United States Corrupt Twattery


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Just keep it coming...its so laughably unintresting to Americans that its boostings Trumps 2020 chances.

This impeachment process is just shit throwing with no chance of success and people have and will tire of it.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
It's more hilarious or fucking scary that you will never condemn someone with the same political views as you regardless of what they've done.

This is how Hitler happened.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Just keep it coming...its so laughably unintresting to Americans that its boostings Trumps 2020 chances.

This impeachment process is just shit throwing with no chance of success and people have and will tire of it.
This is such an ignorant post, even by your standards. If you'd manned up and watched even a few seconds of any of the hearings so far you'd know that. If it's "so idiotically partisan" wtf does that make you?

There have been several outstanding witnesses, outstanding in their service to their country and outstanding as people (and several of them, who have sparkling miltiary or foreign service careers, have been insulted by Cadet Bone Spurs whenever he's had the opportunity). The Democrats have been actually trying to establish facts while the Republicans put up fucking infantile posters behind their committee members and talk about corruption in Ukraine (irrelevant), that the aid was actually released (which might carry a bit more weight if it had been happened *before* the whistleblower complaint came to light), that Obama didn't send the Javelins (again, irrelevant, but there were concerns that the Ukrainian military wasn't in a state to make use of them at the time), the identity of the whistleblower (utterly irrelevant, we've had several witnesses several degrees closer to what was outlined in the whistleblower complaint so what possible use is his or her testimony now?), etc.

I've watched an awful lot of these hearings and the Republicans have been genuinely embarrassing. Nunes, Turner, Jordan, Stefanik, Ratcliffe, Stewart - none of them have made even the slightest effort to establish pertinent facts, they're just repeating the same old bullshit about witch hunts and conspiracy theories and oh my fucking god do your jobs.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Because the original intent is bullshit.

Why treat it seriously.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Because the original intent is bullshit.
Why? Is it ok if Trump withholds aid that a country desperately needs unless they promise to investigate his political rival? They didn't even have to do it, just do a press conference and say that they were going to (so there goes any idea that he is actually trying to fight corruption). He never even mentioned widespread corruption on the call, he just talked about Bursima and the Bidens. You're out of your fucking tree if you think any of the above is ok.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Trudeau getting caught blackface and now ripping the US president like a schoolchild.

Most people might let him off because Trump asks for it...but he seriously needs to stop putting his foot in it, he cant get away with it like Trump does.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
It needs 2/3 of The Senate to vote for it, and The Senate is controlled by the GOP.

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