Upgrading mySQL



I'm running mySQL 3.2-something on my Windows PC. I'd like to upgrade it to version 4.0-something to match the webserver my host uses, but I don't want to loose any data.

Has anyone got any notable experience with this?




At the risk of being unoriginal, the MySQL online documentation offers what seems to be a fairly comprehensive overview of this. It suggests various things you should do while upgrading, but notes that:

MySQL 4.0 will work even if you don't do the above, but you will not be able to use the new security privileges that MySQL 4.0 and you may run into problems when upgrading later to MySQL 4.1 or newer

Also, the mysqldump program (located in your mysql/bin directory) will produce an SQL script which you should be able to keep as a backup, in case the new install does something nasty to your databases. I don't pretend to know much (if anything) about it, but there's a pretty full guide to it here.

Hope that helps - just don't take any of it as gospel, and don't sue me if it goes wrong ;)

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