Music What are you listening to right now?


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
for some reason I can't really explain I have a thing against Damian Marley :-/

edit: while NAS is an awesome rapper, he has exactly two facial expressions.
It's because he's black isn't it? racist


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
personally I am not overly keen on things like complexity and irregular meter to a given song. it's really hard, imo, to get stuff like that "right", and ofc what the definition of "getting things right" actually is naturally differs from person to person. call me old fashioned if you like, but I tend to view bands messing with meter, rhyme and lyrical structures as trying too hard to be edgy rather than being geniuses.

That said, I like the band Shellac. Steve Albini is complex, irregular, hard, edgy and a genius :)


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
So after spending most of last week listening to Bowie has anyone else now switched to listening to Hell Freezes Over? :(

RIP Glenn Frey.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Both over rated gob shites in my opinion. Homme is a cunt and Iggy Pop tedious.

Loool, Homme has/is in more bands than you can think of, he's influenced so many bands that 'made it.' As for his attitude, it's fucking rock and roll man.

Iggy Pop? He's a legend, I never realised how much until recently to be completely honest, I used to agree with you, but then you think he's actually still making pretty good music, and he's not just making shit music and saying 'Ha, Remember Hey Jude?!'




Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
Loool, Homme has/is in more bands than you can think of, he's influenced so many bands that 'made it.' As for his attitude, it's fucking rock and roll man.

Iggy Pop? He's a legend, I never realised how much until recently to be completely honest, I used to agree with you, but then you think he's actually still making pretty good music, and he's not just making shit music and saying 'Ha, Remember Hey Jude?!'



Awww look at the little boy giving me a lesson on music. Fuck off Adrian Mole, Homme is a cunt who has done nothing more than mediocre and Iggy Pop likewise.

I've been in 967 bands it doesn't mean I'm any good, how is that even an argument?

Who the flying fuck has he influenced, I'm dying for a legitimate answer to this one, go on, tell me the bands he has influenced that have made it?


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Awww look at the little boy giving me a lesson on music. Fuck off Adrian Mole, Homme is a cunt who has done nothing more than mediocre and Iggy Pop likewise.

I've been in 967 bands it doesn't mean I'm any good, how is that even an argument?

You really are being a cunt recently, grow the fuck up.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
You really are being a cunt recently, grow the fuck up.
Wow what an awesome answer, you big tough little man. Didn't you like that I disagreed with you?

Or perhaps enlighten me on where I've been a cunt (according to you)
anywhere other than here when you bang on about a shit artist.

Oh wait. It must of been me being pissed off at somebody ruining a TV series, yes, that's it. I was wrong there because he was a new member.


Edit - I've just realised you probably won't see this, you only bump your own threads.
Last edited:


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I get stuff is bad at home, but you don't have to bring it on here with your moaning.

Look at what you flipped at, my taste in music, LOL.

Seriously, stop attention seeking thanks.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
I get stuff is bad at home, but you don't have to bring it on here with your moaning.

Look at what you flipped at, my taste in music, LOL.

Seriously, stop attention seeking thanks.
No, I flipped at you having a problem with my opinion then me questioning it and you not having an answer. Attention seeking? Where did you drag that up from? Where exactly did I seek attention? Things bad at home, huh? What gives you that idea, I have an ill nan and an ill mum but I would still fall out with you if I was a billionaire and all my family were bionic if you went along the same path as you did here.

Moaning, where is the moaning (this from the ultimate moaner, thread bumper and do-gooder this forum has ever known)?

It may become clear why lads like Wazz, Leggy and the rest decide to avoid the place now. You know, the guys who were actually worth chatting to. Throd barely posts anymore as well. Now that is moaning.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
No, I flipped at you having a problem with my opinion then me questioning it and you not having an answer. Attention seeking? Where did you drag that up from? Where exactly did I seek attention? Things bad at home, huh? What gives you that idea, I have an ill nan and an ill mum but I would still fall out with you if I was a billionaire and all my family were bionic if you went along the same path as you did here.

Moaning, where is the moaning (this from the ultimate moaner, thread bumper and do-gooder this forum has ever known)?

It may become clear why lads like Wazz, Leggy and the rest decide to avoid the place now. You know, the guys who were actually worth chatting to. Throd barely posts anymore as well. Now that is moaning.

Lmfao, dragging this back up.

You initiated a debate.

I apologise, I should have replied with sir yes you're right, you're older than me and automatically correct, lulz.

Mong, srs.

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