There is a bit near work where the bike path does this huge dog leg, for absolutely no reason, everyone just skips it and rides over the grass.
Until retards at the council realise bikes aren't cars they should be banned from doing anything other than straight lanes![]()
Weak troll is weak.He isn't entirely wrong - after all, if we hadn't figured out how to harness the wind to make a boat move, Transatlantic crossings would have been a right ballache.
He's not wrong though, is he?
Consider statins for millions more people in England, NHS told
Cholesterol-lowering pills could help more people cut their risk of heart attacks and stroke, guidelines
Or, and this might sound mad, people can stop shovelling lard into the hole in their face?
A calorie isn't a calorie in terms of how it gets metabolised - behaviour is driven by biology and our bodies response to some "foods" that entered mass consumption in the 70s and 80s. Our governments know this and refuse to regulate as there's huge money in it.![]()
Consider statins for millions more people in England, NHS told
Cholesterol-lowering pills could help more people cut their risk of heart attacks and stroke, guidelines
Or, and this might sound mad, people can stop shovelling lard into the hole in their face?
This nails it:
It's a long watch but if you really want to understand what's going on with us (and why the NHS is dying) then this uni lecture does the trick.
My farts are always bad. Does that mean my heart is really healthy?Statins are used for other treatment besides reducing cholesterol.
In my case I've been put on statins for 12 months, not to reduce cholesterol (because both good and bad cholesterol are bang on normal levels) but to reduce the platelet count in my blood.
Now I just hope I won't bleed out after getting a paper cut.
Also statins give you terrible farts, so we can probably expect those environmental types to start complaining in a year or two.
I think the hamster's died, dude. You ought to get it changed.My farts are always bad. Does that mean my heart is really healthy?
Fructose & sucrose = alcohol (legal for kids). Sucrose is just glucose bonded to fructose - which gets unbonded within seconds of being in your body so Sucrose = Fructose. (Glucose is fine - gets used by all the cells in your body).It's almost as if sugar is the worst substance we can put in our body.
It's almost as if a low/no sugar diet (therefore lower carb.. Not quite Keto/The other non-strict version of keto) is the best diet there is. Nutrition needs to be a forced subject in school.
Over the past couple of years I've put on a stone a year, despite a lot of multi full-day exercise binges (walk up a mountain saturday, out on the bike all day sunday is pretty much our default).And exercise doesn't burn fat until you've burned through your glycogen (glucose) stores - which takes a full 10 hours on the bike (with no food) or 3 days of nothing but water.
FTFYCan complex subjects be reduced to twitter for the cheap seats to understand without having to engage or tax our tiny little minds?
On this:
Over the past couple of years I've put on a stone a year, despite a lot of multi full-day exercise binges (walk up a mountain saturday, out on the bike all day sunday is pretty much our default).
Our problem is alcohol, not fructose. We party too much most weekends with friends (don't drink in the week). We eat nothing but wholesome mainly home-cooked foods exclusively from the "actual food" bit above but add in ten or twenty pints of beer of a weekend then the calories straight to fat equation doesn't work.
I've just done a 48 hour water fast to help kick me into ketosis. Next time alcohol will pass my lips will be April most likely. Ultra low carbs (including cutting out the good ones from below-ground veggies) - means my body will be turning to my fat stores for energy. When it can't burn glucose, it burns fat by way of ketone bodies. Weight will drop off - and the good thing is I'll be naturally restricting calories because I won't be hungry at all. No craving.
In fact, the thing I'll need to do is focus on nutrition - making sure I'm getting enough good food to ensure I'm not in any silly nutrient deficit. But that's relatively easy - loads and loads of green veg (spinach, cale, cabbage, broccoli, pak choi), loads of bone broths (last night we had a veg-heavy egg-drop soup with the broth I made after killing our christmas goose), plenty of steak and salads etc.
Problem will be eating out and being sociable. You don't win friends with salad and lots of places you'd go with your mates serve up the poison we were talking about above. So it's hard. But the weight will fall off a cliff and life is just easier all round when you're the correct weight.