United States Corrupt Twattery


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
The majority of those involved in tearing down the Edward Colston statue are in a generation that traditionally would struggle to provide the years that either World War 1 or 2 took place thus I've little doubt quite a few of them knew fuck all about Edward Colston or paid little attention to him until they read something about tearing it down, in the end it was little more than a mob justice. I'm not a fan of such statues where there is a heavy weighted history of slavery but neither do I believe looking at one aspect in isolation and then having a mob tear it down is acceptable, it must be done in a proper democratic way. Using the standards set by the mob you easily tear down quite a lot in many different countries from Lloyd's of London to the Pyramids.

I've said before I've a deep dislike of using modern standards/ethics and either transplanting them to the time of the person or vice versa, the ironic thing about it is for all the noise they made and effort they put in it would've been better to redirect that to modern standards/ethics and issues rather than direct them at someone who has been dead for nearly 300 years now.

The argument about the confederate flag, from a person with some knowledge ;)

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dllhGgLXZg&feature=emb_logo

I keep hearing the 'States' Rights' argument and everyone (almost) who knows anything about the subject says it's bollox. It was about slavery.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
As I said...Nelson represents a turning point in the world.
His victory led to the British Empire, which led to pretty well all you see before you.
Good or bad...its one of the major moments.
Knock it down ..but everyone knows it was there and you knocked it down.
Here lies the spot where history was deleted.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
So over the weekend it looks as if Antifa/BLM/Other set up an "autonomous zone" in Seattle, around 6 square blocks that they controlled and Police aren't allowed to enter. After running out of "food" on the 2nd day, and asking people to send meat substitutes, soy and quinoa, it would appear that on the 3rd day they have a Police force! Although Police is probably a bit generous, even the US Police have things like accountability and oversight. Let's call them warlords.

View: https://twitter.com/realchrisrufo/status/1270852156086599680?s=20

Seems to be going well.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Scouse..history is what cements us as a nation...
We've already covered the fact that you derive much more comfort from a feeling of national identity from our victor-written history myths than most - which is why you baulk at any change - for people like you, it's something that shakes you to the core.

But it's bullshit. A myth and, like Einstein said, Nationalism is an infantile disease.

I'd rather identify with humans today, with what the best of us are struggling towards collectively, than a fantasy of a past I had no help in shaping.

You love Doug. So I'll post it again (as you once did, which is weird as it undermines your own argument):

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gy19YmQHHJU


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
We've already covered the fact that you derive much more comfort from a feeling of national identity from our victor-written history myths than most - which is why you baulk at any change - for people like you, it's something that shakes you to the core.

But it's bullshit. A myth and, like Einstein said, Nationalism is an infantile disease.

I'd rather identify with humans today, with what the best of us are struggling towards collectively, than a fantasy of a past I had no help in shaping.

You love Doug. So I'll post it again (as you once did, which is weird as it undermines your own argument):

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gy19YmQHHJU

The best of us? Could you crawl any further up your own ass?


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Seems to be going well.
Yeah :(

Perhaps the US government should have listened to the people and addessed the stark, obvious and longstanding issues (which all have a basis in equality, both social and economic) - before it got to this point eh?

My mistake. Governments rarely do shit about anything until violence happens.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
The best of us? Could you crawl any further up your own ass?
I'm not saing me you tit - I'm saying we should be celebrating nobel prize winning scientists, medical professionals, humanitarians, politicians and leaders who bring about social good.

I'd rather feel pride in the human race and what we're doing now than identify with some cunt who sunk ships over 200 years ago.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
I'd rather feel pride in the human race and what we're doing now than identify with some cunt who sunk ships over 200 years ago.

I actually agree with this bit. Seeing as slavery is the contentious subject du jour, maybe rather than bickering about 200 year old statues and a past we can't really do much about, we should be focusing on modern slavery in Libya, Sub Saharan Africa, the Middle East and China. The UK was fairly prominent in the movement to end slavery in the Western World, maybe we should pick that up again and focus on real problems rather than the past?

It's going to be interesting trying to find anyone we can put statues up of any more. Considering people have already found Ghandi, Mandela, MLK and even Abe Lincoln problematic, you can guarantee someone will find an issue.


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
I agree we should focus on the current issues but problem is unless you rock peoples boats and disrupt their lives then many will say they want to focus on these current issues but not enough to actually do anything. Issues like this are spots that build over time and eventually burst, if we dont deal with the modern day slavery stuff we will have the same situation again at some future point.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I actually agree with this bit. Seeing as slavery is the contentious subject du jour, maybe rather than bickering about 200 year old statues and a past we can't really do much about, we should be focusing on modern slavery in Libya, Sub Saharan Africa, the Middle East and China. The UK was fairly prominent in the movement to end slavery in the Western World, maybe we should pick that up again and focus on real problems rather than the past?

It's going to be interesting trying to find anyone we can put statues up of any more. Considering people have already found Ghandi, Mandela, MLK and even Abe Lincoln problematic, you can guarantee someone will find an issue.

How can you tell other countries to stop modern day slavery whilst you have statues up of slave traders in your cities?

Statues in cities are there to be revered, there's no other way about it, many statues have been torn down in history, I just think people need to remember that and be grateful that it doesn't include a massacre of the 'other side'.

Obvious controversial statues such as the slave traders do belong in museums, Churchill? Personally I'd say that belongs in a museum too, and in a few generations when WW2 is much more of a distant memory I'm sure they will be in museums, but I can see why it would currently cause upset on the side that doesn't get upset (apparently).

Ultimately the problem is that we still have lots of people around like @Job who are vermin fascist fucks, (See complaining about EDL protests being shut down, then inciting violence against BLM protesters. Oh and also he has the right to tell authority to fuck off but poor black people can't.) and as soon as individuals in that generation dies out who sees their selves superior because of the tone of their skin, we'll finally be able to move on as a planet and hopefully be mature enough to become a 'multi-planet species'.

Until then, we're going to continue to fight over the same cake, rather than baking more.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
How can you tell other countries to stop modern day slavery whilst you have statues up of slave traders in your cities?

Statues in cities are there to be revered, there's no other way about it, many statues have been torn down in history, I just think people need to remember that and be grateful that it doesn't include a massacre of the 'other side'.

Obvious controversial statues such as the slave traders do belong in museums, Churchill? Personally I'd say that belongs in a museum too, and in a few generations when WW2 is much more of a distant memory I'm sure they will be in museums, but I can see why it would currently cause upset on the side that doesn't get upset (apparently).

Ultimately the problem is that we still have lots of people around like @Job who are vermin fascist fucks, (See complaining about EDL protests being shut down, then inciting violence against BLM protesters. Oh and also he has the right to tell authority to fuck off but poor black people can't.) and as soon as individuals in that generation dies out who sees their selves superior because of the tone of their skin, we'll finally be able to move on as a planet and hopefully be mature enough to become a 'multi-planet species'.

Until then, we're going to continue to fight over the same cake, rather than baking more.

Oh fuck off. Churchill? Con - Imperialist because he was born in the 19th century. Pro - Literally saved Britain and Western Europe (and arguably, the entire world) from the worst evil in history. And you're a history teacher? Sweet christ on a cracker.



Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
I am going back to playing around with XF 2.1 :p


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Oh fuck off. Churchill? Con - Imperialist because he was born in the 19th century. Pro - Literally saved Britain and Western Europe (and arguably, the entire world) from the worst evil in history. And you're a history teacher? Sweet christ on a cracker.



Selling slaves was also OK at one point, does that mean we ignore that too whilst spreading our hypocrisy across the world?

I'm a history teacher, IE, I give the facts and allow students to come to their own interpretations. I do not indoctrinate a false narrative of history 'because we won'.

Frankly, I'm finding it pretty boring and offensive that people think that because I share my personal opinions on here, it somehow means that I can't act professionally and be impartial. It's a fucking joke tbh.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003

Selling slaves was also OK at one point, does that mean we ignore that too whilst spreading our hypocrisy across the world?

I'm a history teacher, IE, I give the facts and allow students to come to their own interpretations. I do not indoctrinate a false narrative of history 'because we won'.

Frankly, I'm finding it pretty boring and offensive that people think that because I share my personal opinions on here, it somehow means that I can't act professionally and be impartial. It's a fucking joke tbh.

You literally just showed you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, in your profession. If you can't frame historical figures in the context of their eras, then you're not teaching history, you're teaching politics, and what is the fucking point of you? Every historical figure is the sum of their parts, good, bad and sometimes necessarily evil, and if you simply take the bad (by modern standards) without context, then what are you teaching?

Oh and by the way, where is the "false narrative" that Churchill saved Britain and Europe? Its literally one of the very few decisive turning points in history; Halifax = negotiated peace with the Nazis and Europe is doomed, Churchill = go fuck yourself Adolf. It was as binary a turning point as that.

Jesus, has lockdown turned everyone's brains to pudding in the last three months?



Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I don't see @Gwadien saying Churchill didn't do a great thing and I do think that it's recent history and of such global importance that sticking him in a warehouse-for-intelligent-people right now is wayyy to early.

WW2 has been drummed into all of us so hard it's still hugely culturally relevant and the fact that Churchill didn't like the browns isn't (and never will be) the defining point of his personality.

But it comes back to my point - we identify with stuff we had no hand in. Our cultural identity is bound in this - and yes WW2 because we *knew* the people who fought in it - so it's still present.

But we're backwards looking. Should be forwards looking and concepts of national identity (rather than of shared human struggle in the face of greater challenges than ww2 presented - because much of them are challenges to change our very nature) must fall away if we are to progress...


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
The Democrats have a cemeterys worth of skeletons in their cupboard and it will be hilarious watching them outed one by one, then forced to disown them.

Starting with Robert Byrd.

Its popcorn time tbh.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Think I've found a statue that's safe!


Desperate Dan being hit up the arse by Minnie the Minx with a catapult in Dundee. OK Vegans may not appreciate it, but they are unlikely to have the energy to pull it down.

Says it all about Dundee though when you see it's Number 8 on Tripadvisor of things to do there....


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
But we're backwards looking. Should be forwards looking and concepts of national identity (rather than of shared human struggle in the face of greater challenges than ww2 presented - because much of them are challenges to change our very nature) must fall away if we are to progress...

Finally some sense on this thread.

Some thoughts:

Netflix have removed The Mighty Boosh, Little Britain and League of Gentlemen for 'blackface', Harry Enfield has tried to defend it all and being called out as a racist, Robery Downey Jr has been called out for Tropic Thunder, Trudeau blacked up at university (the list is almost endless...) - are we therefore going to strip out all the Simpsons episodes that include Apu as well? I'm finding it hard to reconcile the death of a black man at the hands of police brutality, and a white guy voicing a non-white character. Where does the line get drawn? We can't have "semi-racist", "mostly racist", "did a great thing in history, but ultimately a racist shitelord", "not racist, but racist by default due to white privilege".


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I thought the whole point of Tropic Thunder was that blacking up was a cringey thing to do. You're laughing at the horrendous decision. Sort of like when you watch The Office and think 'Argh - What a prick!'


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Just wait till they start on the fancy dress shops. It is number 10 on the list called "What the fuck can I moan/protest about now even though it has never bothered me in the past"


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I thought the whole point of Tropic Thunder was that blacking up was a cringey thing to do. You're laughing at the horrendous decision. Sort of like when you watch The Office and think 'Argh - What a prick!'

...same is in the Inbetweeners one about the French kid. This whole thing is insane but far worse is that no-one is standing up and saying "don't be so fucking stupid" and not worrying about Twitter's response. I genuinely think Twitter should be closed down until human beings have evolved for another 100,000 years or so; we gave it a go, its not working, pack it all up.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
So Candace Owens conservative black activist made a video pointing out the actual undeniable facts of who is killing who in America and of course it didnt fit the narrative so they are defunding her as fast as possible.

Candace Owens' GoFundMe Account Suspended Over Controversial Comments About George Floyd - Black Enterprise

The truth was the 2nd victim, and what is hilarious us its black commentators supporting her white commentators calling her a racist.

Controversial being daring enough to question idolising Floyd when he was actually a violent thief.

Here it is anyway.
Its mostly juicy after 8.00

View: https://youtu.be/JtPfoEvNJ74


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Opinions and facts are worthless now.

1984 has finally landed, put on the handbrake, turned off the engine and emptied the chemical toilet on freedom of speech.

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