Wanna visit the future ?



hmmm if your going faster than light, surely you wont see anything at all?


You will see what was there before the present light hits .. :p


except that you cant travel faster than light when the normal laws of nature apply. Only way you can travel faster than light is to somehow be in an other surrounding where the laws of nature we know dont apply. Which probably still means that you dont travel in the past.

Compare it too at 0 Celsius is where water turns in ice, but thats only at 1 Bar. At 4 km below the sea water is colder than 0 Celsius and not frozen, this is explained by some physic law. However it sort of serves my point, we might only know of one condition in where light goes at a constant speed. Maybe if we change the situation light might go faster or slower.

However this has nothing to do with time travel, which I believe as impossible as it creates way to many headaches if people could actually move to the past or talk to the past :p.
But you can look into the past sort of as light has a certain speed so light which reaches earth that took billions of year to reach us. Gives us an image which is billion years old, which is slightly useful for astrologers. However it is about a place which is billion lightyears away from us :p.

Technically you can move into the future though as if you go faster than someone else than time somehow goes slower for you than him. So if you go a speed of light you will experience something as 3 minutes while it might be for someone who has no speed 3 years (dont know about the exact time difference, but I do know it exists). So you have "moved" into the future ;).


I never said we could, but if we could the theory would work, imo :p.


But you'd have to catch up with the light in the first place, since the light from the sun has probably jumped a few hundred millioin zillion squijometres away already.


Originally posted by Cyfr
I never said we could, but if we could the theory would work, imo :p.

well to see light of the past you dont need to travel faster than light:p. And if you would move faster than light you will see things sooner that happened before you than normal, but you would have seen it anyway:p. I mean:

you ************** me
x -------------------------- x

I wave my flashlight and if you would stand still it would take x seconds to reach me if you would travel towards me you would see it sooner, the faster you move the sooner you will see it. But if you would move faster than light than light will not catch up with you, so you will only see things that happen infront of you :p.

Atleast that is assuming that you travel faster than light without altering our current laws of physic :).


Moved to the future...

Wow! Did it again!

DAMN! I'm in a timeloop!!

Aaah! Another second!

And another!!


Ever tried to seize the moment the future turns into history?

Me neither. :p

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