United States Corrupt Twattery


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I could get a two dollar lawyer to prove that.


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
Don't worry one of his distance relations will undoubtedly be one.

Or a mate of a mate from the pub - probably one of his 'I'm not racist, here's a black person I know' contacts.....


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

They are deliberately importing high birth rate immigrants and postively discriminating their success.
They could stop this easily.
But they choose to carry on with a policy that is clearly heading our group towards destruction in whole or IN PART


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
And the usual .
Ha ha youre a nutter.
The same clueless shit we heard when we warned of it.

Now its happening.
Its your fault anyway.

When it finally happens.

You should have done something about it you losers.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
They are deliberately importing high birth rate immigrants and postively discriminating their success.
They could stop this easily.
But they choose to carry on with a policy that is clearly heading our group towards destruction in whole or IN PART

Who's "they"?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
The 64 milion dollar question.

Reducing immigration is always the top 5 concerns across the board.
Everyone promises it, but never follow through, its used as a political football, no one ever explains it in plain english, there are plenty of theories and a complete lack of honesty.

Why do you think they push such an unpopular policy, it trumps all the election spins.

Someone, somewhere has ringfenced it as an absolute that the country has to follow.

Diversity is strength
Diversity is strength.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
The 64 milion dollar question.

Reducing immigration is always the top 5 concerns across the board.
Everyone promises it, but never follow through, its used as a political football, no one ever explains it in plain english, there are plenty of theories and a complete lack of honesty.

Why do you think they push such an unpopular policy, it trumps all the election spins.

Someone, somewhere has ringfenced it as an absolute that the country has to follow.

Diversity is strength
Diversity is strength.

So you don't know? Here's a thought, America is a country of immigrants, and has always been a country of immigrants. The strength of America is that immigrants become Americans after a generation or two, usually after paying their dues doing the shit jobs that no one else wanted to do. That's what happened with the Irish, the Italians, the Jews, all of whom were the subject of racial and cultural hand wringing at the time. All that is still true. So the only concern is that these immigrants are browner than previous generations, which is just racism, and it's not even pointed at the right people; Latinos are far more likely to assimilate and inter marry with Anglos than any other group (if you want to pick a group of Americans that maintains its insularity through generations look at the Chinese), so who the fuck cares if America gets a shade darker over the next fifty years? What does it actually matter?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I dont really think it does, except by the randomness of existence Im conscious in a white body.
So I'll chose to defend this character and its group history.

Do we deserve it?
Is it the ultimate karma to control the world and have it come back and absorb us?

There are so many lies, so much hatred...I truly and honestly believe that caucasians feel remorse for our actions and generations of us fought to right the wrongs.
We are collectively the most positive force on Earth...and everything that comes after us will base its ideals on our flawed desire to rise man above its base instincts which we borrowed off so many people of every colour who have tried and failed before.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
2 for 1 on glue this weekend or something.?

Glad to see everyone isn't dead from bat aids.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
There is a disturbance in the farce.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Pretty good, week 389 of lockdown. Wife is a reception teacher so having to be careful. How's you?
All good pal. Finally bought a place in Wales after about 5 years of looking. If it wasn't for stress from the job I'd feel like I'd totally won at life. But first world problems eh? Onwards and upwards :)

Friend of mine has Crohn's disease so is on immunosuppresants so is having to do the same. Can't really see a way out of a future where it's just going to be "more risky" for her - so she's in a bit of a tizz. Must be hard for people who have to deal with lots of people.

Wish we'd locked down earlier - the total risk across the population would be much much lower now, so the stuff your missus and my mate has to face would be orders of magnitude less risky :(

Selfishly, I'm losing my hair, so apparently I'm more at risk than hirsute men :eek:


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Get some Finasteride.
Hair comes back.
Covid gets ass kicked.

Ballsack shrinks to a peanut.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Get some Finasteride.
Hair comes back.
Covid gets ass kicked.

Ballsack shrinks to a peanut.
Nah. I'm not one of these fucking losers who want to hide what they are and cry into their cornflakes because they're never going to be the Brad Pitt of the hair world, deriving what little self-esteem they have from their physical appearance.

If there was a chemical cure for male pattern baldness that had zero side effects I still wouldn't take it. I would lose the moral high ground in my ability to laugh at men who dye their hair and over-preen or hit the steroids in the gym in a vain effort to make up for the fact that they lack personality.

Plus, if a girl doesn't like me because I'm going bald then that's a fucking win. What a vacuous bitch! Dodged a bullet there :)

My balls, btw, are totally useless. Not because they couldn't father children - but because they'll never be used for that purpose. However, I do derive a little satisfaction from the fact that that's my choice - so if Finasteride (never heard of it) does work (doubt it) and does indeed have that side effect (lol) then the losers who use it deserve all that they get.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003
I think the key to look out for is increased in hosptial admissions and more importantly admissions to intensive care - if the trend starts to change in the UK then it will be eveident that opening up has caused issues. Outside of Stockholm they have now moved more to regional management and if there is an outbreak (like up North) then all public areas are closed and a stricter regieme put in place..... In Stockholm where the spread has been far and wide reaching it is the same as before if you are sick stay home, now you can order a test the result of which is returned quickly (and in my case before I felt well enough to leave the house). Deaths in Sweden are now at a "normal level" ie no excess deaths anymore here inspite of the reports from WHO.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Deaths in Sweden are now at a "normal level" ie no excess deaths anymore here inspite of the reports from WHO.

However, I suspect that deaths from Covid are still prevalent - it's just that the social distancing is having an effect on deaths from other communicable diseases - so it's balancing out.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003

However, I suspect that deaths from Covid are still prevalent - it's just that the social distancing is having an effect on deaths from other communicable diseases - so it's balancing out.
Aye and as much as death is terrible it happens to us all so can not be avoided forever. More importantly ICU spaces used for cv19 are reducing so that avenue of death is getting lower and lower...
I prefer my glass half full :)

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