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The biggest problem is that the EU as fucking always won't do jack shit, the UK does not have the military power to put boots on the ground in Ukraine hence our continued reliance on the US.We didn't stop Hitler because he was burning jews and gypsies (and whatever else he defined as 'undesireables'). That was going on for ages and we did fuck all. We stopped him because he started invading us.
If you're not for "Invade Russia" - i.e. put him back in his box and ensure he can't do it again, then what are you for. Because "war, only up to Russia's borders, leaving Putin to regroup and start again" doesn't appear to be an option anyone wants.
Not really having a pop at you here oh my lord and master. Just pointing out what nobody really seems to want to think about or address.
Though I would love to see someone ask Trump on camera the following "If a state of America wants to leave the union (or whatever it is called) much like Ukraine is attempting to do what would your response be as POTUS.