United States Corrupt Twattery


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Oh God, you said "leftists" in a sentence. You've gone full twat.
I'm also childless, so I'm clearly a massive full twat and a "bad person" to boot :)

Should I have said rabid Democrat fanbois?

I mean, I was responding to a post that was seriously positing that Trump is going to end voting in America at the end of his term. Maybe that's not "full cunt" - but it IS insane.

Edit: Of course, the Grauniad has picked it up and is reporting it as fact (rather than the obvious utter bullshit that it is). Nice to see where we're aligned around here. :)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
It's disingenuous to say that he's going to change the electoral system so they can't vote any more.

He's saying that they're going to change America - to give the people what they want to see happen, and in four years time they can relax, if they don't feel like voting they can go back to apathy - but VOTE FOR ME!

I'll tell you something - the rabid tribalism, the deliberate misconstruals, the twisting or reality that's happening, rather than considered dispassionate discussion, on this very forum, provokes sympathy for Trump in me.
But the deliberate misconstruals and twisting of reality are all coming from you (imho). Trump said "we're going to fix it so you don't ever have to vote again" and you apparently think that means he's intent on doing such a good job that enough voters will fall over themselves to re-elect him that he won't need as many votes whereas it's infinitely more likely (given what we know about him, the context, his obsession with dictators/fascists and how he wants to be a "president for life" like Xi) that he meant trying to "fix" the system so he can stay in the White House for life.

Every time he (or Vance or whoever) says something like this, you minimise, laugh it off, claim he was joking etc then you turn around and say the other side is just as bad and there's no material difference between them. Maybe, just maybe, that's because you spend your time in these threads jumping through hoops trying to smooth them out so the one sounds less bad and the other sounds worse. He's talking about taking steps to end democracy in the US ffs, I'd argue that not shouting it from the roof tops and instead sitting there and saying "nah he probably meant something else" is far more damaging than trying to have a "considered dispassionate discussion" about it.

He already tried to cling on as long as possible last time, refusing to concede the election for like 2 weeks and only then going so far as to say "Biden won but only because it was rigged". The Supreme Court (that he spent his last term stacking in his favour) has already ruled that a President can do whatever they want with no legal repercussions.

It's not even about left vs. right any more, he's like a cancer that's taken control of the GOP and turned it into a cult. If you think I'm insane for thinking he's a genuine threat to democracy then I think you're even more insane for laughing it off as if it's all just jokes and entertainment.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Well, I guess we'll see. And if you're right, and I'm wrong, you get to say "I told you so", I'll literally fall off my chair, and I'll buy every freddy a pint.

But I don't think you are.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I'm also childless, so I'm clearly a massive full twat and a "bad person" to boot :)
Other than that being something JD Vance thinks is true, I'm not sure I'm seeing the connection
Should I have said rabid Democrat fanbois?
Yes. These MAGAT cunts describe everyone who isn't them as "leftists", when we all know full well that most Americans of any stripe wouldn't know what real socialism was if it bit them on the arse. Don't subscribe to that bit of bullshit. As for rabid Democrat fanbois; anyone who isn't the current GOP is worth all the votes.
I mean, I was responding to a post that was seriously positing that Trump is going to end voting in America at the end of his term. Maybe that's not "full cunt" - but it IS insane.

Have you seriously not been paying any fucking attention? Trump has subverted the courts already; he genuinely sees himself as invulnerable; and even if he doesn't end voting, you can be damn sure he's going to break democracy so that even if you do vote for the other guy it won't fucking matter. He won't make the the 2020 mistakes twice if he gets in again.
Edit: Of course, the Grauniad has picked it up and is reporting it as fact (rather than the obvious utter bullshit that it is). Nice to see where we're aligned around here. :)
It's not utter bullshit, you're just only think about what's in front of you.

I've been following your posts over the last few pages and you're disgustingly wrong about everything. It's fucking tragic; your constant "they're all the same" bleating is making you defend the indefensible. The whole Trump ethos is using stupid people to let rich people do what the fuck they like forever and you're blethering on about "government compatibility with constitution". Fuuuck offf.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
The entire world has gone barking mad, and unfortunately, that usually leads to war.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I used "leftists" casually, so don't hang me on a single word @DaGaffer - I don't follow social media, I can barely be arsed to click on any of the twitter links Wij posts because there's no nuance, it's just polarised bullshit.

At risk of driving myself insane by repeating myself - I don't want Trump to win. (And, again, Trump is demonstrably worse! What is it around here recently? I've said that like twenty times yet you're all still on the "scouse is closet MAGA" and "they're NOT all the same" train).

So what's going on? Ah yes. People aren't listening to each other.

If you don't want Trump to win, the people who vote for him have concerns - some of which are legitimate - then the democrats need to take a look at themselves and offer the voters a real alternative.

On the last bit @DaGaffer - I don't accept that he's a dramatic a threat to US democracy as people are saying because of the sort of polarised bullshit we've just been arguing over. That video clip doesn't say what a lot of people are saying it's saying. And a lot of people's arguments about Trump and the "evidence" they've produced are exactly like that video clip - overreaching bullshit.

I think the 6th Jan stuff - absolutely. That's some nailed-on very hard evidence. But to "destroy American democracy" he'd have to ride roughshod over the constitution and Congress would have to vote for it.

So, rather than me being a MAGA twat and a useful idiot. I actually think Trump is absolutely a cunt, that the policies he's going to enact are fucking stupid and he's going to do some very subversive stuff. But if the American people don't like it, they will be able to vote him out. And if the Democrats want him not to get in, they have to start showing up for all of America, and ditch the policies that they cling to that push droves of voters into Trump's arms.

If the Democrats are serious about wanting power then they have to try to govern for all. They have to listen.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
The entire world has gone barking mad, and unfortunately, that usually leads to war.
Frankly, I've been advocating for the temperature of a lot of these discussions on here to be reduced. I didn't use the word rabid by mistake. If we're posting stuff and pointing at it and deliberately misconstruing it's meaning then we're lying to ourselves, and if we're doing that, that's actually barking mad.

Social media is a terrible influence on us. It polarises and pushes extreme narratives. Politicians are opportunists, so they'll take advantage of whatever they can. But it's not healthy.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I don't think it's rabid or fear mongering to be extremely concerned about the US going down the project 2025 road, they are the biggest economy on the planet, if they go down an isolationist or xenophobic road we will all be in trouble in the West. Living just a few hundred kilometres from Russian border it's scary to follow how nuts these people are, not to mention the sheer volume of them parroting Russian state TV talking points, I would believe they are just forming their own opinions except they are saying the same thing, and the same words are being parroted all over Europe as if these people are being briefed, it's scary


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Roger Stone is already boasting that they have enough people in place in election certifications and judges that they will be able to stop any Democrat getting the magic 270 regardless of the election results. Then it will go to a weird process in the house where states can override what the voters said.

They call it playing hardball but it’s cheating. A coup. All those Heritage cunts and MAGA dicks are making smug hints that they’ve got this all sewn up regardless of how the country votes.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Lol :clap:

Hey, if calling democratic men voters big girls blouses works...


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
The project 2025 stuff getting sold as republican policy is just democrat electioneering. For a start - the document doesn't even specify what tax credits it would like an incoming republican government to remove - but that doesn't stop the presenter speculating that the biggest tax credits are going to be removed from most working families.

I don't see why on this side of the pond we get ourselves worked up over such a partisan yawnfest. Starmer hardly published any of his policies because he knew if he published them many wouldn't be welcomed. It's the same with the republicans. This is just a 1000-page document by a think-tank that acts as a "ooooh, I'd like that" for republican voters and a big scary monster to wave at dems.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
A lot of the MAGA Twitter accounts are crapping themselves now.

I'm not even sure it matters. Trump could eat a baby, live on the evening news and still ~50% of America would be stupid enough to vote for him. It's stupid people caught up in a cult.

Batten down the hatches, the world is going to shit.


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
You would have thought that for a country with such a huge culture of guns that they'd have better aim.

People who can shoot vs people who think they can shoot.

Any idiot can lay down and fire a gun hoping to hit a target at 300-500yrds. But to do it properly? Yeah no, the 99% will never make that shot. Even spray and pray.

In real money that's like 250m-500m -- That's military precision shooting.

EDIT: Finished reading it - "No military experience" lol no shit.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Why are they getting so flustered? He's just a US citizen enjoying his second amendment rights.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Them Democrats really are shooty aren't they though.

Maybe that's why they want to control guns - they know they can't be trusted. Like christians and porn - the states with the biggest porn subscribers have the biggest devout christian populations.


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