To Dear old Uncle Sick.



What is your problem? You've been getting everyone on the edge by being, more then usual, quite hostile and offending everyone about their flaws. Ok, so you didn't like me to start with and you did say "i don't like you" but nowadays you just seem to have found a high horse and gotten on it, atleast when it comes to posting, having a laugh or just being who we are.

Is it your wife that's giving you a hard time...or not giving you a "hard" time?

Is it your kids? Driving you insane when you drive them to school?

Is it that 10 foot pole up your rectum and is it because it's sideways?

Is it because Ny Markee Shee didn't quite work out in Prydwen?

Tell me or flame me but i'd like to know if you're just being a great old ass around a hole or are you just having problems in life?

You don't have to tell if you're thinking about turning gay or your wife left with another woman but if your real life issues are the only reason why you attack everyone in your preverbial sight then i have to tell you to please, fuck off your high're not perfect Mr. I luv my red twactor.

What've changed and this time change isn't good.

EDIT: Yeah i know i can send a privvy and Sicko can answer that way but i chose not to.


Originally posted by old.Tohtori

Is it that 10 foot pole up your rectum and is it because it's sideways?
OI! I've already used that insult today thankyou..
Find your own...:eek:


Re: Re: To Dear old Uncle Sick.

Originally posted by baphomet
OI! I've already used that insult today thankyou..
Find your own...:eek:

Is it because of that 2 foot alien who's using your bum bums as bongos to entertain the wee-people from mars?



Re: Re: Re: To Dear old Uncle Sick.

Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Is it because of that 2 foot alien who's using your bum bums as bongos to entertain the wee-people from mars?


Much, yes, thankyou...:D


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
What've changed and this time change isn't good.

I noticed this too. first on IRC (when you still visited) and then here too. part can be explained by the change in OT (which isn't only good either) but not all...

gifv old Sicko back, imo..


Re: Re: To Dear old Uncle Sick.

Originally posted by Belsameth
I noticed this too. first on IRC (when you still visited)

Are you trying to tell me something dear? :p


Re: Re: Re: To Dear old Uncle Sick.

Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Are you trying to tell me something dear? :p

yes seel come home


ah, criticising any personal problems he may or may not have is definitely the best way to get your 'old' sick back.

he's always been sarcastic, dry and harsh, so what? not like everyone's nice to you in real life. I especially liked the way he referred to your philosophical bullshit tohtori.


Re: Re: Re: Re: To Dear old Uncle Sick.

Originally posted by Addlcove
yes seel come home

No! I still got work to do! It's not finished i tell you!


"he's always been sarcastic, dry and harsh, so what? not like everyone's nice to you in real life. I especially liked the way he referred to your philosophical bullshit tohtori."

And the bullshit has been around for far longer then the OT, it's been around since i got here, it's been around since i was born. It's not about that. I'm talking about a clear change in Sicko. He was dry, harsh, sarcastic, blunt and outright nasty but he was still Sicko. Now he's different.


Re: Re: Re: To Dear old Uncle Sick.

Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Are you trying to tell me something dear? :p

No. My comment was directed at Sickie.

Nova: there's a difference between the harsh, sarcastic bastard he was, and the arrogant piece of moralizing crap that can only see his own way and denounces everything that isn't he became recently tho...


Re: Re: Re: Re: To Dear old Uncle Sick.

Originally posted by Belsameth

You don't have to say it like THAT...

..true don't have to say it like that...


Halo | NS

Uncle Sick rocks.

He always has, always will.

In my opinion he just stepped it up a little bit.

He's not here to be loved anyway...


Well it's probably to do with all the stupid teenage ignoramuses which have invaded OT.


Not to mention the stupid post-teenage ignoramuses who were already here.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Basically what Novamir and Halo said... I am not here to be loved and it was never my intention to be a carebear or nanny.

My wife? My kids? My guild? Trying to get personal?
I am truly happy with my life, successful in my job and slowly forming a guild I can be happy with - I like to keep my life and my precious spare time retard-free.

You are an awesome rper, Toto - and I would have liked to have you in the guild but *shrugs*. Addlcove is a self-proclaimed roleplayer but had to be beaten with a stick to rp... and wasn't really active anyway.. so not really a loss there.
Not that it matters.

But in-game has not a shit-thing to do with BW or the OT.
Nor has my real life.

Stop inundating the boards with pointless spam and one-liner IRC conversations... there are assholes aplenty doing that already.

I don't really care about your 3 page essays, Toto, I doubt anyone is really reading them anyway but since when do I have to ask "pretty please" to comment on them?

Or Addlcove... declares himself to be a "Forumite" and opens Pandora's box of ultra spammage...

gifv old Uncle Sick back? Give me a fucking reason.


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
gifv old Uncle Sick back? Give me a fucking reason.

never mind, you just removed any reason I might've had....
hope you'll enjoy your new role...

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Belsameth
never mind, you just removed any reason I might've had....
hope you'll enjoy your new role...

Because I didn't break down crying whilst yelling "I repent!"
What was my old roll by the way?

The Real Redi

Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
What was my old roll by the way?

Err, weren't you "Grand Chief Poobah of Huggles and Wuv" at some point? :fluffle:

Cheer up, dude, lets go slay something weak on Camlann :clap:

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by The Real Redi
Err, weren't you "Grand Chief Poobah of Huggles and Wuv" at some point? :fluffle:

Cheer up, dude, lets go slay something weak on Camlann :clap:

Hehehe... well, if my general attitude in every post I have written lately was "die motherfuckers", I would seriously consider rethinking my general attitude.

But other than commenting on the recent lameness of the OT, Addlcove's spam-a-thon, one liner madness (I had the same flamewar with Fafnir at some point in the past - he stopped spamming - I stopped biting - went back to supposed being the "old" Animul) etc., I haven't really changed my way of posting at all.

I am like that. On-line and on-real-life.
If you piss me off, I will tell you. That's the honest way.
Even if I like you otherwise.

Oh, yes - and it is always personal. ;)


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
gifv old Uncle Sick back? Give me a fucking reason.

I liked the old Uncle Sick, he was a cantankerous bastard with a red tractor and a sarcastic angle, but he was still Uncle like in a positive way, new Uncle is the kind of uncle that is all beardey and staring at weddings, and people take it in turns to try and make sure he doesn't drink too much wine, but you fail, and he starts going on about how fat the bride looks, and how she should never have married in white because its neither slimming nor appropriate, and then the bride starts crying and trying to throw up her slice of the wedding cake in a fit of bulimic guilt, and all the guests scatter and gather in herds at the edges of the room, afraid to roam alone in case they get singled out by beardey uncle.


Uncle Sick(tm)

*gives Damini a blank stares and takes another sip of wine*



Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
Because I didn't break down crying whilst yelling "I repent!"
What was my old roll by the way?

no, absolutely not. I just kindof hoped your ass wasn't actually glued to the saddle. it apears it is, which is a shame...

Edit: Just read Damini's post, and I think she gives an awesome view of both "new" and "old" Sicko...


hmm so me posting one-liners in a spamage kind-of-way was your main reason to "turn bad?" or was it the fact that I quite hibernia due to the lack of ONLINE guilmembers? while I was unemployed I spend a whole week online EVERYDAY from 14.00 to 20.00 and not ONE member came on.

tbh sickie I don´t see it holding through, and I don´t see any difference in my posts, except maybe I make some hints at an IRC chat now and again when posting, maybe you should be on IRC more? we are actually missing you and fonz.

I´ll agree on one thing though, too many pre- and post- teens (should cover it :)) in OT these days, but don´t blame that on me.

oh and my oneliners? ever considered that maybe I can make my point in one line? beside the fact that I actually think omst of my posts contains more than one line /not counting the last 20 to get 1400 posts :p


and beating with a stick to roleplay? what on earth do you base that on? the few times where there was actually people on I roleplayed as much as you guys.....

The Kingpin

Nothing rong with being a old crank now and then...


'Dis waeek I 'ave bin moustly terrorising Scootland

Uncle Sick(tm)

LOL-fucking-MAO at the "I was rping as much as you guys" it was ooc spam on /send - but hey - never mind. I really don't.

Why does it come down to the guild now all of a sudden?
It has nothing to do with anything - it has been small before you joined and it is still small and it will never be Servants of the Lake or Hibernian Dragon Slayers.... so what? Never claimed I wanted to be a major force yada-yada.
It's going since April 02... so - problems - *yawn*

You were also informed about that fact beforehand... right?
Oh... I am still recruiting but not in a rush, like you might have liked it. Making hints on IRC - yus... haha. You tell me how to run my guild, right?

I rather handpick dedicated players - you were surely not one of that kind. Rather whiny describes your performance pretty much.

"Woe is me, I spent a gazillion plat on weaponcrafting!"
What was your skill? 400ish? Platinum!?
I also remember asking you to craft me a weapon at one point, getting "Paying customers first" as a reply - whilst I had clearly stated that I would reimburse you.

Or "supporting your craft" - dropping 30 gold on you when passing you with one of my lowby alts, getting "if you drop cash on me, do it in 100's please" as "Thank you".

What the fuck - no wonder you got kicked from your other guild, whingebag.

Why did I bring it up? Because you did, smart ass.
I would rather have Krypt in my guild than you.

Getting tired of repeating myself - stop trying to excuse supposed rl or ingame "problems" with my 'change' of attitude towards some of you... *yawn*

Maybe reflect a little on yourselves before you post your wannabe flames.

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