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I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Also, watch the thing before condemning. Otherwise you’re just judging the women and girls without a fair hearing. Which would be ironic-ish.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Not disagreeing and hopefully some will get to court. We can still read well sourced allegations about him in the meantime and make whatever judgement we want.

Not factual until proven in court.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I watched it. She makes allegations. Twenty years after the fact. All so emotive. But given we know how the brain and memory works - it takes a court of law to establish whether she's making it all up or not.

End of, tbpfh.
And hopefully it will but the fact she was a vulnerable 16 year old girl with eating disorders and mental problems is not an allegation. It’s a fact. We can happily judge him to be a shitty human being regardless of the criminal charges which will hopefully be coming. Would you not do that?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Pretty telling to me that he got out before the story broke and told his conspiracy-nutter followers on YouTube how co-incidental it wasn't that these allegations have arisen just now because of his anti-covid anti-mainstream conspiracy-laden-bullshit stance that he's developed over the last couple of years.

Also, the current age of consent law was passed in 1885. Perhaps it's worth parliament looking at it, to ensure it protects vulnerable people from much more experienced predators.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
As some lady on the internet said the other day, he’s been expecting this to come out since at least 2017 (me too) and has been cultivating the right audience, including all the usual cunts like Elon Musk.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Also, the current age of consent law was passed in 1885. Perhaps it's worth parliament looking at it, to ensure it protects vulnerable people from much more experienced predators.
You mean girls don't you. You don't mean boys. Nobody ever means boys. Not really.

And hopefully it will but the fact she was a vulnerable 16 year old girl with eating disorders and mental problems is not an allegation. It’s a fact.
And she got out of that taxi, despite the taxi driver begging her not to, and walked into his house of her own free will.

The thing about giving choices to people - and we have to give free choice to people at some point - is that they also have a responsibility to deal with the outcomes of those choices.

It wasn't until years later that this woman started to feel unhappy about the choices she made whilst she was young and dumb. And it may well have been all of the discussions we've been having that's prompted her to feel shame when previously she felt none.

Add that to the points about memory I made above, and that makes for very dodgy ground. And the need for courts for any potential criminal activity.

But gossip about moral wrongness? I'm sorry, it's not really on. Moral standards change with differing times and different humans have different standards of what they think is right or wrong - and because of the difficulty in making objective measures over human interaction we decide what is criminal activity, and legislate for that. In today's very censorious new-puritan social spheres where a loud minority get a very large voice that's no basis for judgement.

He's either done something criminal, and it's going through the courts, or he's done nothing criminal, and it's nobody else's business frankly.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Bought a fantastic little battery tester today on Amazon. Decided not to go for the one that required batteries.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
You mean girls don't you. You don't mean boys. Nobody ever means boys. Not really.

And she got out of that taxi, despite the taxi driver begging her not to, and walked into his house of her own free will.

The thing about giving choices to people - and we have to give free choice to people at some point - is that they also have a responsibility to deal with the outcomes of those choices.

It wasn't until years later that this woman started to feel unhappy about the choices she made whilst she was young and dumb. And it may well have been all of the discussions we've been having that's prompted her to feel shame when previously she felt none.

Add that to the points about memory I made above, and that makes for very dodgy ground. And the need for courts for any potential criminal activity.

But gossip about moral wrongness? I'm sorry, it's not really on. Moral standards change with differing times and different humans have different standards of what they think is right or wrong - and because of the difficulty in making objective measures over human interaction we decide what is criminal activity, and legislate for that. In today's very censorious new-puritan social spheres where a loud minority get a very large voice that's no basis for judgement.

He's either done something criminal, and it's going through the courts, or he's done nothing criminal, and it's nobody else's business frankly.
It absolutely is our business. It’s a ridiculous thing to assert that we can’t make a judgement on anyone’s behaviour unless it’s criminal and proven in a court of law. We all do it all the time. Imagine what life would be like if we didn’t. You are talking shit.

She was a vulnerable girl with mental problems. He was a much older sleaze in a position of power. If you can’t make a judgement on that you have no morals.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I've already said I don't like the cunt. Of course I make my own judgements. But there's a difference between disliking what someone does and a full blown witch hunt in the full public glare.

All sixteen year olds are vulnerable in some way (boys as well and as much as girls). But at some point we decide to cut certain strings and give them their own agency to decide. And with the right to do that there comes the responsibility to deal with how you feel about (completely consentual) things after the fact.

Getting to 35, maybe having kids of your own, doesn't give you any other ability than to realise what a dumb fuck you were and to chalk it up to experience.

You cannot retrospectively withdraw your consent.

To be very clear - I'm very sympathetic to your particular view @Wij my friend. Hugely so.

However, until women stop being attracted to famous millionaires like they were made out of crack cocaine then this sort of shit is going to happen. And it's not all on the "predatory evil" men to keep it in their pants. Maybe women might like to think twice about how they're going to feel about it in the future before enthusiastically taking it out of men's pants and gobbling it all up?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
That still makes no sense. She was vulnerable with mental problems. I don’t need to tell you that I’d be making a fucking moral judgement if some lanky cunt off the telly started taking advantage of my daughter when she is 16. She’s not in a position to make the best decision for her own well-being.

We can rightly judge him for being a cunt in a lot of what has been reported. Why be so quick to judge the females instead?


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Maybe we can stop the narrative that seems to be only applied to women, not men, that enthusiastic cock extraction and/or gobbling is something to potentially be ashamed of?

I know a fair few men who were taken advantage of by female teachers - even before the age of consent. Anecdotally, most of them seem to deal with it better in later life - maybe because there's a narrative of "well done" instead of "oh you poor defenceless thing" followed by "you need to do something about him"?


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
We can rightly judge him for being a cunt in a lot of what has been reported. Why be so quick to judge the females instead?
I'm not judging females. I'm stating a fact (unless you contest it) that we cut lines at 16 and judge kids to be in charge of their own destiny. And with that right, comes a level of responsibility.

Nothing more "controversial" than that.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I'm not judging females. I'm stating a fact (unless you contest it) that we cut lines at 16 and judge kids to be in charge of their own destiny. And with that right, comes a level of responsibility.

Nothing more "controversial" than that.
So you would never say of any man that he treats women like shit? (happy to reverse the sexes too but that's not the case here)


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
So you would never say of any man that he treats women like shit?
Where are you reading that?

Some men and some women treat each other like shit. I've seen both sides of that. Is that the topic under discussion?

He freely admits he's bedded thousands of women. Is that treating them like shit if that's what they wanted? Or is it only treating them like shit if they decide 20 years later that there was a "power imbalance"?

No shit. That's why loads of people want to be rich and famous - because it makes it much easier to get laid. And rich and powerful men (and women) do exactly that. If it's consentual then there's no problem.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Where are you reading that?

Some men and some women treat each other like shit. I've seen both sides of that. Is that the topic under discussion?

He freely admits he's bedded thousands of women. Is that treating them like shit if that's what they wanted? Or is it only treating them like shit if they decide 20 years later that there was a "power imbalance"?

No shit. That's why loads of people want to be rich and famous - because it makes it much easier to get laid. And rich and powerful men (and women) do exactly that. If it's consentual then there's no problem.
You keep trying to reduce it to ‘women changing their mind 20 years later’ when the bulk of the shit about him is not that at all. He treated them like dirt. E.g: The women who he had sacked the minute he’d bedded them so that he could get someone new in. That’s not about changing your mind after the fact. That’s just being a scumbag.



I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Thin-skinned as well from that article. Couldn’t take being the butt of jokes about what a scumbag he is.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
You keep trying to reduce it to ‘women changing their mind 20 years later’ when the bulk of the shit about him is not that at all. He treated them like dirt. E.g: The women who he had sacked the minute he’d bedded them so that he could get someone new in. That’s not about changing your mind after the fact. That’s just being a scumbag.

What do you want me to say? I've said this stuff a lot:
Some men and some women treat each other like shit. I've seen both sides of that. Is that the topic under discussion?
But the "bulk of the shit about him" is just that - shit. Rumour and gossip. Look at the deadline piece you posted:

Brand has not responded to Deadline’s request for comment. A representative for Ryan declined to comment. Fulwell 73 did not have a comment at the time of publication.

To remind you - the topic under discussion @Wij isn't whether he's a cunt. I've always thought he was and I've said that multiple times. It's about a perceived lack of due process in the current environment.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Oh, and on this (which I'll take at face value as I've never read it):
The women who he had sacked the minute he’d bedded them so that he could get someone new in. That’s not about changing your mind after the fact. That’s just being a scumbag.
Are these women surprised that when they chose to suck a rich and famous man's cock? If he's told them up front what he's after then that's just a famous millionaire acting like a famous millionaire. What did they expect?

What about Leo DiCraprio? He apparently ditches all his birds when they hit 26. Prefers them younger. And why not? That's just a man acting out on a base biological imperative because he's rich and famous enough to be able to. They all know he's like that up front. It's fucking hubris to take umbrage that your cock-sucking skills are going to afford you some special magical treatment from men who openly shout about the fact that they're very promiscuous and who freely admit what they're up to, loudly and in public. You got to suck Leo's or Brand's or Tiger Wood's or Bill Clinton's or <insert name of rich/powerful/famous guy here>'s cock?

That was your reward.

Yep. All these guys are cunts. But star-fuckers are cunts too IMO. But to give the women their due - given the number of complaints it seems that the vast majority of women who got into bed with Brand knew the score very well. That they chose to do so knowing that is up to them.

Edit: Backing out of this now anyway. My point was about this guy being tried in the media for what on the surface looks like no criminal action. The morality of sexual mores of men and women isn't a subject with which I have much interaction any more. I've been with the same partner for 20 years and the lack of me being famously rich means that I haven't got lines of women waiting for me. But what it does mean that it's much easier for me to know that my o/h is with me because of me, not because of my cash or fame.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
You are arguing at cross-purposes. He's not being tried in the media. That will hopefully happen in court for the allegations that were criminal. The rest is not being 'tried by media'. It is being exposed as a wanker. People can and will judge on that. That's life. Deal with it.

Also, backing out. My Mum is moving to a hospice so I don't have enough time for a traditional 10-pager-back-and-forth. Another time :)


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Anglers being some of the dumbest cunts:

Fix the rivers, the fish will be abundent. It's not birds making a dent, it's the shit we've been pouring into them at an increasing rate for 100 years, our farms washing slurry down and removing trees so rivers are either in full flood or empty, and the offshore fishing fleet devastating foodstocks.

How do you get to even be that ignorant?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Mill workers in Victorian Britain used to complain about the lunch they got, it was so common. They were fed salmon - from the Irwell. Which by 1950 was so polluted that nothing lived in it.

There's still hardly any salmon in there, because many of the weirs the Victorians constructed are still there. Doing nothing at all (apart from one in Bury).


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
There's written descriptions of the bubbling sea being so plentiful that you could walk on the backs of cod from the channel to newfoundland.

But we fixed that with trawler fishing.

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