The new J.K. Rowling



I spell checked one of your stories once! :p
When you're rich and famous can I get some cash, an autograph/signed photo/signature,a mention in the papers ?;p


Originally posted by Damini
I'm a chronic daydreamer, which is where quite a lot of it comes from. Also, last thing at night when I'm just dropping off to sleep, so I have to keep a notepad and pen next to my bed. I keep umpteen notepads scattered around the house, where I write ideas or images that come into my head, and when enough accumilate I type them up in word. Lots of lots end up just half finished musings, but a couple I continue.

Hehe, exactly the same. The amount of unfinished work I have is notorious <ducks under another Kaitlyn slap> Top drawer that one though, and a worthy winner.

Congratulations! Definitely an achievement to be proud of.

Regarding Inspiration Omni, again daydreams play a huge part of it. Usually though anything might strike a chord and set my mind wandering. Loyalty for example is/will be based on two things. Its a semi-tribute to Shaeffer and the many friends I've made, but is also the result of me being criticised in a rp'ing way for not greyganking.

Personally I'm against it, both ic and ooc, and I was accused almost of being 'disloyal' to albion. I wanted to explore the theme of loyalty, and so built up a story including as many differing examples as I possibly could.

Most important thing I've found whenever I'm planning/plotting a story is 'why are you writing this. What do you want to achieve with it. Are you trying to capture a mood? explore a theme? describe an event/s?'

Then its just like building a jigsaw. Once you know what the picture is supposed to be, things get a lot easier :)

The Kingpin

Don't forget to send us a copy of you're book¬


Big gratz Damini!

For some odd reson i get most of my inspiration/ideas when im at the loo... or in the bathtub... and i write down like 1% of it at most :rolleyes:


Originally posted by lakih
Big gratz Damini!

For some odd reson i get most of my inspiration/ideas when im at the loo...

hope they're not crap ideas

or shitty ones

sorry, I'm taking the piss



I don't think those puns can possibly be nerfed more :p

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