Twogs monologue :x



Have fun :D

[22:29:47] * trog prods Flimgoblin
[22:29:57] <trog> Tell Belsameth to type something
[22:29:57] <trog> anything
[22:30:02] <trog> I fear she is dead
[22:30:37] <trog> Suicide? Probable.
[22:30:57] <trog> Hmm... I wonder how she did it.
[22:31:22] <trog> I don't think she'd do the boring old slit wrists way.
[22:31:27] <trog> She'd try and make up something new.
[22:31:32] <trog> Exciting.
[22:32:17] <trog> Maybe, she bought a heap of heroine, and dissolved it in water
[22:32:27] <trog> Then, filed up a bath with the mixture
[22:32:45] <trog> Carved her suicide note into her wrists
[22:32:55] <trog> And jumped into the bath
[22:33:05] <trog> Her last few minutes/hours would be spent on a high
[22:33:15] <trog> And her relatives would find her ghostly white body
[22:33:30] <trog> Lying in a murky pool of her own blood and drugs
[22:33:50] <trog> With an aptly gothic suicide note carved into her arms
[22:34:25] <trog> The heroine might even poison the wounds on her arms
[22:34:30] <trog> And turn them black
[22:34:55] <trog> But the irritation of the skin around the cuts would leave them pink/red
[22:35:30] <trog> Leaving her, floating in some red liquid, with a black body, and pink suicidal words carved into her arms
[22:36:00] <trog> But then, maybe that wasn't enough.
[22:36:05] <trog> Maybe she suffers from inattention, too.
[22:36:28] <trog> And we all know that the only way to get attention in suicide is to hurl yourself off a building, onto a busy road.
[22:36:53] <trog> So, I'm guessing, she built a ramp structure, under the bath.
[22:37:24] <trog> And put it up against her window
[22:37:31] <trog> Which leads onto a busy street
[22:37:55] <trog> She fills the bath with the heroine mixture, slits the words into her wrists, and climbs in
[22:38:15] <trog> And sets the ramp to release her, and the bath, through the window, in a few hours
[22:38:25] <trog> Using casters
[22:38:36] <trog> Stolen from the local brand name shop
[22:39:03] <trog> Also, she would have made use of her stereo system
[22:39:08] <trog> Being the music loving fan that she is
[22:39:18] <trog> So, she may have opened the window, just a tad
[22:39:53] <trog> And rigged up her stereo to boom out the words, "Blood shall fall from the sky, thy foolish mortal"
[22:40:10] <trog> A few minutes before the ramp (with her dead body in it) released
[22:40:20] <trog> The words would sound more gothic and evil, of course
[22:41:35] <trog> When the ramp released, the bath, which she will have decorated with occult symbols, which is filled with her heroine mixture, which has her blackened dead body with pink suicidal words carved into her arms in it, will fly into the street
[22:42:00] <trog> Preferabley to the musings of her favourite heavy metal band
[22:42:15] <trog> She shall gets lots of attention
[22:42:20] <trog> Have an original death
[22:42:25] <trog> Be labeled a satanist
[22:42:35] <trog> B a true goth
[22:43:33] <trog> And, if she is lucky, the heroine in her bath might get a few small pasing by children addicted
[22:43:53] <trog> Or force them into councelling for the next few years of their lives
[22:44:18] <trog> She could even set the ramp release to fall when a member of her family is due to be standing at the door
[22:44:33] <trog> Adding to the grief
[22:44:33] <trog> And panic
[22:45:48] <trog> ... Of course, she might just be asleep.


trog is mental! thats why we lub him.


I was playing SW:G at the time I think, but if I ever get bored I'll surely remember this plan :p

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