To Dear old Uncle Sick.


Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
SotL is hardly a major force ;o

it is kk^^?? cuz u hav lotza d00dz innit

According to Spamspastic's logic. Methinks.

old.Gombur Glodson

No people in sotl talks like that, sorry to dissapoint you.


Can't we just get along? I've never had a problem with Addle or Uncle...



no further comments

Uncle Sick(tm)

The rumors of my death are greatly exaggerated... :m00:


Very funny observation Damini. I honestly can't comment as Sick has been hostile towards me from the very first day he learned I lived in the US. (#1 reason I try to avoid OT and Camlann but sometimes I just have to comment).

Anyway, hope everything works out and you guys just stop arguing and give each other a big hug. (that's what you guys do in Hib right? Hug each other and trees when you aren't doing weird things with your little chanter and mushroom pets? lol )

And I hope your guild is successful Sick. Guilds don't have to be big or uber to be successful, just filled with people that get along and all believe in the same game-related things.

And you know, if you guys just can't get along then just chuck it. We aren't all meant to be friends and trying to win someone's friendship just wastes your time and theirs.


I like sicko, has to be said, whenever i have spoken to him i have always felt the evul bitter twisted and sarcastic me come out to play, but its a refreshing change then to have to listen to crap.

sick may have changed, but so have we. nothing stays the same....


*claps at Unca Sicko*

Now there's a hint of the old Sicko. I wanted an answer why he's being a bastard and he gave it blunt. My original post was personal but you know Sicko that it's the way we've been dancing the tango since the day we met smelly son of a boobrie hatchling. You know better then to take it personally or as a "real" attack on you.

I wanted an answer, i got it. I can't say a thing about what other people think...well i can but as Sicko said, nobody probably will listen.

You don't read my rants and rumbles about peas and potatoes but some do, i don't need you to read them, i don't write them for you...but how do you know it's "pseudo-philosophical bullshit" if you don't read them? :p

Even if it's non-related to this, i moved quietly from Prydwen because my old crew started playing again on mudsoord. When i come back to Hibby(and i will when i grow bored of midgard) i hope that NMS is still's a bit quiet and small but the roleplay was excellent and the help from that sized guild more then i ever got from one of the big ones.

I mean, come on..dropping 50g just so i can get my starting equip?

It's nothing personal, i just wanted to wake up the old grumpy, sorry if it hit you in a sore spot.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by minstrel_kyra
I honestly can't comment as Sick has been hostile towards me from the very first day he learned I lived in the US. (#1 reason I try to avoid OT and Camlann but sometimes I just have to comment).

Yes, it's because you are from the US. How did you figure that one out??? It would be evn worse if you were a gay, jewish black.

Did I mention that my wife is from the US? I beat her up every night just for being born in America.

Maybe I became hostile towards you once you started spewing your pro-Bush, nationalistic-lets-nuke-Iraq-they-support-Bin Laden bullshit?

Not that I really liked you before that - "Kiss'n'hug" players who have to call everyone and everything "hun" make my left eyelid twitch.
But neither did I not like you. Like in being neutral for the most part.

old.Gombur Glodson


Relax Hun, you seem stressfull.


I don't know sicko, never met him in game so neither dislike him or like him. If you don't like his new attitudes just ignore him and talk to the people you do like, far more easier than to waste effort asking him to be nice, which as far as I know he never was anyway


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
I hate you, Cornell. :flame:

*guilty as proven*

I hate me more!

is there ever a good answer for this one? :eek7:


Originally posted by Omniscieous
is there ever a good answer for this one? :eek7:

I know you do.

That's a good one..or..

Atleast you hate me.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.Cher
I like sicko, has to be said, whenever i have spoken to him i have always felt the evul bitter twisted and sarcastic me come out to play, but its a refreshing change then to have to listen to crap.

sick may have changed, but so have we. nothing stays the same....

Before I forget: :wub:

I am nice enough in-game, ain't I? ;)

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