United States Corrupt Twattery


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I'm surprised he didn't do thank blinky thing when he said it.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
White slavery by Arabs and Africans.

Doesnt get brought up much in blm meetings.
I mean black people fucking invented it...came and took white people, and are still crying because we did it back.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Well obviously you do...but its still there, just waiting to be brought up at the right time so an awful lot of idiots can just shut the fuck up about what they think they know.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I don't actually think you are trolling, I think you are genuinely thick.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
This conservative black youtuber pointing out the democrats history of pandering to black people by taking off a stereotypical black accent and mannerisms.

AOC...wtf girl...where you from bitch .

View: https://streamable.com/7xz2hs


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
250m lawsuit on his birthday.
The sweet fucking karma of
that, hung him out to dry ..edited the footage, portrayed him totally out of context because they didnt like him.

What a fucking glorious day...hope he got millions.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
White slavery by Arabs and Africans.

Doesnt get brought up much in blm meetings.
I mean black people fucking invented it...came and took white people, and are still crying because we did it back.

You present this like it's new information that's been hidden away; it isn't, and has fuck all to do with US institutional behaviour towards blacks from the Civil War to Civil Rights down to the present day. That's what BLM is about, what's going on now, not 200 years ago.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
A well-armed public might be the only defence against an authoritarian government going bad.


I wish @Gwadien was still here - so anti-gun, so anti-Trump and argued strongly that it was idiotic for Americans to be armed and that the chance that the US government being the de facto largest threat to the freedom of the American public was ridiculous.

As it turns out, the wanker in charge, who supports gun ownership, is proving the argument that governments are the real danger.

Oh, the ironing.

We teeter on the edge of descent into facism all over the western world. Inequality is the root cause of that - and financial inequality is the biggest of all inequalities.

(Of course, the dems are just as dangerous, just in a different way)


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
A well-armed public might be the only defence against an authoritarian government going bad.


I wish @Gwadien was still here - so anti-gun, so anti-Trump and argued strongly that it was idiotic for Americans to be armed and that the chance that the US government being the de facto largest threat to the freedom of the American public was ridiculous.

As it turns out, the wanker in charge, who supports gun ownership, is proving the argument that governments are the real danger.

Oh, the ironing.

We teeter on the edge of descent into facism all over the western world. Inequality is the root cause of that - and financial inequality is the biggest of all inequalities.

(Of course, the dems are just as dangerous, just in a different way)

Problem is law enforcement and the army are more likely to be right wing and sympathetic to a descent into fascism. The protesters being grabbed in Portland and elsewhere, by and large, aren't the ones with the guns. So even if the protesters all got tooled up, they're fighting professionals who will always have more and better weapons and vastly more training.

The defence against tyranny is if the military obeys its obligation to the Constitution rather than the president (as its supposed to do, only the Marines have a direct presidential obligation); and to be honest I think there are enough generals and admirals who would; the man has made no friends at senior levels of the US Military, even if there are plenty of QAnon twats in the ranks.

The real test will be in November if Biden wins by anything less than a landslide. Trump will pull every trick in the book to stay in power (because let's face it, the sky is likely to fall in on him once his office no longer protects him) and the shit will really hit the fan.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Problem is law enforcement and the army are more likely to be right wing and sympathetic to a descent into fascism. The protesters being grabbed in Portland and elsewhere, by and large, aren't the ones with the guns. So even if the protesters all got tooled up, they're fighting professionals who will always have more and better weapons and vastly more training.

The defence against tyranny is if the military obeys its obligation to the Constitution rather than the president (as its supposed to do, only the Marines have a direct presidential obligation); and to be honest I think there are enough generals and admirals who would; the man has made no friends at senior levels of the US Military, even if there are plenty of QAnon twats in the ranks.

The real test will be in November if Biden wins by anything less than a landslide. Trump will pull every trick in the book to stay in power (because let's face it, the sky is likely to fall in on him once his office no longer protects him) and the shit will really hit the fan.
Seriously..anyone not allowing looters free range is right wing now.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
A well-armed public might be the only defence against an authoritarian government going bad.


I wish @Gwadien was still here - so anti-gun, so anti-Trump and argued strongly that it was idiotic for Americans to be armed and that the chance that the US government being the de facto largest threat to the freedom of the American public was ridiculous.

As it turns out, the wanker in charge, who supports gun ownership, is proving the argument that governments are the real danger.

Oh, the ironing.

We teeter on the edge of descent into facism all over the western world. Inequality is the root cause of that - and financial inequality is the biggest of all inequalities.

(Of course, the dems are just as dangerous, just in a different way)
The restraint shown by the republican government is quite outstanding...they finally send in federal troops because the fucking hopeless shitshow of local government.
I guarantee the people ..not the fucking commie, middle class nutjobs...wil be cheering them on.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Seriously..anyone not allowing looters free range is right wing now.

Not looters being snatched off the streets, so...fuck off.

And it seems more than a few ex-military have remembered the duty of a solider is to the Constitution, not the President.



The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
You are somehow defending the right of these disgusting animals to carry on a a totally unjustified campaign of violence against authorities simply based on your cretinous, sheep like adherence to orangmanbad that is fed to you by left wing, woke media.
Three officers blinded by high power lasers.

While democraric politicians practically calling them heroes for fighting the system.

War it is I guess.



Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
You are somehow defending the right of these disgusting animals to carry on a a totally unjustified campaign of violence against authorities simply based on your cretinous, sheep like adherence to orangmanbad that is fed to you by left wing, woke media.
Three officers blinded by high power lasers.

While democraric politicians practically calling them heroes for fighting the system.

War it is I guess.

Defending yourself against unwarranted aggression from the authorities is a well-established right in the US. The Feds started this by tear gassing everyone without warning. And while we're at it, why are the DHS even there? From their own website, their responsibilities are:

  • Prevent terrorism and enhance security
  • Secure and manage U.S. borders
  • Enforce and administer U.S. immigration laws
  • Safeguard and secure cyberspace
  • Ensure resilience to disasters
Are the demonstrators terrorists? Because they're not illegal immigrants or hackers, so I guess they're terrorists. Apart from the whole, they're obviously not terrorists bit, because despite what the boss of DHS claims, people aren't simply identified as "terrorists" at his (or the president's) say so. For example "Antifa" aren't classed as a terrorist organisation just because Trump tweeted they were. Being labelled a terrorist brings specific loss of rights in US law which is why you can't just throw the label at anyone you like. DHS are using the excuse of "protecting Federal buildings" to stay in Portland and carry out snatches off the street, and generally act like fascist goons straight out of central casting, but that's not surprising; have you ever heard of a country having an "internal security" apparatus that were actually the good guys?

This is one reason why orangemanbad is a thing, you fuckwit, because the orange man is very bad.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
You are somehow defending the right of these disgusting animals to carry on a a totally unjustified campaign of violence against authorities simply based on your cretinous, sheep like adherence to orangmanbad that is fed to you by left wing, woke media.
Three officers blinded by high power lasers.

While democraric politicians practically calling them heroes for fighting the system.

War it is I guess.

Did you even read the article its point seems to be the opposite of yours


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
A well-armed public might be the only defence against an authoritarian government going bad.


I wish @Gwadien was still here - so anti-gun, so anti-Trump and argued strongly that it was idiotic for Americans to be armed and that the chance that the US government being the de facto largest threat to the freedom of the American public was ridiculous.

As it turns out, the wanker in charge, who supports gun ownership, is proving the argument that governments are the real danger.

Oh, the ironing.

We teeter on the edge of descent into facism all over the western world. Inequality is the root cause of that - and financial inequality is the biggest of all inequalities.

(Of course, the dems are just as dangerous, just in a different way)

Firstly you'd need all the military to support a dictatorship.

Secondly if there was a dictatorship, they would just flatten a part of America and then the public would largely give up there guns.

Thirdly, the difference between military hardware as civilian hardware is huge, it would be like having people using sticks and stone against the roman empire.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
With the continued rewriting of black history to pander to the woke and increasing bame population, nothing new under the sun, but at least point it out.

Mary Seacole is being considered for her face on our money, theres a statue of her outside of St Thomas hospital

Except for one slight problem her entire persona is invented, she wasnt an actual nurse, she was a business woman with a good PR who sold dodgy herbal remedies, used the N word to describe her black staff , had a white family and never called her self black.


One interesting part is that she sold refreshments to spectators of the fighting, I suppose there was no TV back then.

She was very popular with the rich officers she sold champagne to, and that kinda helped her along


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Job, you're an angry, racist, no-hope. The sooner you get used to that the better.

You're basically a meme, that thick racists got offended by.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Ok fine.
Im not arsed if they invent heroes, its nothing new.
The reaction to pointing it out is...oh yeah...


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
With the continued rewriting of black history to pander to the woke and increasing bame population, nothing new under the sun, but at least point it out.

Mary Seacole is being considered for her face on our money, theres a statue of her outside of St Thomas hospital

Except for one slight problem her entire persona is invented, she wasnt an actual nurse, she was a business woman with a good PR who sold dodgy herbal remedies, used the N word to describe her black staff , had a white family and never called her self black.


One interesting part is that she sold refreshments to spectators of the fighting, I suppose there was no TV back then.

She was very popular with the rich officers she sold champagne to, and that kinda helped her along
Wrong thread? This is United States Corrupt Twattery, not a place for random racist grievance. Appreciate if you could start a new thread instead of ruining every other thread on this entire website.

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