The average smoking daoc player



Originally posted by Ardrias_Mid
Smokers smell. Rather go shag a homeless guy than a smoker tbh :|

Yeah and i just looooove the smell of all the crap people put in their hair these days. Smokers might smell of..well..smoke, but atleast smokers don't smell like we've been dragged through a chemical factory in the nude.


Originally posted by Ardrias_Mid
Smokers smell. Rather go shag a homeless guy than a smoker tbh :|

you actually ever shag anybody? :p

The Real Redi

Look, basically, outspoken anti-smokers achieve nothing but convincing smokers that anti-smokers are over opinionated, and should find something better to spend their time worrying about...

You ever see smokers going round, bleating about the fact that they deserve a place to smoke, without having to put up with anti-smokers, like some screwey club, do you? No, so just cos you don't smoke, it doesn't make you special or anything, it just means your lungs don't constitute half your body weight with tar... good for you!

Many of my friends don't smoke & i take offence at the fact you say cos i smoke, by default, i smell -

one mo

- right, just went and asked my flatmate (non-smoker) and she says i smell of Farenheight (which is apparently "mmmmmmmmmm!" :great: ) which i don't see as a bad thing, so there you go, i don't stink...



Originally posted by The Real Redi
Look, basically, outspoken anti-smokers achieve nothing but convincing smokers that anti-smokers are over opinionated, and should find something better to spend their time worrying about...

thank you, I fully agree. :)


I might have a stipulation in my will that if I die of lung cancer then my next of kin can sue cigarette manufacturers as I'm a non-smoker and was killed by them selling cigarettes :p


I'm actually a nice smoker.
I'm pretty handsome too. Get it? Pretty? Handsome? Two in one?!


The Real Redi

Originally posted by Jonaldo
I might have a stipulation in my will that if I die of lung cancer then my next of kin can sue cigarette manufacturers as I'm a non-smoker and was killed by them selling cigarettes :p

good luck to you, even as a smoker, i'm still allowed to be anti-capitalist - i'd love to see one of the big president-stroking-death-mongerers taken down in court, but the likely hood of that happening is slim, as they have their thumbs in lots of senators i would imagine (more likely, vice versa) :rolleyes:

If i was allowed, i'd grow my own "tobaccy" and smoke rollups - sadly, commercial brands, like Golden Virginia & Drum, make me feel like i've swallowed a burning matress - that ain't fun at all...

The only thing i hate about smoking is the fact that every penny i spend on em goes to those fat-cat wankers...


You have such a way with words Belsameth.
So cruel, yet so... well they're just cruel actually :(


Originally posted by Cloudd_RTD
I'm actually a nice smoker.
I'm pretty handsome too. Get it? Pretty? Handsome? Two in one?!



smokers who believe it is their devine right to smoke wherever the like, regardless of other people's health are either
a) downright fucking morons
or b) arrogant fucking morons.

if people want to smoke, fair enough, that's their choice. however, they should not be allowed to do it in public places because it affects everyone else around them. it is my right and my decision not to smoke, i don't see why someone elses filthy, disgusting, selfish habbit should lower my life-expectancy.

i hate smoking with a passion, it really is fucking foul and pointless - it does not make you look cool, it does not do anything but harm you.


So your saying we are patriots then, since we do what we feel the need to do? I like that.

- Cloudd


Originally posted by mirieth
smokers who believe it is their devine right to smoke wherever the like, regardless of other people's health are either
a) downright fucking morons
or b) arrogant fucking morons.

if people want to smoke, fair enough, that's their choice. however, they should not be allowed to do it in public places because it affects everyone else around them. it is my right and my decision not to smoke, i don't see why someone elses filthy, disgusting, selfish habbit should lower my life-expectancy.

i hate smoking with a passion, it really is fucking foul and pointless - it does not make you look cool, it does not do anything but harm you.

Could you please eat into another direction....some are trying to smoke here.

The Real Redi

Originally posted by mirieth
smokers who believe it is their devine right to smoke wherever the like, regardless of other people's health are either
a) downright fucking morons
or b) arrogant fucking morons.

Miri, i don't tell anyone where to do anything, i just hope that like 90% of smokers, they have the decency to not force what they do on others - smokings a lot like religion in my opinion - i don't care who you worship, as long as you don't try to force it down my neck. Same for smoking, i'm not going to hunt down non-smokers, just to smoke at them :lol:

if people want to smoke, fair enough, that's their choice. however, they should not be allowed to do it in public places because it affects everyone else around them.

Public? define please - anyone trying to get smoking banned out-doors is f'in broken, imo. It's outdoors, ffs!! the smoke dissipates in less time than it takes the anti-smoker to cough and moan at me...

it is my right and my decision not to smoke, i don't see why someone elses filthy, disgusting, selfish habbit should lower my life-expectancy...

yup. totally agree, but i don't see why someone else's beliefs should affect the way i live my life, and i don't see why you're so concerned about us smokers, dude! Let us choke if you hate us that much :clap: really is fucking foul and pointless - it does not make you look cool

does if you wear shades :great: Heh!

Cap'n Sissyfoo

I don't really care about smokers really. They are just addicts trying to get along like the rest of us. They need their nicotine, I need my caffeine. If they don't get theirs then they get grumpy. If I don't get mine I go frickin' mental!

If they wanna suck poison gas clouds into their lungs then let them.

Smoking does make you look cool!

...s'long as you don't cough and splutter whilst you do it. Then you look like a mong. :p


Ardrias turn around and take a look at thos James Dean posters you got all over your walls.


Originally posted by Ardrias_Mid
Exactly what about it looks cool?

The cigarette?

Duh...dumbell :p


This proves it.



Well take a load of this.



Smoking actually does make you look stupid and not cool.

S'like you see someone smoking and you go "haha! look at that person who's teeth and fingers are turning yellow and their breath, hair, clothes and furniture all smell of stale smoke while their lungs fill with some immovable black gunk that will eventually up and kill them". Not cool, just stupid.

As for smoking being like religion, I don't believe in god and don't really like religion much as it seems to be the root cause of many wars and things. However if a Catholic prayed in the same room as me I wouldn't mind as long as they didn't try to convert me to their faith as I wouldn't be affected by it at all. Unlike smoking where I would inhale their smoke, and also start to smell like they do which is the worst part :(

I don't preach to people to stop smoking ever, I just point out how ridiculous it is, most of my friends who I go out with smoke. One of whom is fantastic at football and I'm always annoying him by pointing out that he could've been playing professionally at some level if he hadn't started smoking so young. He always looks a bit sad and agrees with me when I tell him that and also says he'll quit every year but doesn't. 24 years old and can't tell his parents he smokes as his dad had a heart attack in his 40's and has lost 2 grandparents to cancer.

I don't care if you smoke or not and I won't preach anything to you, just don't force me to smoke your cigarettes when I don't want to.


ever kissed a smoker?

ICK :puke:

{edit} spastic spelling error


however if shes a really hot smoker then its not so bad


To Jonaldo:

Teeth and fingers turn yellow? Ever heard of washing your hands and teeth? Clears that out.

Breath?Tic tacs are also invented. People have oful breath even if they don't smoke. You don't go around kicking them.

Hair, clothes. Well, i don't blow my smoke in my hair and it's quite the specialist who smokes so that he lives in the cloud. You blow out, not on yourself. Furniture? I smoke outside.

Lungs? Been smoking for 9-10 years now. My lungs are a 100% clean and healthy.

Cool? Don't know. It gives character and to some it fits.

About smoking being a religion..heck if i know... i smoke, it's a habit, that's it.

You don't preach but remind a friend he's ruined his life "possibly" because of smoking? That's nice.

If you don't want to inhale smoke, stay a fuc*ing 5 feet away from me :D

"Feel free to say no"

Feel free to fu*k off i say.

Oh and while at it, if you don't like smoking in bars...don't go there. Go to a veggiehouse.

EDIT: All that wasn't directly at Jonaldo. Still.


"excuse me sir would you mind putting that out"


"ow honey he flicked it right in my eye"

"no im not gonna yell you suck at him"

to quote the master


"Excuse me sir, do you mind..."

"No not at all, here..have one for the road too."

"Excuse me sir, do you mind..."

"Not at all! Your eating doesn't disturb my smoking at all."


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
To Jonaldo:

Teeth and fingers turn yellow? Ever heard of washing your hands and teeth? Clears that out.

Breath?Tic tacs are also invented. People have oful breath even if they don't smoke. You don't go around kicking them.

Hair, clothes. Well, i don't blow my smoke in my hair and it's quite the specialist who smokes so that he lives in the cloud. You blow out, not on yourself. Furniture? I smoke outside.

Lungs? Been smoking for 9-10 years now. My lungs are a 100% clean and healthy.

Cool? Don't know. It gives character and to some it fits.

About smoking being a religion..heck if i know... i smoke, it's a habit, that's it.

You don't preach but remind a friend he's ruined his life "possibly" because of smoking? That's nice.

If you don't want to inhale smoke, stay a fuc*ing 5 feet away from me :D

"Feel free to say no"

Feel free to fu*k off i say.

Oh and while at it, if you don't like smoking in bars...don't go there. Go to a veggiehouse.

hehe made less sense than your usual inane babble, you're talking crap here Toto ol buddy.


Originally posted by Jonaldo
hehe made less sense than your usual inane babble, you're talking crap here Toto ol buddy.

Oh an EXCELLENT counterpost. I made valid counters towards your slack at smoking. Can't think of anything to say? Then don't try to lean on the fact that i write strange stuff. Pathetic attempt to mine my reply by saying "you odd person!"

And don't go telling i'm full of crap and try to hide it with "hehe" 's and "old buddy" 's.


Hell yeah! and whilst we're at it lets ban alcohol!

and petrol cars!

and war!


to be honest, the replies of all the smokers here all saying "it's our choice" or "it doesn't affect you" just proves the sad fucking addicts you are. you do affect other people, like it or not, and it's not fucking fair. i've seen my grandad smoke his entire life and has never suffered seriously due to it, my sister's husband died last month of cancer of the lungs and he was a body-builder who never smoked and never touched drunk or drugs. now i know 'life isn't fair' but that really fucking gets to me.

i hope all you smokers choke on your cigarettes, the world's a better place without you, selfish fuckers.

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