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Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Exactly, it's real, blind capitalist greed, in its purest form. People like @Scouse who like to talk down to people regarding "saving teh world!!11!!" are balls deep in this shit, the whole E-bollocks thing, crypto, NFTs and so on, the whole thing in unnecessary and actually causes huge amounts of ecological damage, it has absolutely no benefit for anything important, one massive bubble. When that bubble bursts, which won't be long, the only ones to lose money will be the chumps at the bottom, everyone else made their money for nothing ages ago.

We all have to participate in a capitalist society, we have no real, immediate option but somehow, people have managed to get other people to give them money, for literally nothing. Not only that, but people are absolutely over the moon to do so. It's actually quite frightening how stupid people are.
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FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I wouldn't say i hate NFTs, i hate game publishers pushing things into games that give basically no benefit but has potentially big drawbacks, if the purpose is to sell skins or let content creators create/license unique content mechanisms already exists for that. If the idea is to provide a direct route for content creators to monetize their stuff to end users then having a middle man taking a cut seems like a pointless intrusion.

I dislike things being used purely for shit reasons, theres plenty of actual, sensible usages for blockchain tech but the focus is entirely on these wastes of space that only benefit to the already wealthy, that i dont like ;)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Also, @Gwadien are you talking about Soylent green? You should watch/read it. My reference was that it was based in 2022, it wasn't very specific but without spoilers, we might as well give it a go, fuck all else is working.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
So, you agree, the patsy at the end of the trail, that buys the NFT, owns fuck all...because they are not buying the actual thing.

Meanwhile, away from the Kool-aid, in the "old world" you can quite simply buy a thing, and own it and any rights that might be attached to it, marketing, promotion, actual value and so on.

You can buy my house if you like. You won't own it and I don't even have to let you in, but please buy my house...or even better, this random thing that looks a bit funny that I found in my drawer, not the actual thing though, that would be preposterous, you can have a token though and I will still keep and enjoy the thing in my drawer.

I think you're missing a few pieces of the picture here. Some chancer flogging a jpg isn't really the long-term game; its an audit trail for digital assets, ultimately any digital assets.

If you're glass is half full like @Scouse this means creators get paid, stars aligning, dogs and cats living together, hallelujah. For those of a more cynical persuasion, e.g. me, its just another way for fewer people to own all the things; after all, this is the ultimate copyright enforcement tool, so if you already have most of the things, you buy the rest and rent them back to the peons.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I get the whole audit trail thing. You don't need millions of graphics cards burning the same energy as developed nations to produce an audit trail.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I get the whole audit trail thing. You don't need millions of graphics cards burning the same energy as developed nations to produce an audit trail.
This is true. You don't. And if you knew anything about crypto you wouldn't still be levelling that accusation. (Especially as that accusation has been fully addressed (and ignored)). It can absolutely be a net environmental gain.

You're right - I am 'glass half full' about it all @DaGaffer, but also I totally see the point you made there. It's potentially the ultimate rentier economy. But I refuse to put cynicism front-and-centre of my nature.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
So, please be benefiting us with what use it has then? And perhaps more pertinent, what benefit does it have to humankind, except yet another means to create value out of thin air, or in this case, severe ecological damage.

The question gets asked often, never answered.

Please, for once, lay out what use it has?

I mean, NFTs are absolutely clearly a massive money generating scam, that's without question but crypto? I think we are in the same ballpark.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
So, please be benefiting us with what use it has then? And perhaps more pertinent, what benefit does it have to humankind, except yet another means to create value out of thin air, or in this case, severe ecological damage.
I mean Raven, you brought up the massive ecological damage argument, again. Does anything myself or @caLLous ever say ever land even for consideration? Or, to channel @Gwadien, is FH just a forum for shouting in a gammon-y fashion?

We've both answered all the questions raised, at length, multiple times before. So I'm inclned to say this - there's a reason why school doesn't spoon-feed you answers: it's because you don't learn if they're given to you. We've tried the spoon-feeding, so maybe you'll have to go find out for yourself why two seemingly reasonable forum members have a lot of positives to say about the tech (and why we both fully acknowledge the current (or potential) downsides).

You're a bit too primary colour angry about it to have really given it some open-minded thought tbh.

Not that it matters. It's absolutely here to stay. The only beneficiary of these conversations is you - I'm happy to try to understand the tech and its applications all on my lonesome. If you want to not see it be implemented around you and just wake up one day sat in the middle of it, then fair enough. My mum still doesn't get the internet, despite using it all the time.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Please do so again, maybe the mind is befuddled lol, so we are clear. Specific question. What use is crypto? Edit, as addendum, what does it improve that doesn't already exist and how does that stack up against the huge amount of energy required for its use. Thanks.

I'm not angry, by the way, mildly entertained, as is anyone watching a car crash in slow motion.

Edit, I mean, it's human nature to defend one's investment, but come on, this shit is hilarious, the scammers aren't even trying, they have plenty of "investors" to carry the scam.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Please do so again, maybe the mind is befuddled lol, so we are clear. Specific question. What use is crypto? Edit, as addendum, what does it improve that doesn't already exist and how does that stack up against the huge amount of energy required for its use. Thanks.

I'm not angry, by the way, mildly entertained, as is anyone watching a car crash in slow motion.

You can buy weed on the internet


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I imagine the same conversation happening a few thousand years ago, between people asking why they should give up some sheep for a few uneven stamped coins, rather than a few bushels of corn.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
That would work out fine, if the analogy was some chap turning up to camp with a photo of a bike and offering everyone a go for the small fee of a goat and 3 fertile females in exchange for a picture of a bike. BUT NOT ALLOWED TO RIDE THE BIKE!


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
That would work out fine, if the analogy was some chap turning up to camp with a photo of a bike and offering everyone a go for the small fee of a goat and 3 fertile females in exchange for a picture of a bike.

I think the concept of handing your goods over for coins rather than other resources is more of a step tbh.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
If Peter Theil supports it you can bet it’s not going to help the common people.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
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Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Ethereum's moving to proof of stake?

I mean, there's banging a drum and then there's banging a drum when you know a problem's been acknowledged and is being fixed.

Are you going to bang on about Ripple, Hedera or Cardano?
Just providing facts rather than hopes.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Ethereum's moving to proof of stake?

I mean, there's banging a drum and then there's banging a drum when you know a problem's been acknowledged and is being fixed.

Are you going to bang on about Ripple, Hedera or Cardano?

BP are pushing "green" tech too...

Let's face it, you're into saving the planet, so long as you have a portfolio (at any cost) middle class eco warrior!

Put up, or shut up.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Just providing facts rather than hopes.
I don't think a development timeline is a hope. You're an architect - you know how long these things take to develop, test and roll out. So "hope" is disingenuous.

Still waiting on what your issue is with Cardarno or Hedera btw...


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
I don't think a development timeline is a hope. You're an architect - you know how long these things take to develop, test and roll out. So "hope" is disingenuous.

Still waiting on what your issue is with Cardarno or Hedera btw...

If only Project Managers understood that. The amount of times I've had to say "My estimate contains contingency and assumes certain availability" is baffling. "You've said 8 months, lets say 10 months" - NO BECAUSE IT SHOULD ONLY TAKE 6 YOU RAT. Don't get me wrong, if you say 10 and we deliver in 5 we look really good but I don't like the expectation.

It's also funny when you say "2 days" and they go "So a week" - No. It doesn't take a week to do this. A retarded kangaroo could do it in 4 days.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
If only Project Managers understood that. The amount of times I've had to say "My estimate contains contingency and assumes certain availability" is baffling. "You've said 8 months, lets say 10 months" - NO BECAUSE IT SHOULD ONLY TAKE 6 YOU RAT. Don't get me wrong, if you say 10 and we deliver in 5 we look really good but I don't like the expectation.

It's also funny when you say "2 days" and they go "So a week" - No. It doesn't take a week to do this. A retarded kangaroo could do it in 4 days.

Isn't this standard practice in pretty much every industry though?

Apart from State projects which are always delayed and over budget...


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I don't think a development timeline is a hope. You're an architect - you know how long these things take to develop, test and roll out. So "hope" is disingenuous.

Still waiting on what your issue is with Cardarno or Hedera btw...
I've been hearing it's moving to proof-of-stake for ages but it ain't there yet. Maybe it will be powered by fusion reactors too?

In the meantime the CO2 is actually really being emitted now.

My issue with proof-of-stake currencies? Nothing as such except I have no use case for them and they still operate better as speculation vehicles, and a way for the haves to control more of the having, than an actual currency.

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