about feeling down and miserable? Not everyone likes their life.


No matter what life throws at you, and believe me it can be very cruel sometimes, it is always better than the alternative, it will leave many scars, but time itself heals the wounds.
Ofc life isn`t what you make it,but generated by those around you.
We all make mistakes, people will give us advice, parents will try to shape your life for you,but, the book of life must be filled in by the individual, no two will ever be the same, it`s who you borrow the pen off that counts.
If you can share your experiences with other people, and they heed your advice, and better themselves, then your sufferings
will help another find happiness.
In this life, the one thing i`ve found, is when my lad, as he wakes every day, and tells me he loves me, he means it.
That`s plenty for me, partners will come and go, the bond between parent and child goes on, beyond the grave.
Ink fades, paper burns, words soon forgotten, but what is written in the soul, will last an eternity.
Life is worth living guys, trust me :).


Originally posted by Demolay
Bit "gothic" and eighties this thread aint it?

tho "gothics" indeed cultivate this bleakness and make it part of their image, it's still true that there's people who actually feel this way without the need to write bleak poetry and paint their faces black. (yes, I know I over simplify goth's as much as you do :) )

if anything, it's something to talk about on an otherwise slow and dull day :)






lol Xarr, you always struck me as a happy person, never seen you angry in-game neither ^^


hehe thankies! being happy is mucho importanté me finks.. but I get angry though (just ask arnor etc :D) - I am after all just human like all of us :)

now that i really pay attention to those balloons they are kinda disturbing.. i like the teddybear though!


Yup. Another thread working as i thought.

If i was a kid of 15, asking people when they felt like ending themselves(cry for help anyone?) i would have probably done it after the first few replies.

Noone asked me anything in PM's.

Noone asked me anything on the thread.

As i thought, internet is NOT a place to go when doubting your life, it will only push you over the edge.


HOLY CRAP!! Some serious life issues going on here, if it gets real bad, when everything turns to shit and you don't even care if it's going to get better.

HELP SOMEONE ELSE, nothing on the planet is better than having the power to fix another persons problem.


That depends if you ask in the right place or not, internet is no much different then real life in that fact.
A game forum mostly filled with slightly whiney kids isn't the best place :)

(whomever is reading this, I didn't mean you specifically when I said 90% are whiney kids. it's clearly all the others :p )


i think most people (well most normal people, not those freakish 'happy' people! ;) ) think about it at some stage in their lives :)

me? i just find human beings too amusing to /quit out quite yet :D


from joke to revolver (norwegian saying, doesn't translate well :p) though..

there should be a beginners manual everyone has to read before being allowed on the intarweb. the first paragraph would read 'don't panic' closely followed by 'don't take everything you read seriously'.



Stopped feeling like it about a month ago when I found my other half. :)



Originally posted by Belsameth
tho "gothics" indeed cultivate this bleakness and make it part of their image, it's still true that there's people who actually feel this way without the need to write bleak poetry and paint their faces black. (yes, I know I over simplify goth's as much as you do :) )

if anything, it's something to talk about on an otherwise slow and dull day :)

lol used to be one in me "younger" days but for the music been spat on in the mosh pit at Banshees and Bauhaus gigs enuff lol

nyway only 1 song u need to know...

Some things in life are bad,
They can really make you mad,
Other things just make you swear and curse,
When you're chewing life's gristle,
Don't grumble,
Give a whistle
And this'll help things turn out for the best.

Always look on the bright side of life.
Always look on the light side of life.

If life seems jolly rotten,
There's something you've forgotten,
And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing.
When you're feeling in the dumps,
Don't be silly chumps.
Just purse your lips and whistle.
That's the thing.

Always look on the bright side of life.
Always look on the right side of life,

For life is quite absurd
And death's the final word.
You must always face the curtain with a bow.
Forget about your sin.
Give the audience a grin.
Enjoy it. It's your last chance, anyhow.

Always look on the bright side of death,
Just before you draw your terminal breath.

Life's a piece of shit,
When you look at it.
Life's a laugh and death's a joke it's true.
You'll see it's all a show.
Keep 'em laughing as you go.
Just remember that the last laugh is on you.

Always look on the bright side of life.
Always look on the right side of life.

Always look on the bright side of life!
Always look on the bright side of life!
Always look on the bright side of life!
Always look on the bright side of life!
Always look on the bright side of life!
Always look on the bright side of life!
Always look on the bright side of life!
Always look on the bright side of life!

Repeat to fade... (not literally I hasten to add!)


Actually myself, i feel like it at the moment. Been like it for the past week or two. Now i think i'll head to the pub and drink a bit whilst listening to heavy metal. Maybe that'll take them funny thoughts out for a while.

Yeah, use humor to avoid issues.

Press it inside and let noone know.

Fuck what others say, that's the healthy way.


If you've felt like it (the title) for more than a week then that sounds like a severe depression. You should get an appointment with your physician and tell him about it Toto, theres no reason you should go around and feel that way. Bah, now you made me worried about you, you oddball you! :eek:


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Press it inside and let noone know.

Fuck what others say, that's the healthy way.

Worked nicely for the last 5 years but now I'm slowly getting to a point where I consider seeking professional help...

My childhood layed the base for a "nice" personal dissorder and it shaping out now. I dont know in what way a professional can help me or if he can help me at all. I'm kinda afraid of it, afraid they'll just lock me up and dont care... because I would do that.


Originally posted by Wile_E_Coyote
You should get an appointment with your physician and tell him about it Toto,

Like i was an american...

I don't have a shrink, hell, never will. Sure, i'm depressed but i'll deal with it myself or end it one way or another.

I'm just a freaking avatar on the net, shouldn't worry your knoggin with my problems. If you do, well, got more things right in your head then i do.


professional help can help you. but only if you're willing and open to it, which rules out Toto :)

old.Gombur Glodson

Or find some wise old crone, who can set you straight


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