The league's ability to function.



I personally like the bwtfcl. It has seemed to me superior to other leagues I have been in during my meagre m/p gaming experience, primarily due to the great work done by admins such as MMD and Virus. However, the juxtaposition of work such as this with certain referees unable to string sentences together compromises the abilty of the league to function. The impartiality of a referee must be questioned when rcon is used to turn off friendly fire in order for a team using demo offense to 'spam'. Allied to referees' inability to formulate rational coherent statements I begin to lose hope for a league that promised so much. All I can hope to do to remedy the situation is to offer my services as a match referee. I would hope to be fair, just and uphold truthfulness, but if there's birds on one team I'm going to have to be a bit biased. Oh well, no-one's perfect(especially not me).

I would like it to be known that all facts are either absolute truths or tautological linguistic fallacies, and consequently the above is lies.


The refs are indeed currently a problem....we r trying to sort them out atm.

If u want to be a ref tell me on icq and i'll add u :)


Agree to Gonzo's comments

also the matter regarding players who play 2, 3 or 4 clans in the same league is a joke.


You'll just add them? :D

Don't they get any training first? ;p


Some comments...

I think bwtfcl is a great organized league... but some clans in bwtfcl is a joke. Ok, its only good if all clans can join this league so there some difference between them... but I think you let some clans get in becouse they are a british clan only.

I havent any against brittish clans, really. But you can find far better organized clans from Germany, Holland, Belgium, Sweden etc that will show up on battles proper with full squad etc.

Plz, to next season if you add some more clans... search in all europe and let middle and south europan clans know there is a league they can join.



Gonzo, the situation is that we want more foreign clans but it is harder to get them ... we want it to be even more international but that is hard for english, we have to rely on swedish clans to tell other swedish clans to join...


I started this thread, and it's gone all sensible. Not good enough. Can someone plz flame/be surreal/dance in a sexy baby fashion below: (I'm looking in xs's direction)


I must say I agree with some of the comments above. Some UK clans are very disorganised and do let the side down abit (no names mentioned *cough* [COUGH] *cough* )

HOWEVER, the other UK Clans in this league more than make up for them IMHP,MNY,O. [SLH] for instance bring a picnic Hamper and Ginger Beer to every game for their opponents to share with them during the pre-match. [RA] always turn up with an extra player, who will either Merc for our opponent if they have less, or do a Gene Kelly type tap dance on that funny little podium bit on Crossover2 (indeed, if the match is after the 9pm watershed, it can get a little bit saucy up there, let me tell you!)

In conclusion, I have no conclusions so I think I'll run off to see if their really is a clan called [COUGH] before they set their lawyers on me. Dont beleive me? VIT know what I mean I'm sure.

Rebel Alliance

[This message has been edited by xs (edited 05 July 2000).]

[This message has been edited by xs (edited 05 July 2000).]


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>I havent any against brittish clans, really. But you can find far better organized clans from Germany, Holland, Belgium, Sweden etc that will show up on battles proper with full squad etc.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Load a crap....Sure theyres a lot of VERY badly organised clans in the UK...But thats true of any other country and the crappy uk clans are more than balanced out by the well organised ones......Id hate to see a a scenario next season in the BWTFCL where good up and coming UK clans are pushed out in place of "big name" Euro clans ala UKTFCL s3.
No offence Gonzo im all for playing more Euro clans...But i think your basing your opinion on a comparison between the better Euro clans and the worst UK clans.




OMG @ Legal suit

Tell him to f*ck himself and his (by now Im sure) sore hands.


"But i think your basing your opinion on a comparison between the better Euro clans and the worst UK clans."

No no no! I dont mean the best europan clans! I mean regular clans like the one im in, Maniac Riders. We arent any of thoose top clans in europe, long away from that. We win against the poor ones and lose (big) against the better ones. But we still have an organized team with members that are only members in MaR and no other clan (agree to Rounds comment). That showes up to battles, praccys etc. Members that cares about the clan. Almost all swedish and other europan clans is like our. Remember "almost all" and not "all".

I talked to [MoPs]Crab (no offend against you and your clan) and he said he will be glad if his member looks in their´s mailbox once a week! I am angry if my members doesnt write at least one post/member/day in our forum...

What Im saying is that there is some of the uk clans in this tournament who is really poor ones. Doesnt have folks to theirs battles etc even if the battle was fixtured weeks ago.
But there is really great clans i UK also. Im impressed of SLH and tP really. And clans like ESP etc is great too. So im not saying all ukclans sucks badly. Vice versa, but you cant deny that there is some poor clans that only are in this comp. becouse they are brittish.

Viruz, a tip.. a swedish team that maybe not kick asses but have a great clanfeeling is PLM (now known as SWE).


I don't think clans have been put into the league simply because they are British :( The reason why so many British clans are in is just down to word of mouth and quite simply they signed up before anyone else. There are good and bad clans throughout the world, you can't say that one particular country has more bad clans than another as there is no way to tell. Britain may have the most clans out of Europe so naturally amongst them there are going to be some right Turkies.

The first season of any league is always going to be a testing ground to see how the system works. I'm sure if some of the clans in it now don't play any matches then the admins will take steps to remove them and make space for others. It'll sort itself out I feel just give it time :)


I find myself agreeing with the MUFster - some good points in there. The UK does have most entries in the BWTFCL simply because it is a UK League, some of these may well be disorganised, some may well be treating it as a testing ground to supplement their other leagues. IMO, this league has the potential to become the best league in the UK. Next season perhaps a slightly more strict entry requirement, and booting some of the clans that dont live up to expectations and were sorted. [RA] have been yanked about a couple of times this season, and we know how frustrating it can be. Lets play out the season and let ViruZ and the team sort it for next time :)

/me sits back with his coffee and Choccie Hob Nobs and nods at the seriousnesness of that post.

Rebel Alliance


Spot on, word of mouth. We got an italian clan cos the news of the league appeared on BW site which some italian site copied so they found out.
But not many people look at these sites and they were the only one- i like most brit tfc players know no italian clans (other than this one now) etc, so how are they gonna find out?
The only way is through other clans. At the start we shagged all of XL hard up the ass so they would join, they told all other France clans and thanks to them cos we got about 10 whereas we would have got about the normal 1..if we were lucky.


Quote: "Im impressed of SLH and tP really"

my clan were shambles with organisation last time, luckily i wasn't and managed to get a large enuf squad to allow for multiple disorganised players
the new tp looks better, i cud have told u who is playing on saturday on tuesday, that's our first game
dtm are getting beats


well... it was quite easy to motivate French clans as it is quite hard to play on good French server (yeah yeah I know we are a bit behind Europe regarding internet). And maybe it is a bit different in other countries :)
But either you can have foreign clans advertising in their own countries or you can go to clanbase and talk to these foreign clans directly or post on each foreign forum :)
Anyway don't have a look at XL's ranking plz if you go to clanbase we only challenged top clans there... and it shows ;p

Al (errr Viruz... u still don't have paid the invoice for all the job done there I'm afraid... is it possible for you to make it quick now ? :p)

old.TGC Snow

I would have to say that i agree with the Euro clans on this one. They are, in general, far more active and organised.

However, they're missing the point. I'm sure a lot of UK clan members would LOVE to be online the whole time for their clan, and post 1 msg on their forum every day, blah blah blah. But it is a lot more expensive over here.

And if u consider how much more us British clannies spend on the net, you'd realise just how commited some of us are!

It is also true that there are more UK clans than any other country apart from the USA. And unlike the rest of Europe, all the shite players form clans as well :( ([RA] for example). This is largely down to UKTFCL who strongly encouraged lame, waste-of-time, 2-member, wanker clans to form, so that they could quote they're favourite statistic - "we are the biggest TFC league in the world".

Well, I've finished ranting now.


Errrr nope... sorry but it is not "a lot more expensive" in UK.
In France we do not have stuff like off peak calls free such as screaming or BT free or telewest (not sure at all on that last one)... erm sorry we just started to have a kind of "all for 149 FRF" approximatively £15 but only if you choose them as well for your telephone line although there are currently some problems about that... This stuff is totally new and is existing since 2 months roughly.
Before (beside ADSL and cable) people were paying 50 p an hour over night and WE and £1.6 during the day. And most of them still do.
UK was the first country in Europe to offer free access to the internet (including telephone charges)... at least this is what was said on French newspapers when talking about maybe it was a mistake and some other countries started it before you ;p
I don't think being online is the only probs for people being comitted or not to their clan... it would be too simple if it was just that IMHO.
The other thing is that the Euro clan you are seeing in this league are euro clan that were able to go outside their own country to see what was going on over there... I mean these clans must be at least a bit active / organized so as to get such an info (or knowing people such as Evo that informed you about a UK league thx again btw :)).
So maybe there are no need to compare 2 things that are not on the same basis.

Al (arf... sorry for my english I shouldn't write long posts as I come to repeat myself a bit ;p and finally it all look as a mess... if you don't understand something... let me know :)

old.TGC Snow

do u really think any serious clans can use or BT Free? I pay 10.99 a month for free ONLY AT WEEKENDS. And that is a MODEM remember.

The prices in the UK for ISDN, etc. are =huge= compared with the rest of europe. We might be the first to offer free phone calls, but in places like NL and Scandinavia they've had cable for ages - and that's a permanent connection.

It is true that France is also quite far behind the rest of europe, so i guess you're in a similar situation to UK clans, but wrt Scandinavia and Benelux, they really have it sw33+. That's what i was trying to say.


I use for almost all our matches as does one of our other players :) In some cases its even better than the local dial-ups to servers - lol.

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