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Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I just had a whole angel delight to myself, all 600ml of it. Butterscotch, not as good as it used to be.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
That plasma cannon reminds me of the time I ate an entire box of liquorice allsorts, beans on toast, and a curry in the same day.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
what the fuck is it with woman and browser tabs? wife goes "My computer is laggy" so I goes to have a look... not even joking here, 103 browser tabs open across 2 different browsers.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
what the fuck is it with woman and browser tabs? wife goes "My computer is laggy" so I goes to have a look... not even joking here, 103 browser tabs open across 2 different browsers.

My dad does that on his phone. I think his record was once somewhere around 200.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
My dad does that on his phone. I think his record was once somewhere around 200.

My phone's browser has a smiley face where the tabs thing is. I gave up trying to organise that shit when they started grouping things together.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003

Loved them when I was a kid. Probably because of that advert, that doesn't actually advertise the steak, but makes everyone feel good about something everyone does love.

Wouldn't go anywhere near them now. Ultraprocessed crap. Don't be conned by the term "natural flavourings" - they're products of the petrochemical industry. For example, why crush up some expensive almonds when you could make a chemical that tastes the same as almonds from reacting oil and gas and just add that? Or extract a similar chemical from the pips of other fruit that would otherwise be thrown away. Just crush 'em on an industrial scale and put them through a few chemical washes and hey presto.

Add a bit of them and some salt to mask that it doesn't taste anything like steak. Mmmmm. Lovely.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
What show? :)

I had to look it up. It was called Harry & Cosh. Some teenaged thing. It was when I had a flat in west London and one of the producers lived across the road and they asked if they could do a day's shooting in the flat (it was ground floor with it's own front door and the producer could clearly see in from her house!). They wrecked the place (loads of gashes in walls and shit), but to be fair they then completely redecorated. Would have been 2002-2003 time?


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Anyone notice when the grill pan was pulled out it was spotless. The average grill pan has so much congealed grease you can stand a spoon upright in the muck.

For 5 points name the ad: "Tasty. Tasty. Very very tasty."


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006

Check this

Exec head in a trust is on £345k a year and there is one school in the Trust, I can't even begin to comprehend.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I read that guardian article this morning @Gwadien.

How's that trust performing?

Not saying he's definitely worth 345k, btw.

Hmmm. Maybe he is - considering it's a deprived area.
GCSE ResultsSchoolLAEngland
Grade 5 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 51% 29.98% 30.03%
Grade 4 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 75% 42% 43.07%
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Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I read that guardian article this morning @Gwadien.

How's that trust performing?

Not saying he's definitely worth 345k, btw.

Hmmm. Maybe he is - considering it's a deprived area.
GCSE ResultsSchoolLAEngland
Grade 5 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 51% 29.98% 30.03%
Grade 4 or above in English & Maths GCSEs 75% 42% 43.07%

I think that makes it worse.

These amazing schools in deprived areas are great for kids that live in deprived areas but still like structure deep down, it still abandons kids that aren't interested.

The school gets £1.1m of pupil premium funding, he takes a 30% of that money that's designed to enhance the experience of kids at school (money for trips etc) but a massive chunk of it is going in his pocket.

Do you think the success of a school is purely down to its academic attainment? The school I went to had shit academic results but was exceptionally good at keeping kids in a deprived area on the straight and narrow, and looking at society today I think that's a pretty damn important thing.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Do you think the success of a school is purely down to its academic attainment? The school I went to had shit academic results but was exceptionally good at keeping kids in a deprived area on the straight and narrow, and looking at society today I think that's a pretty damn important thing.
You don't get academic attainment like that without the vast majority of kids being engaged and focussed. You don't achieve unless you're mostly on the straight and narrow.

And given that your academic achievement is the door-opener that enables choices that, if used well, echoes down an entire lifetime then yes.

Yes I do think academic achievement is the primary measure of a school. Not the only measure, but by far the most important one.

It's a load of crap to suppose those 75% who've achieved over the norm for the country have done so in a school that isn't excelling across the board.

Some kids are always going to get left behind. That sucks and is largely down to their family situation. But if you focus exclusively on them then you're holding back the rest. And that's unfair.

So yeah - those results, in an inner city deprived school of 1800 pupils?

Worth what they pay him.

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