Teh Seel Strikes against the unsuspecting! IRC-Prank(rather long but worth it)



Session Start: Wed Jun 11 14:36:46 2003
* Logging Sir_Glenn to 'logs\sir_glenn.log'
<Seel> I might be able to help you with that.
<Sir_Glenn> really?
<Seel> Yes. But i need to know something.
<Sir_Glenn> sweet
<Sir_Glenn> whats that?
<Seel> Well as you know there are a lot of hoaxes out there.
<Sir_Glenn> oh, you mean people faking things like this?
<Seel> Yes. And people who do the most horrific things to use other people.
<Seel> So hope you don't mind me asking a few things?
<Sir_Glenn> go right ahead
<Seel> HAve you ever been to a channel #THX?
<Sir_Glenn> nope
<Sir_Glenn> never heard of it
<Seel> Allright. Are you familiar with a nick <Rendak>?
<Sir_Glenn> no
<Seel> HAve you recently purchased anything from Ebay and what was it?
<Sir_Glenn> no way. i don't trust ebay, lol
<Seel> Good, good.
<Seel> HAve you ever used a bot to any other means then on your own channel?
<Sir_Glenn> not a clue even how to use one
<Seel> Allright. Looks good so far.
<Seel> Do you have any icecream?
<Sir_Glenn> lol
<Sir_Glenn> no
<Sir_Glenn> i could run to the store and get some, though
<Seel> Some of these are silly i know, but it's a proven method.
<Seel> heh, no need.
<Seel> Have you ever thought of acting as a woman on the irc to do a prank on people?
<Sir_Glenn> god no
<Seel> Are you a religious person?
<Sir_Glenn> not as deeply as some people are, no. but i believe nonetheless
<Seel> Right. Ok, let me just check a few things and we'll be on our way to solving your problem.
<Sir_Glenn> alrighty
<Seel> Hmm...
<Sir_Glenn> whats wrong?
<Seel> That last date of yours didn't go too well. I'll have to check if it's a problem.
<Seel> Just a sec.
<Sir_Glenn> last date?
<Sir_Glenn> you mean the guy that banned me?
<Seel> Ok, it's not a problem. No i meant a RL date. But don't worry about that.
<Seel> So, what was the problem.
<Sir_Glenn> before i start, i must warn i type slow sometimes
<Seel> Noted. This might lead to some hickups in the help deparment but nothing too serious. I'll just check your banking account on the meanwhile.
<Sir_Glenn> anyway, i was in that channel mentioned before, and this one person started to say the same line he/she said to someone 4 times before...
<Seel> Right.
<Sir_Glenn> i said something along the lines of "oh no, its that annoying 'hmmm, <insert target name>?' message again"
<Sir_Glenn> this usere named <Blurred> said "well you seem to be more annoying than that message"
<Seel> Ok.
<Sir_Glenn> i was offended by this statement that came out of nowhere, so i said "bite me, jack***"
<Sir_Glenn> he said "wrong answer" and just banned me
<Sir_Glenn> the only rules in that channel were "whine = ban"
<Seel> Right. Hmm. And this channel was #GrungMasters?
<Sir_Glenn> no no
<Sir_Glenn> just a sec
<Sir_Glenn> <channel blurred by Teh Seel>
<Sir_Glenn> that one
<Seel> Ah. Ok, so there are a few ways we can handle this.
<Sir_Glenn> ok
<Seel> First i can troijan <Blurred> and basicly cause his computer to crash, this is probably the cheapest way around the problem.
<Sir_Glenn> ouch
<Sir_Glenn> i know talking to him is one of the ways, but that wont work....he has ignored every single possible way i had of contacting him
<Seel> Then i can send you the personal info and you can access it easily to clear yourself to the channel and even make yourself look like <Blurred> and control the channel yourself, preventing all future banning.
<Seel> Talking to these people only hurts the cause.
<Sir_Glenn> i noticed
<Seel> So you want me to take this measure? It's the most effective way but i have to warn you, it's not considered "legal".
<Sir_Glenn> is there a way of getting caught? if not, i have no problem at all with it. the only thing is i don't want to stay on there as his name to controll the channel
<Seel> There's no way he can trace this, i've been doing this for years and he will only think he's computer froze for a moment. I can clear your record, basicly unban you and leave his computer unharmed. I'll keep the info ofcourse incase you need to be unbanned again.
<Sir_Glenn> sorry if i seem paranoid. im not a hacker, and im kinda affraid of most who are
<Seel> Common thing but not all of us are evil people, some just help the ones being kicked in the head *heh*
<Sir_Glenn> indeed
<Sir_Glenn> good hackers kick ass
<Sir_Glenn> i wish i knew how to do HALF the things you guys can
<Sir_Glenn> anyway, yeah. that would be great if you could get me back in there
<Seel> So you sure you want me to do this? After you say yes i can't really stop the process. I have to doublecheck.
<Sir_Glenn> is this risky to me? is that why you're doublechecking?
<Seel> I don't want you to go into this halfheaded. I can't get caught and you're in no way contacted to me but i don't do willynilly attacks.
<Sir_Glenn> lol
<Sir_Glenn> so i have a part i have to do in this, too, huh?
<Seel> Not really. If you used this nick/handle then i can do the rest. You just have to say you want me to do it.
<Sir_Glenn> yes
<Seel> I'll ask one more time, you want me to go through with what we talked about?
<Sir_Glenn> yes
<Seel> By the segment 3-20 of the internet security protocoll you have just ordered a personal strike against another persons computer/private property. We have your IP address registered and the local law enforcement have been notified.
<Sir_Glenn> what the heck?
<Sir_Glenn> i only wanted to get into a chat channe
<Sir_Glenn> channel
<Sir_Glenn> you didn't say you were going to do harm to him dammit!
<Sir_Glenn> you only said you were going to get me unbanned
<Seel> Sorry mate. i warned you it's illegal and you wanted me to go through with it. This will lead, in worst case, to a fine and the loose of your personal computer.
<Sir_Glenn> man
<Sir_Glenn> please don't do this
<Sir_Glenn> im just a kid
<Sir_Glenn> i only wanted to talk to my friends
<Seel> Under 15 years of age you will be treated as a minor and will probably get away with just the small fine and the loose of computer privilige to the age of 18.
<Sir_Glenn> what the heck man
<Sir_Glenn> you're going to ruin my life over me wanting to get into a chat room?
<Sir_Glenn> i am 18 and i have no way of paying such a fine
<Sir_Glenn> im just an average, lame college student
<Seel> We are setting an example to people on the internet. Not only do the hackers do the crime, it is also the people who ask for the hacks. People over 18 will be treated in a normal court of law.
<Sir_Glenn> i have nothing to do with my time but talk to my friends
<Sir_Glenn> dude
<Sir_Glenn> i didn't want an actual attack on someone!
<Sir_Glenn> i only wanted in a chat room
<Sir_Glenn> this is way harsh
<Seel> I asked if you wished for me to proceed with the hacking of his computer and you answered yes, several times.
<Sir_Glenn> please man, you're scaring the hell out of me now
<Sir_Glenn> i didn't want you to attack him
<Sir_Glenn> i only wanted in the channel
<Sir_Glenn> thats ALL i wanted
<Sir_Glenn> you said you could do that without harm
<Sir_Glenn> thats called LYING
<Sir_Glenn> man
<Sir_Glenn> please don't do this to me
<Seel> This discussion has been logged and will be used in the court of law as evidence. This case has been transferred to your local law enforcement.
<Sir_Glenn> i only wanted in a chat room
<Sir_Glenn> god man
<Sir_Glenn> please
<Seel> And i think i just got you... *grin*
<Sir_Glenn> i just wanted to talk to my friends
<Sir_Glenn> huh?
<Seel> Relax..breathe...you've been a victim of a little prank.
<Sir_Glenn> oh my god
<Sir_Glenn> seriously, you scared the hell out of me
Session Close: Wed Jun 11 15:09:02 2003

old.Gombur Glodson

If you hadn't told he was the victim of a joke, it would have been soo evil :p


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
If you hadn't told he was the victim of a joke, it would have been soo evil :p

The guy was having a panic attack, i might be mean but i don't want to cause a heartattack :p

Maybe next time i'll take it on a bit longer, maybe wait so they hear a police siren outside :D


Imperonating a police officer is a crime and as a result I've notified the authorities and they will more than likely be paying a visit to your house....

Hmmm...I really need to get some original material don't I.... :>


Pfft, you should've asked for a fee from the service... Noob.


I can't believe that guy bought your story, but very nicely done.

What's next? The seel pretending to be the IRC vice squad?


EDIT: had to pick the right picture for this


OMG that smilie is so rude! What do you type to get it? ;)


of course if he knew anything about law he would know that this is called entrapment and is ilegal (what teh seel was doing).


Originally posted by moo_work
of course if he knew anything about law he would know that this is called entrapment and is ilegal (what teh seel was doing).

if teh seel was actually part of a law enforcement agency :p. Besides i dont think I have heard of the internet security protocoll :). Hacking is illegal, because you go looking through someone belongings and maybe even damage them. So invasion of privacy and vandalism. Atleast I think so

Anyway this is far to serious for this thread :).

[edit] made it 2 different tongue smileys :D HA [/edit]


You have jsut broken article 7.14a of the Internet Code designating "not more than one repetition of a sticky-outy tongue smily may be used in a post"
Please format your hard drive now.



thtas class seel. I aer definitely a fan :D

gifv him a custom title....Teh Peoples Evil Bastard :D


That's got to be one of the best things I've seen in a while :D But it was very evil :p






But damn i give him the award for being a funny but evil git :p

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